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Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers

RE: US, WW: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

I'd like to buy a FA Zekrom with the black background.

Also, do you have any Reshiram that aren't the FA version? Thanks!
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

@dolphinluv I have multiples of that version, what sort of price point were you looking for? I was thinking about $12 each.

I have some Reshirams that are not FA. $3 pack and $4 RH pack are my prices for that, I have no promos I believe.
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

Those sound like fair prices to me. Before I make an offer including shipping, I have one more question.

Do you have a FA Reshiram that was opened at a Prerelease?

And as for the other Reshiram, I just need a regular, non-promo one. =]
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

Id like to purchase

2x Full (Top and Bottom) Rayquaza Deoxys Legends
4x Set of UL Rare Candies.
= 8 Cards Total

Let me know a price for the whole package w/ shipping. Also would you mind telling me the exact condition of the cards in question? Thank you very much.
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

@dolphinluv I have only been trading for or buying them, so I could not tell you...is there any Reshiram difference? I thought that it was only Zekrom.

@guraboy I only have 1 UL rare candy and only 1 full RDL which I would ask $12 a piece for. Sorry if your time was wasted, I will update these in the original post.
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

Not a problem at all. Im trying to get both RDLs in a package so I'll have to get back to you about purchasing a single set. Thank you.
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

There's a slight difference. Something to do with the texture and color of the background. The Reshiram at the Prerelease is suppose to have a pure white background that is the same color as the Reshiram artwork, but it's horribly hard to tell. xD

Anyway, I'd like to buy the Zekrom w/black background and the #26 Reshiram.

How does $17 shipped sound?
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

@dolphinluv $17 shipped is fine. I will private message you now. Sorry for not understanding the difference on the Reshirams...I tried looking, and cannot see it if there is one (if I have any different).
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

1x Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend Top $12
2x Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend Bottom $12

38$ shipped?
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

1 top and bottom of RDL = 24$
3 Feraligatr prime from pack = 9$
3 Typhlosion from pack = 9$
2$ shipping

= 44$?
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

I'd like to buy your 1x Shaymin UL RH it's for my daughters deck for Nationals just let me know when you can the details on what to do(i cna pay by paypal gift)
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

@Spardan unfortunately I am down to 1 bottom piece (I have the top and bottom on hold for someone for real life), would you want just the bottom? Also the price is now $18, as I can get $16.20 off TNT and $20 off ebay.

@SanguineYeti same thing, would you want just the bottom piece and if Spardan did not want it? Would you buy the rest without RDL? LMK please! Also again, $18 for the RDL bottom.

@ChiaPet Could you do at least $13? I would rather just sell to TNT otherwise or try to ebay them ($13 looks like minimum before shipping recently on complete listings). I apologize to all of you for the shifting prices, but they just keep skyrocketing so much.
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

1 Ampharos Prime $3
1 Blissey Prime $2
1 Celebii Prime $2
1 Typhlosion Prime (pack) $3
1 Umbreon Prime $4
1 Moltres Reprint $2

total= $18 shipped. Thanks
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

Me again, hello~ Rare Candy x3 ($6), Pokémon Collector x2 ($9), PETM x4 ($2), Flower Shop Lady x2 ($2), Jumpluff x1 ($5) = $24 + $2 shopping = $26 total? Let me know if this is cool and PM me your paypal name again so I can get you your monies.

Thanks! <3
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

@monster already confirmed, thanks

@artemis hi again! I actually seem to be out of rare candies at the moment...I thought I had some laying around somewhere but just have not found them. Do you still want the other things anyway?
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

That'll be fine, though if you get any more, let me know; I guess I'll look around the rest of this forum a bit, too. $20 total for the rest and shipping then?
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

@artemis that is totally fine, I will try to pick up some rare candies tomorrow morning and get back to you by tomorrow night, whichever result we can confirm then + I will ship on monday
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

Thanks so much for all your help! I'd be interested in up to 5 if you can get them, otherwise I'm cool with however many. They're really the one thing I didn't need too much right now, so it's not a huge issue. Feel free to PM me with the final totals and price with your paypal info whenever you get a chance, and I'll be sure to send you over your monies as soon as I can. :3
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

@artemis I picked up 4 but due to the TNT buy value I cannot do less than $3. LMK if that is acceptabe, if not we can confirm the present deal instead.
RE: Fungible Sales! BW, Primes, HS-ON Trainers, 5-26 Price Updates

3 bucks each is fine. 3x4 = $12, + $20 from other cards and shipping = $32 total. If there's anything else I need to know about tell me here, otherwise PM me your paypal and we should be good to go. :3