I've read and seen on youtube that scientists are able to control the emotions of people using electronic implants. Say for example, that when you move your arm, leg, blink your eyes, etc., there first has to be a "thought". However short and un-noticable, you still have to think in order to work your extremities. Now let's say that it is discovered how to control those types of thoughts, so that a technician can make you feel as if you are voluntarily moving your arms, legs, and hands. That is, instead of your body having a mind of its own, it feels as if you are doing it yourself. The death of freewill.
Say that all thoughts, emotions, and actions are voluntary, that is, when a person thinks or does something (involving a choice or decision), it is because they chose it. So when a mentally ill person puts coffee grounds between two slices of bread, thinking it's peanut butter and angrily denies what everyone else says it is, was it their "choice"? Or was it a malfunction due to the illness? If it is the latter though, a cause of the illness, what does it make that action? The person was no doubt thinking, but it means they had absolutely no ability to question, or even be aware of their decision. The death of free will.
And that is a true story.