[FRESH] Designz V.2: Temporarily Closed

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However long it'll take me to finish all these requests. Seeing as yours is close to the bottom, it could take a few days.
Its entirely possible that the process could take up to a week. Until then, please don't nag about your request.
If anyone wants a Pikachu banner, I can add your username text to this. I decided to make it. I guess I re-founded my banner-making skills ^_^
Sounds weird...mine's still not done. This is ridiculous. I mean, thanks, but you guys are doing them for other people except for ME. What the heck? I didn't do anything to you guys, except for complain of how long you guys are taking. You really are neglecting me, and this is really starting to make me mad. Seriously.
i love how you said your being neglected yet your name is on the waiting list and on your request it says "being done by G2F" i just dont have a lot of time to be making stuff atm
lilsparks101 said:
I'll take randy arnolds 2nd request the other are a *little* out of my league, and I probably don't have time
No Thank you , you can do my avvy. but I would like G2F to do my banner , since he's so amazing at it. (not that you'll bad , but I really would like a G2F banner.)
5) I have taken away the "Employee Request" since all it did was pile me up for more work lol. All the customers will be divided among all the employees. So sorry folks, but if you see my waiting list is full, you have 2 choices:

- Wait for my waiting list to be cleared
- Have it done by another employee

then dont expect it anytime soon, not to change your mind since your decision is final

btw any way you look at it thats insulting...
He said he would do it , I don't mind the wait.
It's not that your work is bad (in fact it's pretty amazing) , but he already put me under his waiting list and I would hate him to have started his work (it could be completed , for all I know) and I would hate to have him do all that work , just for someone else to do his work for him.
Dudeman, thats the reason. We are taking longer to do your request because you are nagging. What did I tell you to do? Stop nagging. What are you doing? Nagging. So shush up and stop it!!!
Dudeman1993 said:
Sounds weird...mine's still not done. This is ridiculous. I mean, thanks, but you guys are doing them for other people except for ME. What the heck? I didn't do anything to you guys, except for complain of how long you guys are taking. You really are neglecting me, and this is really starting to make me mad. Seriously.

Look it bro, you're my friend and all, but this has to stop. If I weren't so cool with you I would have refused to do your request a long time ago as it states in my rules.

Understand, this is a FREE banner that I CHOOSE to do. I don't HAVE to do it. I don't have to do any banners at all, but I like to do them for people. How are you going to rush me doing a favor for you? That's like asking me to bake you cookies and getting mad about how long it's taking for them to finish. I DO have a life, I DO have a job, and sorry to say this, but although I like making banners for people, it's not my #1 priority. It's something I do WHEN I HAVE TIME to do them, and lately, I've been so busy with other things, I haven't had time to do anything actually.

So chill, you're banner will get done EVENTUALLY. I really don't see how and why YOU'RE going to get mad at US when WE are the ones who choose to make YOU banners.

lilsparks101 said:
5) I have taken away the "Employee Request" since all it did was pile me up for more work lol. All the customers will be divided among all the employees. So sorry folks, but if you see my waiting list is full, you have 2 choices:

- Wait for my waiting list to be cleared
- Have it done by another employee

then don't expect it anytime soon, not to change your mind since your decision is final

btw any way you look at it thats insulting...

It's cool bro. I have no problem doing his banner, I actually kinda started it already, so I'll be finishing it when I get some free time on my hands.

Sorry for the wait everybody, I really am, but like I said, I've just been piled up with so many things ATM it's hard to put some time aside. =\ thank you all for being so patient however. ;)
I kind of have tryed to develop a new style of work. Do you like it?
(I know its big, and I can continue my old style. The old ones much better.)
Yea the old ones much better lol. It looks like you just took a Google image and did a border with the MS Paint Spray Bottle.
Read the caption "Temporarily closed." Sorry >_<
(='.'=) Bunny is cool though!!!
I don't know if I posted this one yet, but Dragon Flames, your banner is finished. Sorry for the delay. I've had it for awhile, I guess I was waiting until I finished other banners to post it, but here it is anyways lol:



Water Rayquaza said:
[Username]Water Rayquaza
[What you want] Banner, Avatar, Userbar, etc.-Banner
[Background] Links optional-well, I want it kinda techish, because it's my first actual good deck.
[Pictures] Must Provide links (links, no pictures please)
-And this'un!
[Text] What do you want it to say. What type of font. Etc.-I want it to say"JetStream" and I want the font to be whatever fits the banner best.:)
[Color Scheme] What colors do you want it? Any certain patterns?-I just want the theme.:)
[Comments/Details] Anything else you want to mention? Like do you want it animated? Do you want it happy or dark? etc.-I want my banner kinda dark and mysterious, and mostly techy.And I want it animated with two Pokemon on every scene.

Hey, G2F, I just noticed that my banner wasn't animated...was there a reason why you didn't?
Probably because he doesn't know how, or he forgot. You still like it, don't you?