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Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!!!

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RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W] Flygon X, Dialga G X [H] everything your heart desires!!!

Luxray X

CML and see.

Hi Frodus!

Any interest in -

2 LA Uxie

Uxie LvX or Blazekin FB LvX

Please PM me if you want to discuss...

Thank you.

- Hypno68
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W] Flygon X, Dialga G X [H] everything your heart desires!

CML for
1 Absol G LV.X
3 Staraptor FB
2 Bannette
1 Luxray GL LV.X
1 Broken Time Space
Please respond via pm.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W] Flygon X, Dialga G X [H] everything your heart desires!

Hey CML for:
x3 rare candy RH (two from GE, one from a 2003 set.)
#20 Machamp x4 (4 RH)
#18 Gengar x4
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W] Flygon X, Dialga G X [H] everything your heart desires!

hi, please CML for your X's, non promo.

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W] Flygon X, Dialga G X [H] everything your heart desires!

interested in your Luxray GL Lv. X

I do have Dialga G Lv. X...what would I have to add to make that trade happen?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W] Flygon X, Dialga G X [H] everything your heart desires!

cml for blaxiken FB X plz
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W] Flygon X, Dialga G X [H] everything your heart desires!

qnetykz said:
interested in your Luxray GL Lv. X

I do have Dialga G Lv. X...what would I have to add to make that trade happen?

I am interested in your Palkia G LV X as well.
I just updated my wants so maybe take another look and see what's on there and make me an offer for the luxray?

everyone else: you weren't skipped I just didn't see anything of interest, feel free to look at my new wants and make an offer.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

I have a Dialga G Lv.X and 2 Palika G (holo).
The only card I might want is your Electivre FB.
Is there any Blaziken FB or Azelf LA you have or you can get.
LMK. Thanks.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

hey! please CLM for

x2 Blaziken FB LV X
x2 Staraptor FB LV X
x1 Absol G LV X
x1 Garchomp C LV X (pack)
x1 Charizard G LV X (pack)
x1 Luxray GL LV X
x1 Mismaigus GL LV X
x1 Hippowdon 4 LV X
x1 Uxie LV X ---!!!!!
x1 Torterra LV X (tin)
x1 HonchKrow LV X
x1 Dialga LV X (tin)

i'm interested in all, but i probably wont be able to trade for all. let me know what you can do.

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

I doesn't have any of your wants really but maybe this?
Crawdaunt EX
Charizard G LV.X
Rayquaza C LV.X
JPN Time Space Distortion
JPN Mewtwo LV.X
2 SP Radar
2 Energy Gain
SV Swampert
SV Magmortar
SV Venasaur RH
2 Bebe's Search
Luxray GL LV.X
Absol G(not listed)
Any Blaziken FB you have(if you could get 3 that'd be awesome)
2 Moonlight Stadium

I know that none of these are really your wants but I think that I've made a good offer. Please LMK.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

Dialga G Lv. X

Blaziken FB Lv. X
Rare Candy,
or counter
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

I have the following in Japanese
x1 Palkia G LV X
x2 Palkia G

Do you trade for them?
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

please cml for luxray x
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

Anything we could work out for your Luxray X???

I have Blaziken FB Lv X and Flygon Lv X.

I have Dialga G, Cyrus's conspiracy x3, jap palkia G.

EDIT: I am willing to take a loss even for it.
I will do BOTH Blaziken FB Lv X AND Flygon Lv X for Luxray GL Lv X.
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W] Flygon X, Dialga G X [H] everything your heart desires!

Frodus said:
I am interested in your Palkia G LV X as well.
I just updated my wants so maybe take another look and see what's on there and make me an offer for the luxray?

hmm...the only thing I saw that I have are the Energy Gain x4

so I could offer:

Dialga G Lv. X
Palkia G Lv. X
Energy Gain x4

Luxray GL Lv. X

RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

My RH Rotom MD for your older set Rare Candy? Please LMK thanks!
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

H: Dialga G LV.X x1
Energy Gain PT x2

W: Uxie LV.X x1
Claydol GE xX
Rare Candy RH GE x2 (SCRATCHLESS!)
Anything on my Wants list (excluding SW cards)
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

cml for luxray gl x
RE: Frodus' Trade Thread, [W]Dialga G X, Palkia G X [H] everything your heart desires!

i have:

1 palkia G holo
2 dialga G promo league
1 energy gain non holo

do u want to trade with ur:
1 rare candy holo year 2003 (is it still mint?)

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