future ex's

RE: Future EXs ideas

nah, it is like sesamic toss, imagine Charizard grab a pokemon and throw it, does charizard needs fire??:p So I think fighthing is more suitable. Meteor storm broken??maybe:p Yet, I reduced it hp so that looked more balance:D
RE: Future EXs ideas

Charizard:Is your charizard ex a delta species?If not ,why he has that (F) energy? He was not a fighting type after all...
RE: Future EXs ideas

Charizard, can't argue with u. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
I've got a few other ideas, though:
Houndoom ex 100 HP
{C} Bite 20
{RRR} Flaming Fury 100
Houndoom ex is now Confused.

Slaking ex 160 HP
{CC} Collapse 50
Slaking ex is now Asleep.
{CCCCC} Toss and Turn 60+
If Slaking ex is Asleep, this attack does 60 damage plus 40 damage. (This attack still can be used even if Slaking ex is Asleep.)

Bellosom ex 140 HP
{GC} Sweet Scent
The Defending Pokemon is Asleep and Confused.
{GGGCC} Solarbeam 100

Jirachi ex 80 HP
{P} Psywave 20
The Defending Pokemon is Asleep.
{PPP} Mind Bend 50
The Defending Pokemon is Confused

Alakazam ex 150 HP
{PPP} Hypnoblast 70
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokemon is Asleep.
{PPPP} Psyloop 70+
If the Defending Pokemon is affect by a Special Condition, this attack does 70 damage plus 50 damage.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Absol ex
130 hp
poke-body: Dark Barrier
Whenever a pokemon that has Dark or an owner in it's name attacks Absol ex, prevent all effects of that attack, including damage, done to Absol ex.
DCC Cyber Slash 40+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage. If tails, put 2 damage counters on Absol ex.
DDDCC Terra Tornado 200
Discard all dark energy cards attached to Absol ex. Don't apply weakness and resistance for this damage.
retreat cost:3

Mantine ex
160 hp
poke-power: Aqua Supply
When you put Mantine ex from your hand to your bench, you may move as many water energy cards from pokemon that have water energy cards attached to them to Mantine ex.
WWW Crushing Wave 60
Mantine ex can't attack next turn.
WWWWC Spread Tsunami
This attack does 40 damage to each of your opponent's pokemon. (Don't apply resistance) After calculating the damage, count the number of your opponent's benched pokemon. (If any.) Put 1 damage counter on Mantine ex for each of your opponent's benched pokemon.
Retreat cost:2
RE: Future EXs ideas

Tyranitar EX
160 HP (F)
Poke Body: Protective Nature
As long as Tyranitar EX is in play, each of your Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar/Tyranitar EX get 20 more HP and any damage done to them is reduced by 20.

{F}{C} Mountain Smasher 30
Flip a coin, If heads discard cards from the top of your opponents deck equal to the amount of energies attached to Tyranitar EX. If tails, have your opponent discard cards from their hand equal to the amount of energies attached to Tyranitar EX.

{F}{F}{C} Rock Slide 60
If the defending Pokemon has {F} resistance, this attack does 40 more damage and don't apply resistance.

{F}{F}{F}{C}{C} Earthquake 90
This attack does 20 damage to all Pokemon in play.

Retreat Cost:{C}{C}{C}

I wish this card was in the current format.

RE: Future EXs ideas

Tyranitar EX
160 HP (F)
Poke Body: Protective Nature
As long as Tyranitar EX is in play, each of your Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar/Tyranitar EX get 20 more HP and any damage done to them is reduced by 20.

{F}{C} Mountain Smasher 30
Flip a coin, If heads discard cards from the top of your opponents deck equal to the amount of energies attached to Tyranitar EX. If tails, have your opponent discard cards from their hand equal to the amount of energies attached to Tyranitar EX.

{F}{F}{C} Rock Slide 60
If the defending Pokemon has {F} resistance, this attack does 40 more damage and don't apply resistance.

{F}{F}{F}{C}{C} Earthquake 90
This attack does 20 damage to all Pokemon in play.

Retreat Cost:{C}{C}{C}

I wish this card was in the current format.

It'd also be impossible to read. Look at how much text is on your card. It's Pokémon-ex, has a Poké-Body, and has three attacks with descriptions? Nuh uh. You'd be talking like... size 1 font for effects.

Besides, LM Machamp with two React sends it to the discard. :p

Here's one of many, many text fakes from me.

Weezing ex - 90 HP - G

Poké-Body: Twin Glare
As long as Weezing ex is your Active Pokémon, your opponent's Basic Pokémon and Pokémon-ex can't attack and pay [C] more to retreat.

GC - Smoke Choke
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Poisoned. Flip a coin. If heads, and if the Defending Pokémon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing.

GGC - Explosion? - 60
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply WK/RS for Benched Pokémon). If tails, Weezing ex does 60 damage to itself.

WK: P / RS: F-30 / RS: CC
RE:   Future EXs ideas

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Tyranitar EX
160 HP (F)
Poke Body: Protective Nature
As long as Tyranitar EX is in play, each of your Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar/Tyranitar EX get 20 more HP and any damage done to them is reduced by 20.

{F}{C} Mountain Smasher 30
Flip a coin, If heads discard cards from the top of your opponents deck equal to the amount of energies attached to Tyranitar EX. If tails, have your opponent discard cards from their hand equal to the amount of energies attached to Tyranitar EX.

{F}{F}{C} Rock Slide 60
If the defending Pokemon has {F} resistance, this attack does 40 more damage and don't apply resistance.

{F}{F}{F}{C}{C} Earthquake 90
This attack does 20 damage to all Pokemon in play.

Retreat Cost:{C}{C}{C}

I wish this card was in the current format.

It'd also be impossible to read. Look at how much text is on your card. It's Pokémon-ex, has a Poké-Body, and has three attacks with descriptions? Nuh uh. You'd be talking like... size 1 font for effects.

Besides, LM Machamp with two React sends it to the discard. :p

Here's one of many, many text fakes from me.

Weezing ex - 90 HP - G

Poké-Body: Twin Glare
As long as Weezing ex is your Active Pokémon, your opponent's Basic Pokémon and Pokémon-ex can't attack and pay [C] more to retreat.

GC - Smoke Choke
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Poisoned. Flip a coin. If heads, and if the Defending Pokémon tries to attack during your opponent's next turn, your opponent flips a coin. If tails, that attack does nothing.

GGC - Explosion? - 60
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply WK/RS for Benched Pokémon). If tails, Weezing ex does 60 damage to itself.

WK: P / RS: F-30 / RS: CC

I know the text would be too small I just wanted to make a Tyranitar EX. Did you even think of running this this Pokemon with Kingdra TR?!?
RE: Future EXs ideas

Glalie ex would be awesome!

Glalie ex 130 hp water
poke body - if there are any water pokemon on you bench glalie ex gains 20 hp. if there are any glalie ex's on your bench glalie ex does 20 more damage when it attacks.

WC - ice bomb 30
the defending pokemon is now paralyzed. does 20 damage to one of your opponents benched pokemon (this part of the attack is not affected by weakness or resistence.)
WWC - Ice storm 70
WWW - sheer cold 100
discard 2 energies from glalie ex. you may then switch glalie ex with one of your benched pokemon.

weakness - fire resistance - grass and fighting retreat - 2

total brokeness

Arcanine out.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Kecleon ex
150 hp
poke-body: Camoflauge
When ever Kecleon ex gets attacked by a pokemon that is a different type than Kecleon ex, Kecleon ex becomes that type.
CC Crash and Lick 40
Flip a coin. If heads, discard 1 energy card attached to the defending pokemon.
CCCCC Corlor Tornado 100+
If the defending pokemon has 3 or more different energy symbols on it, this attack does 100 damage plus 50 more damage.
retreat cost:2
RE: Future EXs ideas

Arcanine 274 said:
Glalie ex would be awesome!

Glalie ex 130 hp water
poke body - if there are any water pokemon on you bench glalie ex gains 20 hp. if there are any glalie ex's on your bench glalie ex does 20 more damage when it attacks.

WC - ice bomb 30
the defending pokemon is now paralyzed. does 20 damage to one of your opponents benched pokemon (this part of the attack is not affected by weakness or resistence.)
WWC - Ice storm 70
WWW - sheer cold 100
discard 2 energies from glalie ex. you may then switch glalie ex with one of your benched pokemon.

weakness - fire resistance - grass and fighting retreat - 2

total brokeness

Arcanine out.
Uh, well yeah. You don't even need to waste time with any of Glalie ex's other attacks, possible 50 and always paralyze and 20 to bench.
RE: Future EXs ideas

if you didn't catch why i used fire for weakness it's because glalie's an original ice type, and that's what they are weak to, so well yeah.

Arcanine out.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Alakazzm ex 150 HP [P]
Poke-Power Psy Shadow [Same as Gardy RS]
[P] [P] [C] [C] Extra Energy Burst 40+
Before doing damage. Flip a coin if tail your turns end.This attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage for each energy attach to Alakazam ex
weakness: [G] [P]
retreat cost:[C] [C] [C]
RE: Future EXs ideas

Poke said:
Alakazzm ex
150 HP
Poke-Power Damage Swap [Same as base set 1]
[P] [P] [P] [C] [C] Extra Energy Burst 40x
Before doing damage. Flip a coin if tail your turns end.This attack does 40 damage plus 40 more damage for each energy attach to Alakazam ex
weakness: [P]
retreat cost:[C] [C] [C]
Beyond broken. Damage Swap is broken enough. Extra Energy Burst should say "Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing." and have base damage of 200, since 5 is all you need to OHKO anything Pokémon-ex can touch anyway.

Your turn ends after attacking, anyway, so that part in the wording is useless. The damage should be 40+, not 40x.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Arcanine 274 said:
if you didn't catch why i used fire for weakness it's because glalie's an original ice type, and that's what they are weak to, so well yeah.

Arcanine out.
Yes, I figured that out. I do it all the time. And Ice doesn't resist Bug, Grass, or Poison, anything the Grass card type represents. So why is Glalie ex resistant to Grass?
RE: Future EXs ideas

Crobat EX
130 HP(G)

Poke Body: Haze
Neither player can play any trainer cards from their hands(excluding supporter cards).

(G)(C) Confuse Ray 20
The defending Pokemon is now Confused.

(G)(G)(C) Acidic Poison 60
The defending Pokemon is now poisoned and burned.

Reatreat Cost:
RE: Future EXs ideas

the reason glalie has ice resistance is because ice is usually good against grass pokemon in the game, but it could also be colorless for dragons, since ice is good against dragon, or something like that. the company would probably make it fighting though. I don't know, but if it was up to me i would make it grass.

Arcanine out.
RE: Future EXs ideas

mine future ex card is snorlax ex

snorlax ex 110hp
poke-power fat recovery
as long as Snorlax ex is your active pokemon,between turns,remove 1 damage counter from snorlax ex.

body slam[c]30
flip a coin,if heads,the efending pokemon is parelzed.

each time snorlax ex use rollout,plus 10 more damage.
RE: Future EXs ideas

my idea is:
Machamp ex 160 HP
Poke-Power: Strikes Back
When Machamp ex is Knocked-out, the Defending Pokemon recieves 30HP damage.
{FC} Karate Chop 70-
This attack does 70 damage minus 10 damage for each damage counter on Machamp ex
{FFF} Rock Smash 80
RE: Future EXs ideas

I think there should be a
a) Donphan ex
b) Ampharos ex
and c) Ursaring ex