Wi-Fi Trades Forum Shark's Clone, Pokerus, and more! Pikachu Coloured Pichu and MOVIE ARCEUS!

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RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

karimsoliman94 said:
y u skip me

u looking for anythin specific for the shiny cresslia and Shiny Raikou lv40 (Timid, UT)

Sorry about that. Look at my wants. That's what they're there for.
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

i can give you almia darkrai lvl 50, rioulu (with aura sphere ) lvl 30

the three dogs lvl 100
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

karimsoliman94 said:
I can give you almia darkrai lvl 50, rioulu (with aura sphere ) lvl 30

the three dogs lvl 100

Sorry, I've got Alamos Darkrai. If you have a couple more things to go with the rioulu, that'd be great, though. Also, I don't have Raikou lv100. Is it listed? It's level 40 (the shiny one).
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

jerichob10 said:
I want your shiny shuckle

What have you got to offer? We can trade later, I'm having dinner.
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

i have a lot to offer go to my thread and check out the pokemon i want and have

go and check out my new thread
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

do you want any lvl 100 legends post which you need because i have all of them legit
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

karimsoliman94 said:
do you want any lvl 100 legends post which you need because I have all of them legit

Hmm... how about Manaphy? Can't trade now, though. I've got a friend over.
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

Electimortar said:
:O Would you like anything for Shiny Shuckle?

Shiny Dustox, please! Not now, though, I have a friend over.
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

srry i released that one by mistake when checking its stats

got anything else you want

i can give you the rioulu and a low lvled manaphy or lvl 60 phione
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

karimsoliman94 said:
srry I released that one by mistake when checking its stats

got anything else you want

I can give you the rioulu and a low lvled manaphy or lvl 60 phione

Manaphy and riolu, then.
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

whats going on fourm shark?
i would like you to clone some (like 6) pokes for me... lol what does that cost me?
and i am also interested in your pikachu colored pichu.
maybe you can keep a copy or two of the things you clone for the pikachu colored pichu...
RE: Forum Shark's Cloning, Pokerus, and MORE!

safariblade said:
whats going on fourm shark?
I would like you to clone some (like 6) pokes for me... lol what does that cost me?
and I am also interested in your pikachu colored pichu.
maybe you can keep a copy or two of the things you clone for the pikachu colored pichu...

Well, the only cost for cloning is that I get to keep a copy of the Pokemon I'm cloning. Wow, 6?! That's a lot. Do you want me to do it now? If so, then you could trade them to me now, and I would have to give them to you another day (tomorrow or later). I'll take a look at your thread for something for the PCP. Also, what did you want for the shiny gyrados again? I forgot.

EDIT: I'll take your UT Azelf for the Pikachu coloured Pichu.
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