Future 'Delta' Pokemon Contest

Alright I guess Umbreon666 is eliminated for not showing up, Now I have to pick one more to eliminate so We can have the final 3. jayh272416 is eliminated, because their was no creativity their 2 of your pokemon had the same attacks, and their attacks only caused damage their was no affect, Which I wouldnt of minded if maybe only one had an attack like that. Any way in the final round you have to make a 'Delta' ex pokemon (Feel Fee to make a picture if youd like) you have until monday. Good Luck.

Ditto ex δ Delta Species {M} 80 HP
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Body: Delta Duplicate
Ditto ex is every type, can use all attacks and Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies of all Pokémon in play with δ on it's card.

{C}{C}{C}{C} Slap 70

W: {F}
R: N/A
RC: {C}
RE:  Future 'Delta' Pokemon Contest

Charizardian said:

Ditto ex δ Delta Species {M} 80 HP
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Body: Delta Duplicate
Ditto ex is every type, can use all attacks and Poké-Powers and Poké-Bodies of all Pokémon in play with δ on it's card.

{C}{C}{C}{C}{C} Slap 70

W: {F}
R: N/A
RC: {C}

Dude thats so cool no body would ever think of a Ditto ex, I think his attack is way to high.
Houndoom d ex
110 HP (Metal/Dark)

(M)(C)     Steel Bite    30
Flip a coin, if heads, the Defending Pokemon is now paralyzed.

(D)(D)(C)(C)    Dark Blast     60+
You may discard as many (D) energies from your Pokemon as you like. This attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage for each (D) energy you discarded in this way.

Roselia ex δ
80 HP (F/M)

Poke Body: Effect Spore
Whenever Roselia ex receives damage from the defending Pokemon flip a coin. If heads the defending Pokemon is now asleep. (After doing damage)

(F) Floral Punch 20

(FFC) Hyper Drain 40
Remove 3 damage counters from Roselia ex

(FFFMC) Metal Petal Dance 100
Put a damage counter on Roselia ex. Roselia ex is now confused. (After doing damage)

Weakness: (R/P)
Resistance: (L)
RC: (CC)
Alright now for the winner!

In 3rd Place......Shadow Song!....I wont tell who came in second cause that would ruin it the winner of the future 'Delta' Pokemon Contest is........D.N.A!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Charzardian your poke body was awesome, but the hp was a little to high, and so was the attack.....and Shadow Song don't feel bad because at least you made it to the finals.
dude x said:
Charzardian your poke body was awesome, but the hp was a little to high, and so was the attack...

Isn't it strange that D.N.A's card had the SAME AMOUNT of HP, yet he wins...

And 70 damage for 4 energy isn't bad...Look at LM Golem, techniclly has
the same amount of power.

No offense, D.N.A, the card idea is great, but it lacks Grammar, Capitilization, and é.
Charzardian, its because Ditto's HP average is usually 40 or 50 Roselias average is 60, and 70 damage for 4 energy is good and strong, but it is too strong for a ditto, its the pokemon.