future ex's

RE: Future EXs ideas

How about Salamence delta

Salamence ex [R]150 hp

Poke Body: Dual Armor
If Salamence ex have any [M] energy attach to it. Salamence ex type are now both [R] and [M].

[R] [C] Extra Fire Dance 40
Search your discardpile for a [R] energy an attach it to Salamence ex. If your oppenent have any pokemon-ex in play search 2 [R] energy instead of one an attach it to Salamence ex.

[R] [R] [M] [C] Fire Spin 150
Discard 2 [R] energy or a [M] attach to Salamence ex. If not this attack does nothing.

Resistance:[R] [F]
Retreat Cost:[C] [C]
RE:  Future EXs ideas

Poke said:
How about Salamence delta

Salamence ex  [R]150 hp

Poke Body: Dual Armor
If Salamence ex have any [M] energy attach to it. Salamence ex type are now both [R] and [M].

[R] [C] Extra Fire Dance  40
Search your discardpile for a [R] energy an attach it to Salamence ex. If your oppenent have any pokemon-ex in play search 2 [R] energy instead of one an attach it to Salamence ex.

[R] [R] [M] [C] Fire Spin   150
Discard 2 [R] energy or a [M] attach to Salamence ex. If not this attack does nothing.

Resistance:[R] [F]
Retreat Cost:[C] [C]
Second attack, WAY TOO BROKEN!!!
It should look like this:
[R][R][R][M][M] Fire Spin 150
Discard all Fire Energies or 2 Metal Energies attached to Salamence d EX, or this attack does nothing.
RE: Future EXs ideas


What about this one?
RE: Future EXs ideas

I'm new here, so I haven't had enough time to read every ex card invented. I hope I'm not repeating attacks or powers, I tried to make my cards original. I also don't know how to use Photoshop...yet!
These are the ex I invented and posted in another topic. I'll place them here too, seems like the other one is not specific for posting cards... This one is better.

Anyway, if this is not permited, please, somebody delete one of the posts. :)

Tentacruel ex
110 HP
[Water] (ex)

Poké-body: Colonial protection.
As long as Tentacruel ex has any special energy cards attached to it, ignore both [L] and [P] weakness to all your pokémon.

[C] Jellyfish pod
Search your deck for as many pokémon with Tentacool or Tentacruel in their names as you want and put them in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[C][C] Random tentacles 40+
Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, this attack does 100 damage instead of 40. If both are tails, the defending pokémon is now paralyzed and poisoned. Place 2 damage counters between turns instead of 1.

[W][W][C] Jellyfish invasion 40 +
Show your hand to your opponent. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 damage times the number of pokémon with Tentacool or Tentacruel in their names you have is in your hand. Then, shuffle those pokémon back into your deck.

Weakness: [L][P]
Resistance: -
Retreat cost: -

Hypno ex
110 HP
[Psychic] (ex)

Poké-body: Pendulum distortion
Whenever a player uses a trainer card, poke-power, poke-body, attack, special energy card or any other effect that requires him or her to flip a coin (like special conditions), consider the result of the flip as tails automatically (all the flips, if there are more than one).

[P] Dream eater 70
If the defending pokémon is not asleep, this attack does nothing.

[P][C][C] Mind shock 60
Don’t apply resistance.

Weakness: [P]
Resistance: -
Retreat cost: 1

Xatu ex
100 HP
[Colorless] (ex)

Poké-power: Visionary gaze
If Xatu ex is your active pokémon, flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent’s hand. Choose up to any three cards you find there and shuffle them into your opponent’s deck. Then, your opponent may draw 2 cards. If tails, the defending pokémon is now asleep (choose 1 if there are 2). You can’t use more than one Visionary gaze poke-power each turn. You can't use this power if Xatu ex is affected by a special condition

[P] Wish
Discard an energy card attached to Xatu ex or this attack does nothing. In the end of your next turn, remove damage counters from your active pokémon (choose 1 if there are 2) equal to half its maximum HP. (rounded down to the nearest 10) (after applying any effects affecting the HP) (benching Xatu ex does not end this effect).

[C][C][C] Psychic wing 60
If Xatu ex has any [P] energy attached to it, Xatu ex’s type is also [P] until the end of this turn (before applying weakness and resistance).

Weakness: [L]
Resistance: [F]
Retreat cost: -

Hypno ex's power is the one i've been praying for ages! I hate to lose a game because my opponent is lucky in his 3 lifeherbs, 4 reversals and I get asleep 3 times in a row. I'm very unlucky when playing, nothing I can do about it. So, with Hypno ex, my opponent will be so unlucky as I am :D!

The random effect of the coin will be predictable now, and sleep will be a devastating special condition, that will need a trainer card for recovery (except life herb :D, I hate that card). Works both ways, obviously. If i get asleep, I wouldn't be able to wake up. Fair isn't it?

Well, tentacruel ex have pokebody and 3 attacks, quite uncommon but tyranitar ex have 4 attacks, so, maybe it is possible for tentacruel to have a poke-body text in the place of one attack... Hypno ex doesn't have a attack that puts to sleep, and Xatu ex would be vulnerable to Battle frontier in purpose because I find its power a little broken. I could use them in one deck combining their powers (can you see the combos I planned? :D) and also use non ex versions (I yet have to invent delta species versions of them).

I tried to balance things a little specially in HP. Not my intention to make overpower unbalanced pokémon ex, my intention is to make a good Hypno, Xatu or Tentacruel :D (since there are so few of them... :()
I'll post Aipom ex and Shuckle ex later.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Here they are.

Aipom ex

[C] Dangerous Move
Put damage counters on all active pokémon (both yours and your opponent’s) until they have only 10 HP left. Then you may switch Aipom ex to one of your benched pokémon that doesn’t have a poké-power or poké-body. You can’t use this attack if your other active pokémon has any poké-bodies or poké-powers.

[C] Pilfer 10
Choose up to 2 cards in your discard pile. Shuffle Aipom ex and the chosen cards into your deck. (discard all cards attached to Aipom ex) Then, you may draw a card. If you have no benched pokémon, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [F]
Retreat cost: 1

Schuckle ex

Poké-body: Extreme defense
All damage done to Schuckle ex is reduced to 10 and, if Schuckle ex has any [G] or [F] energy attached to it, prevent all effects of opponent’s attacks (except damage) done to Schuckle ex.

[C]Energy fluid
Search your discard pile for a basic energy card and attach it to one of your pokémon. Place one damage counter on Shuckle ex.

[F][G][C][C] Limit break 10+
Discard 3 energy attached to Schuckle ex in order to use this attack. This attack does 10 damage plus 30 more damage for each damage counter on Schuckle ex.
Weakness: [W][R]
Retreat cost: 3

Smeargle ex
70 HP

Poké-body: Basic color sensibility
Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Smeargle ex from evolved pokémon and from basic pokémon with more than 50 maximum HP. All damage done to Smeargle ex is doubled (before applying weakness and resistance).

[C] Painful colors 20
Choose one type from one pokémon in play. This attack does 30 damage to each of your opponent’s evolved benched pokémon of that type.

[C][C] Energy pallete
Choose one of your opponent's pokémon that has more than 50 maximum HP and put 3 damage counters on it plus one extra damage counter for each type of basic energy card in play.

Weakness: [F]
Retreat cost: 1

(i edited this post a lot of times... specially to make Schuckle ex less broken.)
Schuckle ex + oran berry = broken
Smeargle ex's Energy pallette was much better than UF Ho-oh's ex rainbow wing = Smeargle ex broken.
I tried to fix them both. Now I think they are ok
RE:  Future EXs ideas

escata said:
Here they are.

Aipom ex

[C] Dangerous Move
Put damage counters on all active pokémon (both yours and your opponent’s) until they have only 10 HP left. Then you may switch Aipom ex to one of your benched pokémon that doesn’t have a poké-power or poké-body. You can’t use this attack if your other active pokémon have any poké-bodies or poké-powers.

[C] Pilfer 10
Choose up to 2 cards in your discard pile. Shuffle Aipom ex and the chosen cards into your deck. (discard all cards attached to Aipom ex) Then, you may draw a card. If you have no benched pokémon, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [F]
Retreat cost: 1

Schuckle ex

Poké-body: Extreme defense
All damage done to Schuckle ex is reduced to 10 and, if Schuckle ex has any [G] or [F] energy attached to it, prevent all effects of opponent’s attacks (except damage) done to Schuckle ex.

[C] Energy fluid
Search your discard pile for a basic energy card and attach it to one of your pokémon (excluding pokémon ex). Place one damage counter on Shuckle ex.

[F][G][C] Limit break 10+
This attack does 10 damage plus 30 more damage for each damage counter on Schuckle ex

Weakness: [W][R]
Retreat cost: 2

Smeargle ex
70 HP

Poké-body: Artistic sensibility
Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Smeargle ex from evolved pokémon and from basic pokémon with more than 50 maximum HP. All damage done to Smeargle ex is doubled (before applying weakness and resistance).

[C] Painful colors 20
Choose one type from one pokémon in play. This attack does 30 damage to each of your opponent’s evolved benched pokémon of that type.

[C][C]  Energy pallete
Place 2 damage counters in one of your opponent’s pokémon for each  different type of basic energy card you have in play.

Weakness: [F]
Retreat cost: 1

Sorry, but Aipom EX and Shuckle EX are horrible. What does {U} stand for?
Smeargle EX would be better if it had 90 HP and it's Body only resisted Basics completely.
RE: Future EXs ideas

I haven't posted in a while! Here are some ex's.

Celebi ex
100 hp
poke-body: Time Travel
Whenever Celebi ex get's attacked by a pokemon-ex or a pokemon star, you may search your discard pile for any card and put it in your hand.
GC Time Vine 10
Choose one of your opponent's evolved pokemon (If any) and return the highest stage of that card and put it in your opponent's hand.
GGCC Frenzy Plant 80
retreat cost:1

Beautifly ex
160 hp
poke-body: Frenzy Swarm
If Beautifly ex has 60 hp or less, Beautifly ex's attacks does 60 more damage to the defending pokemon. If Beautifly ex attacks when it has 60 hp or less, put 2 damage counters on Beautifly ex.
GGC Giga Drain 40
Remove 4 damage counters from Beautifly ex. Beautifly ex cannot use Giga Drain next turn.
GGGGC Emergency Call 50
The defending pokemon is now burned, poisoned, and paralyzed.
weakness:lightning, fire
retreat cost:1
RE: Future EXs ideas

Charizardian said:
If you don't mind, I'm going to go ahead and make the Ultimate ex.

Alakazam ex 150 HP [P]

Poké-BODY: Telekinetic Reaction
All Special Energy Cards attached to all of your Pokémon now also provide 1 React Energy but provide the number of energy that card provides at a time. When you attach a Special Energy card to one of your Pokémon, place one damage counter on that Pokémon.

[C][C] Mini-Psystorm 10x
this attack does 10 damage times the number of energy attached to your opponent's Basic Pokémon.

[P][P][C][C][C] Ultimate Reaction 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of React Energy cards in play. Alakzam ex does half of that damage to itself (rounded to the nearest 10)

W: [P]
R: N/A
RC: [C][C]

^If THAT ain't ultimate, nothin' is.

Liked this card. Causes a lot of damage but doesn't last long, so it is fair.
Mini psystorm should be 10+. I don't like the idea of "mini" to Alakazam... Alakazam is powerful, does not have mini attacks or mini damage :) Maybe "Basic psystorm". ;)

I believe you should make Ultimate Reaction cost to [P][C][C][C] but make the poke-body generate 1 react energy for each special energy card, not for each energy that card generated, otherwise it is broken.

Ah, powerful pokémon should have 2 weakness. [P] and [G] to Alakazam ex since psychic pokémon are weak traditionally to the ghost type (in tcg = [P]) and to the bug type (in tcg = [G]). [D] weakness should be a possibility but this is traditionally associated to ghost [P] pokémon.

mathace said:
here's your wish, Jade:
Nidoqueen ex 150 HP {G}
Poke-Body: Poisonous Spines - If the Defending Pokemon does more than 40 HP damage to Nidoqueen ex, that Pokemon is Poisoned.
{GG} Megahorn 50x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads.
{GGGCC} Mega-Earthquake 100
This attack does 30 damage to each Benched Pokemon.
Weakness: {R}{P}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost:{CCC}

Nidoking ex 160 HP {F}
Poke-Body: Poison Resistance - Nidoking ex cannot be Poisoned.
{FF} Thrash 20+
This attack does 20 damage plus 20 damage for each damage counter on Nidoking ex
{FFFCC} Mega Kick 100
Weakness: {P}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {CCCC}

Please comment on these cards.

Ok I'll comment them too :D

Nidoqueen ex, why does she have weakness to fire? She is poison type, (weak to psychic or ground) not grass type in GB. I suggest her weakness to be [P] and [W]. The first attack is ok... for an ex. And mega earthquake should cause only 20 damage to bench, otherwise is broken (kill all basic pokémon with 50 HP in two hits. In all history of pokémon TCG, this was only possible with 3 hits)

Nidoking ex.
So... with 2 energy = 320 damage if nidoking have 15 damage counters on it... or only 100 if he has 4... Not even a little broken. Why would I put 5 energy on him to use mega kick? You should limit this attack to 60 damage at most. (like you can't cause more than 60 damage this way), or make only 10 damage intead 20 (with limitation too). I also suggest making him confused after attacking, just like thrash does in the GB.
Last thing... all 160HP ex pokemon have 2 weakness when they can. So, Nidoking should be weak to [P] and [G] or [P] and [W]
RE: Future EXs ideas

This is another ex that I made

Arbok ex                 110HP (Grass)

Poke-Body- Poison Payback
If Arbok ex is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Arbok ex is Knocked Out), the Attacking Pokémon is now Poisoned.

[grass][colorless] Bite                                40

[grass][grass][colorless] Special Reaction      60
If the defending Pokemon is Poisoned it is now Burnt.


Updated after the last post
RE: Future EXs ideas

Arbok ex... Make it 110 HP, and Special Reaction (the second attacck, i think) should be 50 or 60 damage.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Sorry, but Aipom EX and Shuckle EX are horrible. What does {U} stand for?
Smeargle EX would be better if it had 90 HP and it's Body only resisted Basics completely.


They are not horrible... They are just not broken. I tried to invent possible ex cards.

For example, aipom ex can leave any pokemon with 10 HP left, and is a basic pokémon, colorless, playable in every deck. Use this attack against one ex pokémon to desperate your opponent. If aipom survives, I can use pilfer next turn and save it from destruction, while one of the opponent's pokemon will be near death. If it is an ex, better = 2 prizes

80 HP is ok.

Smeragle ex... The idea is to make it invulnerable to evolved pokemon, to be killed only to basic pokémon that may evolve. (squirtle does damage, blastoise don't) It is useless to have protection only against basic pokémon, I would be copying DX ninjask. It is fair because every player have basic pokémon in their decks that evolve. If not, attacks like swift will do the work. Since basic pokémon that evolves causes usually 10 or 20 damage, Smeargle needs little HP to compensate. I wanted to ggive it 0 retreat cost, but than i would be breaking it. Every basic pokémon, since RS have at least 1 to retreat.

Schuckle ex is for stalling. Its power reduces all damage he receives to 10 and not by 10. If an ex causes 350 damage to him, Schuckle takes only 10 because he has extreme defense (prevents 340 damage). Then when he has 5 damage counters on it, it would cause 160 damage (do the math). I made it [F] so low pressure system could not be used to raise its HP (if he was [G]) and add 30 damage to an already powerful attack that costs only 3 energy.

Anyway, if the powers are a problem, there is always attacks like swift.
I don't think that all the broken ex pokemon here may counter that, but one normal pokemon might. :)

...What does {U} stand for?...

Didn't undestand what you meant here...
RE: Future EXs ideas

Caterpie - 50 HP - G 54/117

G - Signs of Evolution
Search your deck for a Metapod card and a Butterfree card, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.

CC - String Shot - 20
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

WK: R / RS: F-30 / RC: None


Metapod - 80 HP - G 42/117

Poké-Body: Tough Shell
Prevent all damage done to Metapod by your opponent's Pokémon-ex.

CC - Tackle - 20

GC - Stun Spore - 30
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

WK: R / RS: F-30 / RC: C


Butterfree - 100 HP - G 1/117

GC - Gust of Wind - 30
Before doing damage, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon with 1 of the Defending Pokémon. Your opponent chooses the Defending Pokémon to switch. If you do, this attack does 30 damage to the new Defending Pokémon.

GCCC - Swiftbeam - 60
The Defending Pokémon is now Confused. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or any other effects on the Defending Pokémon.

WK: R / RS: F-30 / RC: C


Porygon δ - 50 HP - M 79/117

Poké-Body: Virtual
Porygon can't be affected by any Special Conditions.

C - Data Sort
Look at the top 4 cards of your deck and put them back in any order.

MC - Delta Tackle - 20

WK: F / RS: None / RC: C


Porygon2 δ - 80 HP - M 49/117

Poké-Body: Virtual
Porygon2 can't be affected by any Special Conditions.

M - Computer Error
Draw up to 5 cards. Your opponent draws the same amount.

MCC - Cool Shot - 40
Remove the highest stage Evolution card from the Defending Pokémon (this counts as devolving that Pokémon). Your opponent shuffles that card into his or her deck.

WK: F / RS: None / RC: C


Mew * - 40 HP - P 117/117

Poké-Body: Gene Alteration
You can put any Evolution card onto Mew *.

C - Gather Power
Seach your deck for an Evolution card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. If Mew * is the only Pokémon your have in play, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Mew * during your opponent's next turn.

CC - Psychic Turn - 20
Switch Mew * with one of your Benched Pokémon.

WK: D / RS: None / RC: None


Gligar * - 70 HP - F 116/117

Poké-Body: Reactive Poison
As long as Gligar * is on your Bench and has 2 or more React Energy cards attached to it, the Defending Pokémon is Poisoned. The Special Condition Poisoned can't be removed from the Defending Pokémon.

F - Toxic Turn
The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. Switch Gligar * with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

CC - Star Cutter - 20+
Does 20 damage plus 50 more damage if Gligar * is the only Pokémon you have in play.
RE: Future EXs ideas

if non-ex cards are allowed, here goes:
Charizard {R} 120 HP
{RRC} Flamethrower 90
Discard a {R} energy attached to Charizard
{RRRRR} Fire Blast 120
Weakness: {W}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {CCC}

Blastoise {W} 100 HP
{WWW} Hydro Pump 70+
This attack does 70 damage plus 20 damge for each {W} energy attached to Blastoise. You can't add more than 60 damage this way.
{WWWW} Hyper Whirlpool 70
Discard all Energy Cards attached to the Defending Pokemon.
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {CC}

Venusaur {G} 110 HP
{GGC} Poison Pollen 30
The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned, Burned, and Asleep.
{GGGCC} Solarbeam 100
Weakness: {R}{P}
Resistance: {W}
Retreat Cost: {CC}
RE: Future EXs ideas

Pokefan4000 said:
I haven't posted in a while! Here are some ex's.

Celebi ex
100 hp
poke-body: Time Travel
Whenever Celebi ex get's attacked by a pokemon-ex or a pokemon star, you may search your discard pile for any card and put it in your hand.
GC Time Vine 10
Choose one of your opponent's evolved pokemon (If any) and return the highest stage of that card and put it in your opponent's hand.
GGCC Frenzy Plant 80
retreat cost:1

Beautifly ex
160 hp
poke-body: Frenzy Swarm
If Beautifly ex has 60 hp or less, Beautifly ex's attacks does 60 more damage to the defending pokemon. If Beautifly ex attacks when it has 60 hp or less, put 2 damage counters on Beautifly ex.
GGC Giga Drain 40
Remove 4 damage counters from Beautifly ex. Beautifly ex cannot use Giga Drain next turn.
GGGGC Emergency Call 50
The defending pokemon is now burned, poisoned, and paralyzed.
weakness:lightning, fire
retreat cost:1

Well, my comments.

Beutifly ex...

The HP is broken. Make her like dustox ex: 140 HP. Weakness are ok. Resistance is too. Make the retreat cost zero.
Giga drain should remove only half the damage caused, according to Gameboy.
I would make emergency call's cost [G][G][G][C][C].

The pokebody is broken. She is a beautifly, not a scizor! It reads that giga drain will cause 90 damage with 3 energy and no disavantage!
My suggestion is to make frenzy swarm work when she has 70 or less HP remaining (70 to 140). She should cause 40 more damage and be confused after she attacks, which is ok, since she has zero for retreat cost.

Celebi ex
Time vine is ok, frenzy plant should cause 70 damage or have one energy more to do the attack to cause 80.
No resistance to water. Only pure grass types (in the GB) have resistance to water in the TCG (exception: Jumpluff line). Celebi is also psychic in the GB, so, no resistance.
Ah, choose another name for the power... I think celebi * already used the name "time travel".