Free-will vs Destiny

Free-will or Destiny

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Some stuff happens for a reason, some stuff happens because you made it that way, and other stuff happens because of your peers. Either way, you need to learn to deal with it. There can't be a chosen one of the two because both work into each other to create a balance.
the faith that one carry's can create the idea of destiny as a thing of inevitability, eventuality or truth, in the end it is faith a belief, however willpower is something we all possess but some are more willing to follow then lead or the other way around. in the end it's just a thought. either side can prove, destiny is a belief, willpower is the choice's we make on a daily basis just like continuing the conversation on this forum is a choice made by one's willpower, but to say that this convo was already preordained by destiny could be someone's belief and there choice to follow that belief, so you could even say that it is someone's choice to believe in destiny which is made up originally of willpower so you can even go so far as to say that if you believe in destiny you believe in willpower because if it wasn't for your willpower what would you chose and what would you believe in. cya

P.S. weather it is fate, destiny, or something of a lesser belief like willpower, everything is inevitable, why? because no matter what happens something, that being the inevitable, must come to pass at some point in time, just like this conversation.

P.S.S I majored in philosophy in university (UofC to be precise) I used to do paper's on similar thing's like this, except it was on belief, my first run at it was less then attractive to say the least (^.^").
It is a variable with cultures. A large division of this is depend on whether culture is individual or collective. Do people care for themselves or each other? Individualist cultures may believe in free will, while collective community cultures may believe in destiny or fate. I am a person of both.

Providentially hating of the disc,
Destiny is something we use when something doesn't go our way or when something seems to be to good to be true. It may be impossible to tell. Especially with Quantum Mechanics and particles popping in and out of existence. Or DNA influencing chose, ro maybe your environment.
freewill and destiny, choice vs belief

freewill = what choice's we make on a grand scale or daily scale, what we choose to believe and do, like if you were to choose that you didn't want to eat cereal one day, or if you wanted to call in sick to go to a pre-release, thats a choice we make that is made up of freewill.

destiny = a belief, we believe that we have a destiny or we think that we do, so we "choose to believe" in it, a thought created from wanting to believe in it's existence from all that happens around you, so you believe in destiny as a choice.

weather it's science or not it's choice vs belief. cya
I've read and seen on youtube that scientists are able to control the emotions of people using electronic implants. Say for example, that when you move your arm, leg, blink your eyes, etc., there first has to be a "thought". However short and un-noticable, you still have to think in order to work your extremities. Now let's say that it is discovered how to control those types of thoughts, so that a technician can make you feel as if you are voluntarily moving your arms, legs, and hands. That is, instead of your body having a mind of its own, it feels as if you are doing it yourself. The death of freewill.

Say that all thoughts, emotions, and actions are voluntary, that is, when a person thinks or does something (involving a choice or decision), it is because they chose it. So when a mentally ill person puts coffee grounds between two slices of bread, thinking it's peanut butter and angrily denies what everyone else says it is, was it their "choice"? Or was it a malfunction due to the illness? If it is the latter though, a cause of the illness, what does it make that action? The person was no doubt thinking, but it means they had absolutely no ability to question, or even be aware of their decision. The death of free will.

And that is a true story.
Something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing; lot or fortune.

Everything is going to happen, so it's all destiny, untill it happens, then it's past.

If we buy a tomato from our neighbur, it's our free will, but doen't the moment just 0.0000000000000000000000001 part of a second before the moment we bought it, make it destiny that we will buy it?

Another example:
We are speeding with 100km/h over the highway, we are not able to stand still within 1 second, so it is our destiny not to stand still, yet
And it is our free will that we make it to our destination, it's our free will to tank gas on our way.

Free will makes destiny, and maybe it is destiny that our free wills make this destiny.
It's either one or the other. It would be too easy to just say both anyway :p

I believe in free-will because, everyday, you make your own decisions and no one makes them for you. You choose if you want to wake up in the morning or if you want to wear this shirt or that. In the end, you will die,yes. But, say you smoke. That is free-will and because of that you die earlier than when you would have otherwise died. Lenny said I should contribute more so :p