future ex's

RE:    Future EXs ideas

escata said:
Sorry, but Aipom EX and Shuckle EX are horrible. What does {U} stand for?
Smeargle EX would be better if it had 90 HP and it's Body only resisted Basics completely.


They are not horrible... They are just not broken. I tried to invent possible ex cards.

For example, aipom ex can leave any pokemon with 10 HP left, and is a basic pokémon, colorless, playable in every deck. Use this attack against one ex pokémon to desperate your opponent. If aipom survives, I can use pilfer next turn and save it from destruction, while one of the opponent's pokemon will be near death. If it is an ex, better = 2 prizes

80 HP is ok.

Smeragle ex... The idea is to make it invulnerable to evolved pokemon, to be killed only to basic pokémon that may evolve. (squirtle does damage, blastoise don't) It is useless to have protection only against basic pokémon, I would be copying DX ninjask. It is fair because every player have basic pokémon in their decks that evolve. If not, attacks like swift will do the work. Since basic pokémon that evolves causes usually 10 or 20 damage, Smeargle needs little HP to compensate. I wanted to ggive it 0 retreat cost, but than i would be breaking it. Every basic pokémon, since RS have at least 1 to retreat.

Schuckle ex is for stalling. Its power reduces all damage he receives to 10 and not by 10. If an ex causes 350 damage to him, Schuckle takes only 10 because he has extreme defense (prevents 340 damage). Then when he has 5 damage counters on it, it would cause 160 damage (do the math). I made it [F] so low pressure system could not be used to raise its HP (if he was [G]) and add 30 damage to an already powerful attack that costs only 3 energy.

Anyway, if the powers are a problem, there is always attacks like swift.
I don't think that all the broken ex pokemon here may counter that, but one normal pokemon might. :)  

...What does {U} stand for?...

Didn't undestand what you meant here...

Good point. I see how Aipom could work, but I think Smeargle and Shuckle are Broken. For Smeargle add Recovery cards. Same thing for Shuckle.
They are good cards and could work if they existed, but they would be over powered. If they were stars they'd be perfect.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Girafarig EX
110 HP
This pokemon is both [C] and [P] type
Poke-power- Tall
Girafarig EX can attack your opponents benched Pokemon.
Psychic 80
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's active pokemon is confused and paralyzed. If tails, Girafarig EX cannot attack next turn

Weakness: Psychic, Grass
resistance: None
Retreat cost: CCC
RE:  Future EXs ideas

jayh272416 said:
Girafarig EX
110 HP
This pokemon is both [C] and [P] type
Poke-power- Tall
Girafarig EX can attack your opponents benched Pokemon.
Psychic                                      80
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's active pokemon is confused and paralyzed. If tails, Girafarig EX cannot attack next turn

Weakness: Psychic, Grass
resistance: None
Retreat cost: CCC
Not bad. Give it an attack that reads:
(P)(C) ------- 60

So you can continuosly hit the bench.
RE: Future EXs ideas

jayh272416 said:
Girafarig EX
110 HP
This pokemon is both [C] and [P] type
Poke-power- Tall
Girafarig EX can attack your opponents benched Pokemon.
Psychic 80
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent's active pokemon is confused and paralyzed. If tails, Girafarig EX cannot attack next turn

Weakness: Psychic, Grass
resistance: None
Retreat cost: CCC
Not bad. Give it an attack that reads:
(P)(C) ------- 60

So you can continuosly hit the bench.

No! That would make girafarig ex broken. The main reason I think she is not broken is because she has only one attack. And for [P][C], the damage should be 40.;)

I liked the poke-body a lot, very interesting. :) Jayh272416 gave her more HP, but also gave 2 weakness and more retreat to compensate. The attack is ok, since it is the only attack Girafarig ex has, and is not broken for a basic ex.

GODZILLA, about my aipom ex, Schuckle ex and smeargle ex,
I saw that problem of recovery cards, could make them more powerful and tried to ameliate it.

With smeargle ex, I added that disadvantage effect: basic pokémon that cause damage at it would cause double. So, something like 20 damage from a fighting one would be a KO ( 80 damage = 2 prizes). For Schuckle ex, If I recover damage counters, it would be less damage done by the attack. If they were star pokémon, the ex rule would not be applyied and I couldn’t give Schuckle ex 2 weakness. (but star pokemon is an interesting idea… Star pokémon usually don’t have poke bodies, however)

Anyway, what may make they broken are the poke-bodies. If neutralized, both cards become rather weak. ;) Two ways of achieving this: stopping the poke-body (the pokemon tool seal crystal from Miracle crystal for exemple) or attacks whose damage are not affected by poke-bodies, like swift. Sceptile EM can kill schuckle ex with one hit, since it causes 60 damage and its damage is not affected by poke-bodies.
RE: Future EXs ideas

mathace said:
if non-ex cards are allowed, here goes:
Charizard {R} 120 HP
{RRC} Flamethrower 90
Discard a {R} energy attached to Charizard
{RRRRR} Fire Blast 120
Weakness: {W}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {CCC}

Blastoise {W} 100 HP
{WWW} Hydro Pump 70+
This attack does 70 damage plus 20 damge for each {W} energy attached to Blastoise. You can't add more than 60 damage this way.
{WWWW} Hyper Whirlpool 70
Discard all Energy Cards attached to the Defending Pokemon.
Weakness: {L}
Resistance: N/A
Retreat Cost: {CC}

Venusaur {G} 110 HP
{GGC} Poison Pollen 30
The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned, Burned, and Asleep.
{GGGCC} Solarbeam 100
Weakness: {R}{P}
Resistance: {W}
Retreat Cost: {CC}

Not talking about ex pokemon here, so, the level of attacks should be weakened

Charizard’s flamethrower for that cost should cause 70 damage, just like Houndoom UF does. And Fireblast should have the player discard energy, 2 energy at least. 120 damage attacks can’t be used every turn without a disadvantage.

Blastoise’s Hydro Pump is broken.Totally. Blastoise is not an ex.. 3 energy 70 damage is already an ex level attack. But if you used 3W energy to pay the cost, the damage is 130! And you need to use 3W.
No, this attack should state:

[C][C][C] Hydro pump 40 +
Does 20 damage for each [W] energy card attached to Blastoise but not used to pay for this attack’s energy cost. You can’t add more than 60 damage this way.
So, to cause 100 damage, you would need at least [W][W][W][C][C][C], (6 energy) .
To cause 80, [W][W][C][C][C], (5 energy) and to cause 60, [W][C][C][C] (4 energy). Boost energy could be applied. Compare to Base Set Blastoise or to EM kyogre and see, This Blastoise is still stronger.

Blastoise’s Hyper Whirlpool…. Lol, better even than the Blastoise ex’s :D, no coins involved! There should be coin flipping here and the cost should be [W][W][W][C][C], 70 damage. This attack can’t be better than the ex’s.
Or, you may do something specific and funnier like this:

[W][W][W][C] Extra whirlpool. 70
If the defending pokémon is a pokémon ex, discard all energy attached to it

Then it could be possible, since it is specific for ex pokémon. Even though, I think that discarding all energy is still broken…

Venusaur’s poison pollen is better than the ex’s too. For this cost, poison pollen should’nt cause any damage, only the effect. Or, cause 20 damage plus coin flipping: if tails, no effect, only 20 damage. Again, Solarbeam is better than the ex’s. For [G][G][G][C][C], Solarbeam should cause 80 damage. I prefer, [G][G][C][C][C] 70 damage, just like RS scepitile. (boost energy effect). Venusaur should have only one weakness since he is not an ex and does not have an owner. And no resistance to water. Only pure grass type pokémon in the GB have corresponding water resistance in the TCG (only exception: jumpluff line). Venusaur is grass /poison, not a pure plant, so, no resistance.

Andyman said:
Arbok ex 130HP (Grass)

Poke-Body- Poison Payback
If Arbok ex is your Active Pokémon and is damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Arbok ex is Knocked Out), the Attacking Pokémon is now Poisoned.

[grass][colorless] Bite 40

[grass][grass][colorless] Special Reaction 40
If the defending Pokemon is Poisoned it is now Burnt.


I agree with what mathace said before. Special reaction should cause more damage, I’d say 60, since arbok is an ex pokémon. Plus poison and burn, the total damage would be 90, which is interesting but involves luck.
130 Hp is ok, since normal arboks lately have more HP than the average stage one pokémon. (just like milotic, steelix and gyarados, arbok has a snake-form shape and more HP, at least in TCG)

What I didn’t catch is the weakness to fire. Why fire? Arbok is poison type only, in the GB, and poison types have no weakness to fire, but to psychic and ground. So, its weakness should be the traditional [P].

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
Mew * - 40 HP - P 117/117

Poké-Body: Gene Alteration
You can put any Evolution card onto Mew *.

C - Gather Power
Seach your deck for an Evolution card, show it to your opponent, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. If Mew * is the only Pokémon your have in play, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Mew * during your opponent's next turn.

CC - Psychic Turn - 20
Switch Mew * with one of your Benched Pokémon.

WK: D / RS: None / RC: None


Gligar * - 70 HP - F 116/117

Poké-Body: Reactive Poison
As long as Gligar * is on your Bench and has 2 or more React Energy cards attached to it, the Defending Pokémon is Poisoned. The Special Condition Poisoned can't be removed from the Defending Pokémon.

F - Toxic Turn
The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. Switch Gligar * with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

CC - Star Cutter - 20+
Does 20 damage plus 50 more damage if Gligar * is the only Pokémon you have in play.

Caterpie and Metapod are good, really a possibility. They ressemble a lot the FRLG ones. You should call metapod’s power “extra tight”, the same name for the power Schuckle UF has (that does the same thing). Butterfree is good too. I would give her zero for retreat instead of one. Porygon 1 and 2 delta are both well balanced too.

Pokemon star usually have no powers, but that’s ok for mew and gligar.

Mew*, I believe, could have more HP, like 70. Interesting poke-power, ressembles Brock’s ninetales. You should only explain in the text to consider the evolution card placed upon mew* as an evolved pokémon, just like the “baby evolution” poke-power does.

The text of the gligar *’s pokébody is a bit confusing… Does it works only when gligar * is active? (yes, or it is broken…) So the opponent’s active will be always poisoned, no card can heal it, unless defending pokémon retreats right? If the defending pokémon retreats, the other one will be automatically poisoned? (Only if gligar * is still active, right?) It’s the same as Typhlosion’s UF Pokébody, but affecting only the opponent.

Humm… Since Gligar is *… maybe this would fit, but he has to be active to poison the opponent. If opponent switches and gligar too (warp point, for example), the pokebody won’t poison the new opponent’s active pokemon.

The attacks are ok. Once you get 2 react, no need to use toxic turn.
About the bottom stats, since you forgot to mention, maybe weakness to grass, no resistance and 1 to retreat (every basic pokémon have one for retreat cost since RS.)
RE: Future EXs ideas

Charizardian said:
^ Tha's impoosible. OH NOES ITS A POWERED UP BALL OF WATER!!!!111fordfocus!!!

Now it's time for the most ultimate ex's ever thought up on this board!

Slowking ex 100 HP [W]
Stage 1- Evolves from Slowpoke

Picture: In a Himeno style (See deoxys beutifly), a Slowking is sitting on a rock in an ocean, most of it concealed by holofoil, staring at you. A giant wave is seen behind him, and Slowkings eyes are glowing a brightish pink and seems to be mad!

Poké-Power: Breif Mind Game
Once during your turn (before your attack), When you play Slowking ex from your hand to evolve one of your Pokémon, look at the top 5 cards of your opponent an place them back in any order you like.

[C] Glassy Gaze 20
If the Defending Pokémon tries to retreat during your opponent's next turn, flip a coin. If heads the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

[W][C][C] United Shell 60+
This attack does 60 damage plus 10 more damage for each Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking on your bench.

W: (L)
R: N/A
RC: (C)(C)

Parasect ex 120 HP [G]
Stage 1- Evolves from Paras

Picture in a Kaike style (See Medicham ex) a Parasect is looming over you, coming from the right side of the frame, going Diagnol. we can make out a small lump of dirt that paraesct is on, and there is a blackish-green backround.

[C] Infected Pollen
Flip a coin. If heads, you may treat the Defending Pokémon as any type of your choice until the end of your next turn. Either way, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.

[G][C] Shroom Slash 10
Flip 4 coins. For each heads, choose a Special Condition. The Defending Pokémon is now affected by each of those Special Conditions. Parasect ex does 10 damage to itself.

[C][C][C] Cut 50

W: [R][C]
R: [W][P]
RC: (C)

Machamp ex δ Delta Species [L] 150 HP
Stage 2- Evovles from Machoke

Picture: In an Arita style (See Dustox ex), A machamp is standing in the middle of the frame, with zigzag lines of yellow emitting from it, in an orange backround. There is a yellow aura surroundon Machamp.

Poké-Body: Hand Compatibility
Reduce all damage done to Machamp ex by 10 for each card in your hand. You can't reduce more than 40 damage in this way.

(L)(C) Hammerdown 20x
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If at least 2 are heads, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

(L)(L)(L)(L)(L) Mass Delta Panic 250
All of your Pokémon besides Machamp ex are now Knocked out. Machamp ex does 130 damage to itself. Machamp ex is now Poisened, Confused, and Burned.

W: (P)
R: N/A
RC: (C)(C)(C)

My comments:

Slowking ex
lol, I loved the first attack, but i think it should cost [P].
In the second attack, since you said shell, you could include Shellder and Cloyster too (there is that story about a shelder biting one slowpoke's head or tail, and blah, blah, blah...).
Not a broken ex. Retreat could be 1 instead of 2.

Parasect ex:
Too much HP, should be 90 or 100, maybe 110. In the first attack, if opponent benches his pokémon, effect ends, right? Second attack is ok. There is always a switch to counter special conditions. Third attack is ok for [C][C][C]. Could cause 60 damage, since parasect is ex.
I can't understand the resistance to [P]. Why? In the GB this never happens. Usually, stage 1 pokémon doesn't have 2 weakness and even fewer have 2 resistances. I guess no stage one pokémon ex has 2 weakness. Anyway, water resistance should not be applyied either. Only pure (monotype) grass type pokémon in the GB resist to water in the TCG (exception: Jumpluff line). Parasect is bug and grass, so, no resistance.
The attempt to express the double weakness to flying pokemon is valid, I understand ;) but i'd keep the traditional "fire only" for this stage one. Parasect has double weakness to fire as well.

About the poke-body, machamp can't reduce more than 40 damage because he doesn't have more than 4 hands right? Well, I didn't understand at what time the power is activated. For me, this should be a poké-power and happen once during your turn, not a poké-body. If you meant that this should happen between turns (healing 80 damage conters in 2 turns), that's not possible. Way too broken.

The first attack ressembles crobat ex's so, it's permitable.
The second one, lol... too powerful even with the mega disavantage. Too powerful for one reason: 250 is bigger than 200.
Charizard has this popular image of being powerful, the most powerful pokémon... (even if not true) so nothing should have a number more than 200 printed in a card for an attack. Against Nintendo's phylosophy I believe. So Mass Panic should cause 200 damage.
Anyway, this attack is suicidal. Yor opponent doesn't even need to attack, he just need to wait for his turn to finish so machamp ex is KOed by poison. To solve this, make machamp only confused after this attack and make him cause only 100 damage to itself.
Retreat cost and HP are ok.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Osiris' Prophet said:
Shedinja EX
Type: Grass
Evolves from Nincada
Pokebody: Hollow Body
Prevent all effects of an attack, including damage, by attacks from pokemon without types listed on Shedinja Ex's Weakness.

(G)(C) Cursed Counter: Place a Cursed counter on one of your opponent's defending pokemon. Between turn's, if Shedinja EX was fainted the turn before, faint the pokemon with Cursed counter. You do not take any prizes for this effect.

(G)(G)(G) Spectre Slice 10 : During your opponent's next turn, reduce damage Shedinja takes by 20 (Before Applying weakness and resistance)

Weakness: Fire, Dark
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)

Rapidash EX
Type: Fire
Evolves from Ponyta
Pokepower: Firetorch
For each (G) Energt attached to a defending pokemon, Rapidash Ex does +10 Damage (Before applying Weakness and Resistances)

(R) Fastfire: Choose an opponent's pokemon, this attack does 20 to that pokemon.(Do not apply Weakness and Resistance for benched pokemon.)

(R)(C)(C)Flame Stomp 60
Weakness: Water
Resistance: None
Retreat Cost: (C)

Ruling By Power
Trainer- Stadium
Any pokemon with 50 Hp Or less cannot use Pokebodies or Pokepowers. If an Evolved pokemon is affected by Ruling by power, place a Damage counter on it between turns.

Ursaring EX
Type: Normal
Evolves from Teddiursa

Pokepower: Bear Hug Party
When you play Ursaring from your hand to evolve a pokemon, choose an evolved pokemon you have in play(Excluding pokemon EX). Remove 2 damage counters from that pokemon for each pokemon you have in play.

(C)(C)(C)Big Bear Roar 50+ : This attack does 50 damge +30 more damage if the defending pokemon is a basic pokemon.

(C)(C)(C)(C) Hyperbeam 120 : Ursaring Ex cannot use Hyperbeam during your next turn.

Weakness: Fighting
Resistance: Psychic
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)


Shedinja ex...

even a 1 energy "swift" attack could KO this ex pokémon. Interesting. But there should be other ways to do so. You tried to make it just like the game, so you should have made her with 5 weakness: fire, dark, colorless (because of flying), fighting (because of rock) and psychic (because of ghost) since she has a really special power. Metal, grass, water and lightning decks would have more difficulty to beat Shedinja ex, but there are attacks like switch, the stadium you invented and crystal shard, since Shedinja ex is now weak to colorless. This way it became simple to KO Shedinja, so, that first attack should also state one extra effect:

[C] Cursed counter:
Place one cursed counter in two of your opponent's pokémon that doesn't already have a cursed counter on it. Whenever a pokémon with a cursed counter KO shedinja, KO that pokémon. Neither players take any prize cards.


Spectre slice should cause 50 damage, cost [G][C][C] and reduce 40 damage to shedinja.

Maybe only 1 to retreat.

Rapidash ex is cool

The HP should be 100 instead, the retreat cost zero (it's a rapidash).

Ursaring ex is overall balanced, except for hyperbeam.

It's possible to use hyperbeam in turn 2, just attach a boost energy. So the cost should be

[C][C][C][C][C] 90 damage.

and an effect that says "Ursaring ex can't retreat or attack during your next turn". Maybe a better name for the attack is Slashing strike, similar to Scepitile ex

No resistance to Psychic. This was "banned" from normal pokémon since expedition. Resist psychic today is restricted to dark types only (and to some metagrosses).

Please, I would like someone to review Tentacruel ex, Xatu ex and Hypno ex that I invented!
RE: Future EXs ideas

The Shedinja I decided would be switch to energy cards of that type, so a Multi/rainbow would work. As for the 10 dmg, if they dont have anything they are doomed. Its a three for 10 because it gives the opponent time to do something and not just die.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Just thinking... If ur opponent has no Pokemon left, its his loss right??? And if MAchamp ex has less than 140 HP, its dead, right? So its a 87% chance of tying, isn't it??? I tihnk that's just dumb...
RE: Future EXs ideas

He's going to have most of the time, if your lucky, 50 HP or sometimes 30, if your not lucky. So you do have a chance of survival.

And the fact it's an auto-KO....like, always really helps you. So if you have one prize left (2 if ex)...GG.

Plus, you don't always need to attack with MDP....maybe Hammerdown would be better.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Happy Birthday! Some more ex's!

Shedinja ex
90 hp
poke-body: Hollow Shell
If the defending pokemon knocks out Shedinja ex, your opponent draws prize card instead of 2.
PC Permanent Curse
Flip a coin. If heads, choose one of your opponent's pokemon and put a curse counter on it. In between turns, any pokemon that has a curse counter on it recieves 20 damage.
PPPC Drag to Afterlife
If the defending pokemon knocks out Shedinja ex after the turn this attack is used, the defending pokemon is also knocked out.
retreat cost:2

Ninjask ex
150 hp
poke-power: Shed Skin
When you play Ninjask ex from your hand to evolve one of your pokemon, you may search your deck for a Shedinja or a Shedinja ex and put in on your bench. Treat the new pokemon as a basic pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward. Ignore this effect if you have a full bench.
C Charge
During your next turn, Ninjask ex's Spy Slash does 120 damage instead of 50.
CCC Spy Slash 50
retreat cost:none(^_^)

Ludicolo ex
160 hp
Poke-body: Dual Armor
As long as Ludicolo ex has any grass energy cards attached to it, Ludicolo ex's type is now grass and water.
WWC Dance Wave 40
Don't apply weakness and resistance for this attack. After damage calculation, you may switch the defending pokemon with one of your opponent's benched pokemon. (Your opponent chooses the pokemon to switch)
WWWWW Dance Party 20x
This attack does 20 damage to the defeding pokemon for every pokemon in play including Ludicolo ex.
retreat cost:3
RE: Future EXs ideas

That Ludicolo ex should not need any water energy for Dance Party cause dances has nothing to do with water.
i wanna change a bit to my plowking EX the second attack is..

(P)(P)(P)King's Power-70

you may discard as manny (P) energy attach to 1 of yr bench pokemon, during yr next turn, whenever yr pokemon attacks, that attack's dmg is + by 10 for each energy u discarded.
blastoise ex
stage 2 pokemon
retreat:3 energy

poke body:shell defense blastoise ex cant be attacked by ex pokemon

(W)(W)(C)rapid spin: 50+ you may discard an energy if you do this attack does 50+20 more damage


Weakness: lightning
RE: Future EXs ideas

This new shedinja ex would combo with the other 10HP Shedinja ex, since both use curse counters. :) It's not broken since it depends on coin flip. Maybe will be too good, maybe won't.

150 HP fo ninjask is too much. I suggest 100HP, it is not a steelix or a stage 2. The rest of the card is ok, similar to EX-dragon shedinja :)

Ludicolo ex's Dance wave is ok, but who chooses the benched pokémon to switch? The opponent chooses, right?

The other attack, Dance party would cause 40 to 240 damage. 140 damage every turn if only your bench is full. Broken. Even the cost being with so many W energy, there should be some disavantage or less damage. I suggest:

[W][W][C][C][C] Underwater Dance Party. 30+
This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each pokémon in play, excluding Ludicolo ex. Then, flip a coin for each benched pokémon (both yours and the opponent's). If tails, this attack also does 20 damage to that pokémon.

So, if only your bench is full, 5 energies do 90 damage everyturn, with the risk of causing damage to your own bench too. Max damage would be 140. Still a little broken. Boost energy could be applyed

160 HP ex pokémon... he should have 2 weakness, to [L] and to [G] (due to poison moves, in the GB)

Osiris' Prophet said:
The Shedinja I decided would be switch to energy cards of that type, so a Multi/rainbow would work. As for the 10 dmg, if they dont have anything they are doomed. Its a three for 10 because it gives the opponent time to do something and not just die.
Its weakness would switch to the energy types you attach to Shedinja? So, if wou don't attach any, no extra weakness...
If this is the case, make Spectre slice's attack cost [G][P][C] (to obbly the user to attach 2 different energy types to attack).
If opponent have resistance to grass, shedinja ex causes no damage too...

mathace said:
Just thinking... If ur opponent has no Pokemon left, its his loss right??? And if MAchamp ex has less than 140 HP, its dead, right? So its a 87% chance of tying, isn't it??? I tihnk that's just dumb...

Suicidal attacks for pokémon are fun. :D

Charizardian said:
He's going to have most of the time, if your lucky, 50 HP or sometimes 30, if your not lucky. So you do have a chance of survival.

And the fact it's an auto-KO....like, always really helps you. So if you have one prize left (2 if ex)...GG.

Plus, you don't always need to attack with MDP....maybe Hammerdown would be better.

Not always an auto KO. There is safeguard, Jumpluff's buffer poke body, sand-attack-like attacks...
RE: Future EXs ideas

2 new exs

Primeape ex

Poké-body: Coin Flip Anger
Whenever you flip a coin (due to an effect of a trainer card, special energy card, special condition, poké-body, poké-power or effect of an attack) and flip tails, any Mankey, Primeape and Primeape ex you have in play cause 20 more damage to the active pokémon if they attack in the same turn. You can't use more than one coin flip anger poke-body each turn

[F][C]Full Charged Reckless Punch 100
During your next turn, all damage done to Primeape ex by opponent's attacks is increased by 50 (after applying weakness and resistance). If you have only one prize left, this attack does nothing.

[F][C][C][C] Uncivilized Rage. 80
Discard all your opponent’s trainer cards in play (before they affect damage). Instead of causing 80 damage, you may do 50 damage to each of your opponent’s active pokémon. Primeape ex is now confused.

Weakness: [P]
Resistance: -
Retreat cost: -

Fearow ex

Poké-body: Aerial Sentinel
If Fearow ex is in your bench, all your opponent’s pokémon with resistance to [F] can’t use poké-powers or poké-bodies and whenever one of those pokémon attacks, put 1 damage counter on it.

[C]Recovery dive 20
Search your discard pile for 1 energy card and put it into your hand. You may switch Fearow ex with 1 of your benched pokémon, if any.

[C][C][C] Boosted strike 60
If you have a boost energy attached to Fearow ex, your opponent switch the defending pokémon with one of his or her benched pokémon, if any. Then, you switch Fearow ex with one of your benched pokémon, if any.

Weakness: [L]
Resistance: [F]
Retreat cost: -

(note: fearow ex's power is cumulative)

I think a posted a lot in this topic recently... I mean, Xatu, Hypno, Tentacruel, Smeargle, Schuckle, Aipom, Primeape and Fearow...
I´ll give it some time before I post here again...
(I'm also busy this weekend, so, no internet whatsoever ^^)

(managed to find acesss to the internet! :D)
RE: Future EXs ideas

Bah. I had all this typed out, and then I lost it. Here's the shorthand version.

Metapod's Body is called what it is just to be different. Yes I know Shuckle is the same thing. Caterpie is similar to FRLG one, but only by coincidence.

Butterfree gets retreat of 1 because he can abuse Energy Root, can gust up things (hence the name of the attack), and has a Boostable attack for a swiftlike 60 that auto-confuses.

Mew *'s Body isn't meant to copy Baby Evolution, because then you could have things like Mew * -> Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff -> Wigglytuff. ONLY Evolution cards can be used when invoking Mew *'s Body. It has 40 HP because it can evolve into anything.

Treat Gligar * as if it had [W] Weakness, [L] Resistance, and [C][C] Retreat Cost.

Gligar *'s Body is only in effect IF:

1. Gligar * is on your BENCH.
2. Gligar * has AT LEAST 2 React Energy attached to it.

If BOTH of those conditions are not met, Reactive Poison won't work.

Now, since I was going to post fakes here and over at Pojo, I have them copied into TextPad. You don't get the shorthand version of those. :p

Exeggcute δ - 50 HP - R 60/117

R - Delta Egg
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned.

CC - Barrage - 20x
Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If you get 0 heads, Exeggcute does 10 damage to itself.

WK: R / RS: F-30 / RC: C


Exeggutor δ - 90 HP - R/M 22/117

Poké-Body: Sunbathe
As long as Exeggutor has any basic [R] Energy and basic [G] Energy attached to it, the Retreat Cost for Exeggutor is 0.

RM - Delta Beam - 30
If the Defending Pokémon doesn't have δ on its card, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. Either way, put 2 damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.

RMCC - Sunder - 70
Flip 2 coins. For each heads, discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokémon.

WK: R / RS: F-30 / RC: CCC


Dark Aerodactyl - 60 HP - D 2/117

Poké-Power: Fossil Restore
As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may search your discard pile for a card that evolves from Mysterious Fossil, Root Fossil, or Claw Fossil (excluding Pokémon-ex) and put it on your Bench. If you do, put 3 damage counters on that Pokémon. Treat the new Benched Pokémon as Basic Pokémon. This power can't be used if Dark Aerodactyl is a Basic Pokémon or is affected by a Special Condition.

CC - Double-edge - 30

WK: L / RS: G-30 / RC: None

******** Double-edge does no self-damage due to in-game Rock Head ability.

Electrike - 50 HP - L

Poké-Power: Static Charge
If Electrike would be damaged by an opponent's attack (even if Electrike is Knocked Out), search your deck for a [L] Energy card and attach it to Electrike. Shuffle your deck afterward. This power can't be used if Electrike is affected by a Special Condition.

C - Tackle - 10

LL - Minor Shock - 20
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and this attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply WK/RS for Benched Pokémon.)

WK: F / RS: M-30 / RC: C


Manectric ex - 110 HP - L 112/117

Poké-Body: Shock Remedy
Whenever you attach a [L] Energy from your hand to Manectric ex, remove 1 damage counter and all Special Conditions from Manectric ex.

LCC - Major Shock - 50+
If the Defending Pokémon is Pokémon-ex, this attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage and this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply WK/RS for Benched Pokémon.)

LLLCC - Regal Shock - 110

WK: F / RS: M-30 / RC: CC

******** When was the last time you saw an attack with 110 base damage? Never, that's when. :D

Phanpy - 50 HP - F 77/117

F - Strike and Run
Search your deck for up to 3 Basic Pokémon and put them onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. You may switch Phanpy with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

F - Trembler - 20
Flip a coin. If heads, each Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, this attack does nothing.

WK: W / RS: None / RC: C


Donphan ex - 110 HP - F 108/117

Poké-Power: Hand Crush
Once during your turn (before your attack), if Donphan ex is your Active Pokémon and your opponent has 6 or more cards in his or her hand, you may look at your opponent hand. Discard a number of cards from your opponent's hand until he or she only has 3 cards remaining in his or her hand. You can't use more than 1 Hand Crush Poké-Power a turn. This power can't be used if Donphan ex is affected by a Special Condition.

FCC - Finalizer Rend - 40+
If the Defending Pokémon has at least 4 damage counters on it, this attack does 40 damage plus 70 more damage.

WK: W / RS: None / RC: CC

******** Man I love doing 110 damage. Donphan ex is brutal.