Future 'Delta' Pokemon Contest

Since Mind Reader, Pokefan 4000,and Espeon didnt post I guess their eliminated. Next Round you all will have to make on of the same pokemon Hmmm....let me think......Tyranitar! You have until Thursday. Good Luck. This round 2 people will be eliminated and in the next 1 will be eliminated and the last round will be the final 3.
Tyranitar d
110 HP (Fighting/Psychic)

Poke-Power: Delta Transfer
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move up to two energy cards from one of your delta Pokemon to another. (You may only move 2 energy cards total) This Poke-Power only works if Tyranitar d is on your bench.

(P) Psychic Search
You may search your discard pile for one energy, show it to your opponent, and shuffle it into your deck.

(F)(F)(F) Crush 50
Discard an energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon.

Tyranitar d
160HP Grass

Flowering Rage- If your opponent's active pokemon is a fire type, all of Tyranitar d's attacks do 30 more damage to the active pokemon. (after applying weakness and resistance)

[G] Power Bloom-  20  You may attach up to 2 grass energies to your benched pokemon in any way you like.

[GGGC] Liabilty-  Discard all energies attached to Tyranitar d, put damage counters on the defending pokemon until it is 10 HP away from being knocked out.

Weakness- Fire
Resistance- N/A
Retreat Cost- [CC]
You know, there is a Delta Tyranitar....

Tyranitar δ Delta Species 100 HP {W}{M}
Stage 2-Evolves from Pupitar

{W} Holon punch +10
This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Holon Energy attached to Tyranitar. You can't add more than 40 damage in this way.

{C}{C} Super Tail Spin
Flip a 2 coins. This attack does 20 damage to each Defending Pokémon for each heads.

{M}{C}{C} Delta Slam 70

W: {G}
R: N/A
RC: {C}{C}
Tyranitar delta
130 HP (L)
Poke Body: Holon Protection
If Tyranitar has any Holon energys attached to it all damage done to Tyranitar is reduced by 20
(LC) Static Assault 20
Flip a coin. If heads this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage. If tails the defending Pokemon is now paralysed
(LLLC) Delta Shock 50+
This attack does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each 'delta species' pokemon in play
Weakness: (G)
Resistance: (P)
Retreat Cost: (CCC)
Delta Tyranitar
110 HP (psychic type)

Pokebody- Hard shield
Damage done to Tyranitar by any attack is reduced by 30, after weakness and resistance
PPF- Psypunch 60
PPPFF- Delta Break 130+

Flip a coin. If heads this attack does 130 damage plus 70 more. If tails, Tyrantar is knocked out.

W- G
R- None
REt- 2
If he does the power would be to broken since you can do 130 a turn without having to discard any energy or doing any damage to him.
Well I guess edwoordi is eliminated since he didnt post back. The next round will decide the final 3, 2 people will be eliminated you all have to make one of each. Rayquaza 'Delta', Lugia 'Delta', and Ho-oh 'Delta'. Good Luck. BTW you have until Monday.

110 HP
Water type

WRL- Snake Shot 70

W- C
R- F, W
Ret- 3

Lugia- 80 HP
Psych type

PPP Elemental Blast 150
Discard all energys attached ot Lugia.

w- P, L
R- Fight
Ret- 1

80 HP
Fire type

RRR Elemental Blast 150
Discard all energys attached to Hooh

W- L, W
R- F
Ret- 1
Rayquaza d
90 HP (R/M)
Poke Power: Ozone Penetration
Discard a 'Holon' energy from Rayquaza. You may move all of your opponents benched Pokemon's damage counters to the defending Pokemon. If the defending Pokemon is knocked out because of this, discard all energy cards attached to Rayquaza
(CC) Ozone Thrusters 30
Flip a coin. if heads Rayquaza receives no damage from thecurrent defending Pokemon during your opponenets next turn
(RRRC) Flaming Ozone Crush 100
Discard an energy card from all of your benched Pokemon
W (None)
R (L/R)

Lugia d
100 HP (M)
Poke Body: Metal Defence
If Lugia has any 'Holon' energys attached to it then Lugia cannot be affected by a special condition
(M) Steel Wing 20
During your opponents next turn all damage done to Lugia is reduced by 10
(MMC) Metal Delta Ray 40+
This attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each (M) energy attached to Lugia (Not used to pay for the attack cost)
W (L)
R (F)

Ho-oh d
100 HP (D)
(C) Legendary Call
Search your deck for a Lugia d or a Rayquaza d and place the card into your hand. Shuffle your deck
(DD) Shadow Spin 30x
Flip 2 coins. THis attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. If none of the coins are heads remove an energy from the defending Pokemon
(DDDCC) Black Delta Flare 90
W (W/L)
R (F)

phew... ;)
There is already 2 Delta Rayquazas....

Rayquaza δ Delta Species {R}{W}
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Body: Holon Might
As long as Rayquaza has any Holon Energy attached to it, all damage done by Pokémon with more HP than Rayquaza is decreased by 20.

{R}{W}{G}{L}{P}{F} Delta Elemental Blast 300
Discard one {R} energy, one {W} energy, one {G} energy, one {L} energy, one {P} energy, and one {F} energy attached to Rayquaza or this attack does nothing.

W: {C}
R: {F}
RC: {C}{C}

Ho-Oh δ Delta Species 90 HP {G}{M}
Basic Pokémon

{G} Scorch
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned.

{C}{C} Clutch 40
The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your next turn.

{G}{C}{C} Pheonix Wing 70
You may flip a coin. If heads this attack's base damage is 140. if tails, this attack does nothing.

W: {L}
R: N/A
RC: {C}

Lugia δ Delta Species 90 HP {W}{M}
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Body: Holon Power
As long as there is a stadium card with Holon in it's name in play, Lugia's Retreat cost is 0.

{M} Delta Source
Search your deck for an energy a card and a card with Holon in it's name and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwords.

{W}{M}{C}{C} Aeroblast 80

W: {L}
R: {F}
RC: {C}{C}
Sorry, the cable went down, so did the computer. Just came back on. Here is my enrty.

Rayquaza d
80 HP (Fire/Lightning)

(C) Guard
Flip a coin, if heads, ignore the effects of Thunder Flame on your next attack.

(F)(L) Spark 30
Flip a coin, if heads, the Defending Pokemon is now paralyzed.

(F)(F)(L) Thunder Flame 70
Place 3 damage counters on Rayquaza d, and 1 on your opponents benched Pokemon.


Lugia d
90 HP (Psychic/Water)

Poke-Power: Delta Heal
Once during your turn, (before your attack) you may remove up to 2 damage counters from Pokemon with "Delta" in their name. (both yours and your opponents.)

(P)(P) Psychic Barrier 30
Flip a coin. If heads, during your opponents next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Lugia d.

(W)(W)(P)(C) Controlled Tsunami 60
Discard 1 energy card attached to Lugia d. Flip a coin, if heads, do 20 damage to each of your opponents benched Pokemon.


Ho-oh d
90 HP (Fire/Dark)

Poke-Power: Delta Firewall
Neither Ho-oh d or any of your Pokemon with "Delta" in their name can be burned.

(R)(C) Warm Wing 30

(R)(R)(D)(D) Shadow Flame 40
Discard 3 energy cards attached to Ho-oh d. The Defending Pokemon is now poisoned, place 3 damage counters on the Defending Pokemon instead of 1.

RE:  Future 'Delta' Pokemon Contest

{R}{W}{G}{L}{P}{F} Delta Elemental Blast 300
Discard one {R} energy, one {W} energy, one {G} energy, one {L} energy, one {P} energy, and one {F} energy attached to Rayquaza or this attack does nothing.
RC: {C}{C}
I know I shouldn't comment, but that's the funniest attack I've ever seen:D:D:D:D
No offense if I've hurt you.
RE:   Future 'Delta' Pokemon Contest

{R}{W}{G}{L}{P}{F} Delta Elemental Blast 300
Discard one {R} energy, one {W} energy, one {G} energy, one {L} energy, one {P} energy, and one {F} energy attached to Rayquaza or this attack does nothing.
RC: {C}{C}
I know I shouldn't comment, but that's the funniest attack I've ever seen:D:D:D:D

Sorry Godzilla the Entry round is over.
RE:    Future 'Delta' Pokemon Contest

dude x said:
{R}{W}{G}{L}{P}{F} Delta Elemental Blast 300
Discard one {R} energy, one {W} energy, one {G} energy, one {L} energy, one {P} energy, and one {F} energy attached to Rayquaza or this attack does nothing.
RC: {C}{C}
I know I shouldn't comment, but that's the funniest attack I've ever seen:D:D:D:D

Sorry Godzilla the Entry round is over.
I wasn't entering, I was commenting on the attack.