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Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!!!

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RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Evire FB X, Luxape X's, Uxie X, Claydol GE, 3 SV boxes comin

SotS said:
I'll do it for Honchkrow. =] Should I confirm now, or wait 'til you do?


have to leave for work right now,
just PM me and I'll get back to you in the early morning. I think I'll be sending first cuz you have a boatload of refs right?

eevee said:
Would you be willing to trade your Luxray GL LV X for a Diagla G LV X and Sandslash SV?

sorry, no thank you.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Evire FB X, Luxape X's, Uxie X, Claydol GE, 3 SV boxes comin

CML for
1-1 Claydol line
1 Palkia G LV.X
1 Shining Mewtwo 1st Edition
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Evire FB X, Luxape X's, Uxie X, Claydol GE, 3 SV boxes comin

I've got a rh GE Rare Candy and two Dialga LV.X (1 GE, 1 GE tin). You can CML for other stuff if you like. I am interested in Fan Rotom, Venusaur SV, and Uxie LV.X that you have listed, and anything off my wants list that isn't listed. Please CML :>
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Evire FB X, Luxape X's, Uxie X, Claydol GE, 3 SV boxes comin

How about my Dialga G LV X and Sandslash SV for your Infernape 4 LV X(the Diagla G and the Infernape 4 are about the same price when I checked Ebay)?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Evire FB X, Luxape X's, Uxie X, Claydol GE, 3 SV boxes comin

CML for
1-1 Claydol line
1 Palkia G LV.X
1 Shining Mewtwo 1st Edition

the palkia G X just got finalized away,
I didn't really see anything for the claydol or shining mewtwo still. I like your 3 holon phantoms rare candies, but I didn't really see anything to add to even up the deal... maybe if you get some SV I can find something. I still want to work out something for that shining mewtwo for you since you want it so bad, but I just don't see much that I need atm.

PMJ said:
I've got a rh GE Rare Candy and two Dialga LV.X (1 GE, 1 GE tin). You can CML for other stuff if you like. I am interested in Fan Rotom, Venusaur SV, and Uxie LV.X that you have listed, and anything off my wants list that isn't listed. Please CML :>

x1 Fan Rotom
x1 Venusaur SV

x1 Luxray GL RR
x1 Rare candy
x1 Dusknoir DP

eevee said:
How about my Dialga G LV X and Sandslash SV for your Infernape 4 LV X(the Diagla G and the Infernape 4 are about the same price when I checked Ebay)?

I'm sorry, Dialga G X is a really low want of mine, basically just something to use as trade value, and I think Infernape 4 has just a little bit more trade value. do you have a trade thread? maybe I can check out your haves/wants and figure out some kind of offer to make you.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Uxie X, Claydol GE, Staraptor X, 3boxes SV. [W] Unique Refs.

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]BlazikenLV X, Absol X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, tons more![W]easy

Have Blaziken FB LV X and Absol G LV X now.
Also Garchomp C LV X, Staraptor FB LV X,
and tons of cards from the new set! come and see!
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]BlazikenLV X, Absol X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, tons more![W]easy

so let me get this strait you can get people pokemon cards for free
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]BlazikenLV X, Absol X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, tons more![W]easy

16gblochowiak said:
so let me get this strait you can get people pokemon cards for free

wha? please let me know where I said that? although judging by your name you're just a troll...
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]BlazikenLV X, Absol X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, tons more![W]easy

Can you CML for the Blaziken FB Lv. X? I'd much appreciate it. :)
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]BlazikenLV X, Absol X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, tons more![W]easy

Just the wording of it seems like you would get people a card they want 4 a card you want.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]BlazikenLV X, Absol X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, tons more![W]easy

Have DG Lv.X, 3 Rare Candy and Luxray GL Lv.X (Incoming) Check my wants and make an offer?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]BlazikenLV X, Absol X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, tons more![W]easy

Medaforcer said:
Can you CML for the Blaziken FB Lv. X? I'd much appreciate it. :)

I didn't really see much medaforcer, sorry.

Jackolas said:
Have DG Lv.X, 3 Rare Candy and Luxray GL Lv.X (Incoming) Check my wants and make an offer?

Sorry Jack didn't really see anything worth sending overseas for.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

bump #3
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]BlazikenLV X, Absol X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, tons more![W]

16gblochowiak said:
Just the wording of it seems like you would get people a card they want 4 a card you want.

That's what trading is
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

1-1 Claydol GE for Blaziken fb LvX
also CML for possible throw ins
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

I need:
Absol G Lv. X
Luxray GL Lv. X (I need this most)

I have:
Leafeon Lv. X
Flygon Lv. X

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

I would do Blaze X for your Luxray X. LMK or counter.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

CML for 2 Palmers, 3 Vs Seeker, Nidoqueen 1-1-1 line from RR (RH is possible), and Absol G lv.X if you see big things you want but the first 3 things are most wanted. Thanks. :D
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

YourP1MP said:
1-1 Claydol GE for Blaziken fb LvX
also CML for possible throw ins

Your Claydol for my Blaze or the other way around?

ESP said:
I need:
Absol G Lv. X
Luxray GL Lv. X (I need this most)

I have:
Leafeon Lv. X
Flygon Lv. X


Ahhh... no thank you, I will have to pass on that, As I don't need either flygon or leafeon that badly.

stumpy271 said:
I would do Blaze X for your Luxray X. LMK or counter.

I will have to pass on this.

Shuckle the Snail said:
CML for 2 Palmers, 3 Vs Seeker, Nidoqueen 1-1-1 line from RR (RH is possible), and Absol G lv.X if you see big things you want but the first 3 things are most wanted. Thanks. :D

would you do

x2 Palmer's
x3 VS Seeker
1-1-1 Nidoqueen


x1 Electivire SW
x1 Mewtwo MD
x1 Shaymin PT

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