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Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!!!

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RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, MASSIVE UPDATE, trying to clear house before my 3 SV boxes come

Zilvis said:
My: Infernape 4 Lv. X
Your: Luxray GL Lv. X

LMK if you'd do this trade.

sorry Zilvis, I have a couple more infernapes than I do Luxrays ATM so I will have to pass on this for the moment. if anything changes I'll let you know.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, MASSIVE UPDATE, trying to clear house before my 3 SV boxes come

i'll trade poke blower X4(one RH) unown Q(RH) for bebes, underground expedition X2, and special darkness energy X2.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, MASSIVE UPDATE, trying to clear house before my 3 SV boxes come

Medaforcer said:
Frodus said:
EddieT. said:
Cml for luxray gl lv. x

Azelf LV X and Leafeon LV X?

MetaNite said:
Can you tell me which of my RH wants you have?

I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get back to you meta, I've been quite busy with work and stuff and seem to only be able to log on for a couple minutes at a time. I'll get you a full list of what I have no later than monday night.

Medaforcer said:
Can you check my list for the Flygon RR, please?

x1 flygon RR for x1 Luxray GL? LMK if this works for you.
That's works perfect. :)

PM me?

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, MASSIVE UPDATE, trying to clear house before my 3 SV boxes come

z-ch said:
I'll trade poke blower X4(one RH) unown Q(RH) for bebes, underground expedition X2, and special darkness energy X2.

sure I can do that. Pm-ing you to finalize.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

bump #1
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

Please CML for:
Luxray GL
Drapion 4
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

Alex13 said:
Please CML for:
Luxray GL
Drapion 4

do you just want one of each?

I could do it for your

x1 Palkia PT holo (english)
x1 Mismaigus DP holo (english)
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

CML for the Luxray GL lv. X
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

just to let you know i also have 2 Mewtwo-MD-1 Rh and 1 holo.

lmk if your interested.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

richkid50000 said:
CML for the Luxray GL lv. X

sorry, didn't see anything. Get back to me if you get any SV LV X's.

umbreonchamp said:
just to let you know I also have 2 Mewtwo-MD-1 Rh and 1 holo.

lmk if your interested.

Just finalized for a couple of them, I don't need them anymore.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

CML for your

Honchkrow Lv X

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

I have Dialga G Lv. X Can you CML for wants and make me an offer

I need Luxray GL Lv. X
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

Can you CML for Luxray Gl lv.X please?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

CML for your Luxray GL Lv. X
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

Hey, would you mind CML for these cards:

x1 Luxray GL LV X
x2 Infernape 4 LV X

x1-1 Claydol GE line

#104 Broken Time Space x3 (one RH; Low Want)
#117 Power Spray (RH)

#18 Gengar x3

LMK if you see anything and if possible an offer.

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

CML for Claydol GE line. I could trade my Flygon lvl X for it, but maybe for the Claydol line and something else. Do you have any Kirlia or Gallades from SW?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

hi frodus i got a leafeon x
im interested in your infernape 4 x

cml for other stuff too, :p
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] Luxray GL X, Infernape 4 X, Dialga/Palkia G X's, [W] Stuff.

the crippler 18 said:
CML for your

Honchkrow Lv X

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)

didn't really see anything at the moment, but let me know if you get some supreme victors stuff when it comes out and I'll check again.

- Jackolas, Pokekid Brandon, Geo, and others.

I think I'm going to hang on to the Luxray GL LV X for a couple of weeks. Basically, there truly are no cards I desperately need ATM, so I will probably trade Luxray GL LV X for a Supreme Victors LV X when it comes out. Please, check back with me after pre-releases and my boxes come. as I may not need anything that badly and be willing to part with it then.

- Anthony G, cpt. mongoose, and rappermi,
Basically the same goes for infernape 4 LV X and 1-1 claydol,
I would still be willing to trade all of the above-mentioned cards (luxape LV x's, 1-1 claydol), but as I don't have any desperate deck needs, or wants, I would only trade them for cards of equal/higher value (of which there aren't many), so unless I get a crazy killer offer, I will just hang on to them until after SV comes out.

please get back to me then!
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] 1-1 RH claydol line, Luxray GL LV X, Infernape 4 LV X, more

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H] 1-1 RH claydol line, Luxray GL LV X, Infernape 4 LV X, more

Would you trade your Claydol for PGX?

Edit: Just read above posts. I'll LYK what I get at prelease.
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