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Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!!!

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RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

I got a couple of your wants, Mind to cml for your Luxray GL Lv X?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

CML for Absol G Lv X.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

I have Flygon Lv.X and Palkia G Lv.X. Want Claydol GE, Uxie Lv.X, and Luxray GL Lv.X. CML/LMK.

dmaster out.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

CML for Claydol line, rare candies, and Blaziken FB, and Blaziken FB X and Machamp SF
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

x1 Charizard G LV X
x1 Luxray GL LV X
x1 Shiny Holo Relicanth

hey for these i will give u the whole set of rotoms cards RT1-RT6
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

CML for a Gengar SF
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

Hi! I'm not interested in anything that you have listed... ^^;

But could you please check my list, and see if you have anything I want? I'm looking for Pikachu and Mew cards for my collection!! :)
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

d master342 said:
I have Flygon Lv.X and Palkia G Lv.X. Want Claydol GE, Uxie Lv.X, and Luxray GL Lv.X. CML/LMK.

dmaster out.

I could do
x1 Uxie LV X

for your:
x1 Flygon LV X LMK.

Shadow Ice said:
CML for Claydol line, rare candies, and Blaziken FB, and Blaziken FB X and Machamp SF

Sorry I didn't really see anything.

NYR95 said:
x1 Charizard G LV X
x1 Luxray GL LV X
x1 Shiny Holo Relicanth

hey for these I will give u the whole set of rotoms cards RT1-RT6

Sorry that's really not a fair deal at all.

YourP1MP said:
CML for a Gengar SF

Sorry, I didn't see much.

PokemonTrainerLisa said:
Hi! I'm not interested in anything that you have listed... ^^;

But could you please check my list, and see if you have anything I want? I'm looking for Pikachu and Mew cards for my collection!! :)

Didn't really see anything that you have listed. sorry.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

I REALLY Need Your Luxray GL Lv.X, from your wants I have:
1x Uxie LA
1x Palkia G Lv.X
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

Hey Frodus, would you do my Staraptor FB X for your Luxray GL X?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

Cml for
shiftry RR RH
Ditto LA
Dugtrio PT
any staple TSS
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

SrSpoony said:
CML for
x4 Jirachi RR Holo

would you do


x4 Jirachi RR (I will have to check and make sure I have all four still)


x2 Absol G.

LMK and I'll make sure I have all 4 before I finalize.

darksoulSP said:
Hey Frodus, would you do my Staraptor FB X for your Luxray GL X?

no thank you, I like lux X way better than star X

ace11 said:
Cml for
shiftry RR RH
Ditto LA
Dugtrio PT
any staple TSS


Shiftry RR RH
Dugtrio PT

Azelf LA.

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

CML for your

x1-1 RH Claydol GE Line

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

CML me for Luxray Lv.x.

I think that I have the plain absol G that you want and I also have starraptor x and Charizard G x
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

Dialga G Lv. X
Blaziken FB Holo x1
Call Energy x1

Luxray GL Lv. X
Gengar SF x2

Dialga G Lv. X
Blaziken FB Holo
Call Energy x1
Roseanne's Research x1

Luxray GL Lv. X
Gengar SF x4
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

Are all the Jirachi Holo? I don't want any RH's. Other wise that sounds great. LMK if they are Holo or not
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

What you want for:
-Staraptor X
-Absol X
-Luxray X
-2 Staraptor FB HoloFoil
-Luxray GL Holofoil
-Reprint Moltres
-Shiny Relicanth
-2 Flint's Willpower
-2 Snowipoint(normal)
-4 Level Max
-4 Broken Time
My Cards to trade:
Lvl X and other rare cards:
Alakazam+3 Alakazam Uncommon's
Flygon X
Mow Rotom
Surfing Pikachu
Karty Holo Rare
Holo Rare:
3 Magnezone(1 electric 2 metal)
3 Mismagius(One is SP)
Espeon 4
Bronzong 4
Mr Mime 4
3 NidoQueen
3 Mamoswine GL
2 Walrein
Gastrodon East Sea
2 Steelix
Wormand Trash Cloak
Drifblim FB
Mismagius GL
Bronzong 4
Mr Mime
2 Vaporeon

Sorry for double but im very need Staraptor's/Luxray's and trainer cards.
You want my cards for your?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

My Dialga G lvl X x2 for your Garchomp c lvl X and Luxray gl lvl x? LMK. Thanks.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [H]Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Claydol GE, Uxie X, Luxray X.

CML for Luxray X and Claydol please. Thanks!
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