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Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread! (back from San Jose Regionals, huge update!)

RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Agh, no more Bikes or Mimes either. x( How about an Ultra Ball and two Hard Charms?
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Frost Mage said:
Agh, no more Bikes or Mimes either. x( How about an Ultra Ball and two Hard Charms?

Any enhanced hammers?
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Frost Mage said:
I have one. c: Maybe a Hard Charm, Ultra Ball, and an Enhanced Hammer?

Sure! Sounds good! PM for info!
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Will confirm as soon as I go to my league today to make sure that they don't have anything I need even more, but most likely I will confirm this trade soon!
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

My Entei EX

Your Rayquaza EX BW47, Aromatisse, Garchomp LTR, Magnezone (is it the Dual Brains one?)
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

I'm interested in the Xerneas EX FA, would you do a straight trade for a Skyla FA? Please PM me
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

theliercat said:
I'm interested in the Xerneas EX FA, would you do a straight trade for a Skyla FA? Please PM me

I'll have to really consider that. Give me some time to consult my league friends and I'll get back to you!
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Frost Mage said:
theliercat said:
I'm interested in the Xerneas EX FA, would you do a straight trade for a Skyla FA? Please PM me

I'll have to really consider that. Give me some time to consult my league friends and I'll get back to you!

I thought you were going to trade the Xerneas EX FA to me??
And did you consult with your league?
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

I'm just surveying my options, sowwy. ;_; I went to league today but they weren't there. v_v So now I'm on my own wat do... Would you be interested in taking the Trevenant, Trainers, and some other stuff for the Empoleons? Or do you really need that Xerneas?
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Frost Mage said:
I'm just surveying my options, sowwy. ;_; I went to league today but they weren't there. v_v So now I'm on my own wat do... Would you be interested in taking the Trevenant, Trainers, and some other stuff for the Empoleons? Or do you really need that Xerneas?

I really want it, I have a non FA of it if you want to reorganize the trade.
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

I don't need Xerneas EX at all, so that's not the problem. I just can't decide between the Skyla that I really want and the Rare Candy/Empoleons that I really want. >.<
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Frost Mage said:
I don't need Xerneas EX at all, so that's not the problem. I just can't decide between the Skyla that I really want and the Rare Candy/Empoleons that I really want. >.<

That's fine. If you are looking for skyla's in general too I have them, but I assume its the FA you want.
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Yeah, I just want the FA because I have one in my collection but it's a little beat up, so I'll put that one in my deck. Agh, and yet another offer. Really sorry for this taking so long, I hope you don't need it ASAP. x(
RE: Frosty's Chilly Trading Thread!

Frost Mage said:
Yeah, I just want the FA because I have one in my collection but it's a little beat up, so I'll put that one in my deck. Agh, and yet another offer. Really sorry for this taking so long, I hope you don't need it ASAP. x(

Nah, I'm the same as you; I want my deck to look prettier...it is FAIRY btw :D