future ex's

RE: Future EXs ideas

Metagross EX
150 HP(M)

Poke Body: Psychic Armor
As long as Metagross EX has atleast 3 Psychic Energies attached to it, prevent all damage done to Metagross EX by your opponents Psychic type Pokemon.

(M)(P) Conductive Support 10x
This attack does 10 damage times the total amount of enrgy attached to Metagross EX.Before doing damage you move any number energy cards attached to your Pokemon to Metagross EX.

(M)(M)(M)(C) Iron Crush 120
Discard 2 Energy cards attached to Metagross EX.

Weakness: (R)(F)
Resistance: (G)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)(C)
RE: Future EXs ideas

I'm bored....

Misdreavus ex 80 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Power: Shrill Wail
Once during your turn (before your attack), If Misdreavus ex is your Active Pokémon, you may flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, search your deck for a card with Gastly, Duskull, Shuppet, Misdreavus and Sableye in their names and put them on your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterwards.Your trun is now over. This power can't be used if Misdreavus ex is affected by a Special Condition.

[C] Pain Split
Put damage counters pn the Defending Pokémon equal to the number of Damage Counters on Misdreavus ex.

[P](P][C][C][C] Team Play 20x
This attack does 20 damage times the number of Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Misdreavus, Misdreavus ex (including this one, Shedinja, Duskull, Dusclops, Dusclops ex, Shuppet, Banette, and Banette ex you have in play.

W: [P][D]
R: [F]
RE: Future EXs ideas

here's a Venomoth ex, how is it?

If you can't see this picture ^, click here V


  • venomoth ex.GIF
    venomoth ex.GIF
    29.7 KB · Views: 153
RE: Future EXs ideas

since nobody replied to my mew ex, here it is (again) in simple-style

click V if you can't see ^ picture


  • Mew ex.GIF
    Mew ex.GIF
    23 KB · Views: 99
RE:  Future EXs ideas

cute-mew said:
since nobody replied to my mew ex, here it is (again) in simple-style

click V if you can't see ^ picture

I like it. Seems good for a Mew EX.
RE: Future EXs ideas

I agree with GODZILLA, It's an interesting mew, specially because of the 2 Hidden Power.
The third attack I considered a little broken (not comparing to other exs here but to an real ex. Your mew ex is no way beyond reality, there could be something similar to it released). Hidden power should increase only to 60, which is the traditional limitation increase for UF Unown V's Hidden Power, which itself copies FRLG Marowak's Vengeance (same limitation). In this case, the limit could be 80 to mew, because it is an ex pokémon. But 100 maximum is too much... does 120 damage total. No real basic pokémon ex does that amount of damage with only 3 energy and every turn. I would restrict it to 80 so causing 100 max damage total. Marowak, which is an evolution, does 90 maximum. Unown V causes 80. A basic ex could cause 100, a stage 1 ex could cause 120 and a stage 2, maybe unlimited :p
I would prefer 90 HP to mew ex, to avoid desert ruins, but 100 is ok too.

Next time I’ll post a full drawn cards instead of the spoiler
Some * this time and my 9th ex pokémon.


[P] Barrier generator
Move to Gardevoir* any number of basic energy cards attached to your other pokémon. if you moved any energy with this attack, until the end of your next turn, Gardevoir* can’t be affected by special conditions and damage done by attacks to all your pokémon is reduced in 20 times the number of energy moved by this attack (before applying weakness and resistance)(don’t apply weakness and resistance for benched pokémon) Benching Gardevoir* does not end this effect.

[P][P][P][C][C] Barrier dismiss 30+
You may move any number of basic [P] energy cards attached to Gardevoir* to your other pokémon in any way you like. This attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy card moved this way.

Weakness: [P]
Retreat cost: 1

---Barrier generator has to generate an efficient barrier, considering it is not a poké-power, but an attack that doesn't cause damage and that requires a lot of energy to protect effectively against good damage attacks (like 80 damage attacks). Gardevoir * can do it because it is a * and attacks may be broken in some situations for * pokémon. In this situation, you need to have lots of energies in play and [P] basic ones... not too dificult but some what unlikely in the beginning of the game. And even to compensate , the only attack that causes damage can’t be used at full force every turn. Compare to Groudon* , Metagross* and Kyogre *, the real ones. Same logic there is here. By the way, swift-like attacks and placing damage counters passes through the barrier.


[L]Sentence Shock 10+
This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each energy attached to he defending pokémon. If your opponent has only one prize left, this attack does 10 damage plus 30 ofor each of energy attached to the defending pokémon.

[L][L]Repulsive Current 30
Choose any number of your [L] pokémon in play (excluding pokémon ex) and put them back into your hand with all cards attached to it.

Weakness: [F]
Resistance: [M]
Retreat cost: 1

Second attack is fair and promissing (I think :p). The names of the attacks may sound a bit weird I know, but I couldn’t think of some better name yet (the first has to do with sentencing, like a sudden death match and the second has to be related with repulsion, to something related to electricity and to the player’s bench). I restricted the second attack to [L] pokémon to avoid it being “comboed” with FRLG Slowbro. Magneton* is only really good when the game is finishing or when it is a sudden death match.

Porygon2 ex

Poke-power: Recycle error
Flip a coin. If heads, search your discard pile for 2 in any combination of pokémon tool or technical machine cards and put them in your hand. You can’t use more than one Recycle Error poke-power each turn.

[C] Hypnotic ray 20
The defending pokémon is now asleep

[C][C][C] Barrier Attack 50
During your opponent’s next turn , damage done by attacks to Porygon2 ex is reduced by 20 (after applying weakness and resistance)

Weakness: [F]
Retreat cost: 1

Recycle error: normal recycle would give you back only one pokémon tool/ TM, but error occurs here, so, maybe double, maybe nothing. This card was specifically meant to combo with the Primeape ex I recentely invented and decks that use FRLG Primeape (and also Boost energy) :p
RE: Future EXs ideas

some kind of star ex. Like this.

Lucario* ex          HP 100       M

Poke-Body: Shining Shield
No other pokemon* or basic pokemon can do damage to Lucario* ex.

MMC   Steel Blast         50
Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now confused. If tails, the Defending Pokemon is now paralyzed.

CCCC   Luster Claw       30
If the Defending Pokemon is affected by a special condition, Luster Claw's base attack is now 60 instead of 30.    

Weakness                     Resistance                       Retreat Cost
    F                                  G                                    CC
RE:  Future EXs ideas

ShadowSong said:
some kind of star ex. Like this.

Lucario* ex          HP 100       M

Poke-Body: Shining Shield
No other pokemon* or basic pokemon can do damage to Lucario* ex.

MMC   Steel Blast         50
Flip a coin, if heads the Defending Pokemon is now confused. If tails, the Defending Pokemon is now paralyzed.

CCCC   Luster Claw       30
If the Defending Pokemon is affected by a special condition, Luster Claw's base attack is now 60 instead of 30.    

Weakness                     Resistance                       Retreat Cost
    F                                  G                                    CC

steel blast is too extreme, either way your opponent can't attack or has a low chance. and 50 damage is to much, 1 electrode and he can use that attack.

luster claw should be 30+
RE: Future EXs ideas

[First of all, a Pokemon can't be Shining and -ex at the same time. Look at the cards, the rulings are in the same place =P]

Lucario ex/*

HP: 100
BASIC Pokémon
Type: {M}

Poké-BODY: Shining Shield
Prevent all damage done to Lucario ex/* by your opponent's attacks from his or her Basic Pokémon and Pokémon*.

[Wording reference: Ninjask DX]

{MMC} Steel Blast - 30
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. If tails, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.

[more fair, methinks. Flurries!! Even if it makes slightly less sense]

{MMC} Luster Claw - 40+
If the Defending Pokémon is affected by a Special Condition, this attack does 40 damage plus 30 more damage.

[30+30 max, for 4, seemed kinda dumb. Cute-mew, Luster Claw would not be 30+ if the effect involved changing the base damage.. look at Ninjask DX, for one.. If it's an ex, then this is good. If it's a *, make it {CCC} for 30+30.]

Weakness: {R} [Fire. {F} is Fighting. =P]
Resistance: {G} [Fair enough.]
Retreat Cost: {CC} [Balances attacks nicely.}
RE: Future EXs ideas

not the best but average,:D

Scizor EX (M)
weakness: fire
resistance: grass
retreat cost: (C)

Poke-Body - Metal Gang UP

Instead Of Scizor EX's attack,  It could use any of your metal pokemon's attack in play but that attack is reduced by 20.(Scizor EX needs to have the amount of energy cost in order to use this poke-Body.)

(M)(M)(C) Target Swipe - 30
If the defending pokemon is a (G) pokemon, this attack does 50 damage instead.

(M)(M)(C)(C) Metal Impact - 80
RE: Future EXs ideas

About Lucario ex*

Not really relevant what i'll say, but pokémon* usually don't have poké-powers/bodies and they use a lot of specific energy, like the first attack but not the second. I prefer the fixes made by bass_forte. (and I would use some [M] in the second attack too)

The power is a little repetitive... all * pokémon are basic pokémon until now :). I think this will continue, since it would be hard to have an evolution* since you can have only 1 per deck.

cute mew said:
steel blast is too extreme, either way your opponent can't attack or has a low chance. and 50 damage is to much, 1 electrode and he can use that attack.

Electrode ex's power can't attach energy to pokémon ex.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Snorlax EX
110 HP(C)

Poke Body: Left Overs
As long as Snorlax EX remains asleep, remove 2 damage counters from Snorlax EX in between turns.

(C)(C) Crushing Collapse 20
Snorlax EX is now asleep. This attack does 20 damage to one of your opponents benched Pokemon.

(C)(C)(C)(C) Hyper Beam 90
Discard 2 Basic energy cards attached to Snorlax EX.

Weakness: (F)
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)(C)
RE: Future EXs ideas

cute-mew said:
here's a Venomoth ex, how is it?

If you can't see this picture ^, click here V


I was going to make a venomoth ex too, but you created one first. =/

:D No problem! I liked yours a lot! It makes a perfect combo with my Hypno ex. I think that the result for the 6 heads coin filp should be better, since the odds are little (1/64 = 1,56% --- in 100 times you use this attack, only one or two, or maybe none will be a 6 heads result).
For the 5 head result and the 1 head result (since they are unlikely too), I would make the 5 head result as Paralyzed and Poisoned and the 1 head result as Paralyzed and Burned.
The 6 head coin could state, if you like:

“If 6 of than are heads, this attack does 50 damage to the defending pokémon and it is now is now Burned, Poisoned and another special condition of your choice. Place 4 damage counters if the defending pokémon flips tails for burn check, and 2 damage counters for poison between turns

All the special conditions at the same time because of the likehood of getting 6 heads is very low (or 6 tails) . Too much text to fit in the card, however.

Since you created venomoth ex, I’ll invent Venomoth δ instead

Venomoth δ
70 HP

Poké-power: Alkaloid powder
Once during your turn, you may choose one of your active evolved pokémon (excluding venomoth δ ) and flip a coin. If heads, remove 4 damage counters from it. If tails, remove only 1 damage counter. Either way, the active pokémon is now poisoned. If you used alkaloid powder before in that same active pokémon this turn, knock out that pokémon immediately.

[P] Camouflage 20
During you next turn, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to venomoth δ by pokémon of the same type of the defending pokémon (both types, if there are more then one)

[P][C] Mind intrusive powder 10
The defending pokémon can’t retreat during your opponent’s next turn. In the end of your opponent’s next turn, the defending pokémon is now burned, asleep and poisoned.

Weakness: [R]
Retreat cost:

Evolved pokémon in Alkaloid powder's text is so that it can’t be used at my Schuckle ex.
Now, something that will combo with Venomoth δ

Ursaring ex.
HP 120

Poké-body: Guts.
Ursaring ex can attack even if it is paralyzed or asleep and doesn’t require to flip a coin if it is confused.

Remove all special conditions and all damage counters from Ursaring ex. Ursaring ex is now asleep.

[C][C][C] Facade. 50+
This attack does 50 damage plus 30 more damage for each special condition affecting Ursaring ex.

Weakness: [F]
Retreat cost: 2

Next time, I’ll make the card instead of posting the spoiler. I’ll just have to find some time to do that.
RE: Future EXs ideas

Pinsir ex
130 hp
poke-body: Reactive Counter
Whenever Pinsir ex gets damaged by the defending pokemon, flip a coin. If heads, put 3 damage counters on that pokemon. This power can't be used if Pinsir ex is affected by a special condition.
GGC Choking Grasp
Flip 2 coins. If both are heads, the defending pokemon is now knocked out.
GGGC Boomerang Horn 70
Flip a coin. If heads, put 3 damage counters on the defending pokemon after your opponent's next turn.
retreat cost:3
RE: Future EXs ideas

One not playable ex card, maybe good for collectors only...

I can't figure out how could I put the cost of the attack in the card! maybe 2 rows of energy symbols :D

Ho-oh ex
110 HP

Poke-body Energy guard
Whenever you attach an energy card from your hand to ho-oh ex, all damage done to it until the end of your opponent's next turn is reduced by 10 times the number of energy attached to ho-oh ex (including the one you just attached)(before applying weakness resistance)

[R][W][L][G][F][P][M][D][C] All creation 200
Choose two other of your opponent's pokémon and this attack also causes 200 damage to each of them. This attack isn't affected by weakness, resistance, poké-powers, poké-bodies, or any other effects on the defending pokémon. Then, shuffle ho-oh ex and all cards attached to it into your deck.

Weakness: [W]
Retreat cost: 2

The only way I though to play it is with dark trance or energy trans:
Move to ho-oh ex 4 rainbow and a lot of holon's pokémon played as energy cards so maybe you could attack... once, because ho-oh would remove 9 energy from play!
(the work of about 5 or 6 turns)
RE: Future EXs ideas

Q: What's more broken than mew?
A: This card!

Mewtwo ex 100 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Body: Anti-Versatile
Mewtwo ex can use all Poké-Bodies in play excpet for a Poké-Body named Versatile.

[P] Psychic Strand 30
UYou may move one energy card attached to Mewtwo ex to one of your Benched Pokémon.

[C][C][C][C] Dazzling Confusion 70
The Defending Pokémon is now confused.

W: [P][G]
R: N/A
RC: [C]
RE: Future EXs ideas

Charizardian said:
Q: What's more broken than mew?
A: This card!

Mewtwo ex 100 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Body: Anti-Versatile
Mewtwo ex can use all Poké-Bodies in play excpet for a Poké-Body named Versatile.

[P] Psychic Strand 30
UYou may move one energy card attached to Mewtwo ex to one of your Benched Pokémon.

[C][C][C][C] Dazzling Confusion 70
The Defending Pokémon is now confused.

W: [P][G]
R: N/A
RC: [C]

Wow! Nice mewtwo! Only the first attack... I think that for one energy, a basic pokémon should never cause more than 20, even being an ex. And the retreat cost is low... mewtwo has an excelent power to compensate! :)

Truly, "versatile" is versatile!
But isn't versatile supposed to be a poké-power? I mean it is optional you to use versatile, right? (it said " can" in the text of the card)
If not, mewtwo would copy all poke-bodies at once. It would copy even power saver from team magma's groudon =P or mark of antiquity from HL Groudon ex... or Charizard ex's energy burn... and other powers that are not desirable...

Pretty interesting. It is possible for nintendo to invent some power like versatile in the future, but they should add some disavantages / restrictions.