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Gallade and Ho-Oh


Aspiring Trainer
Trying to make a Gallade deck with the new plasma Gallade, using Ho-Oh for energy. It's not going very well, as it's way too slow. Maybe I can get some help? Here's the list:

Ho-Oh (Rebirth) x3
Mewtwo EX x1
3-0-3 Gallade
Sigilyph x2

Computer Search x1
Energy Switch x2
Pokemon Catcher x3
Pokemon Communication x1
Rare Candy x4
Super Scoop Up x1 (to get Ho-Oh off the field)
Switch x3
Ultra Ball x4
Super Rod x2

Colress x2
N x3
Professor Juniper x4
Skyla x4

1 Grass
1 Fire
1 Lightning
1 Water
1 Fighting
1 Steel
1 Dark
3 Psychic

The strategy is obvious, get Gallade out and powered up with Ho-Oh rebirths with Mewtwo and EX stopping Sigilyphs as backup. As is, it's too slow and I haven't won a single match online. Any pointers?
RE: Trying to make Gallade work

More skylas improve consistency in stage 2 decks. Super scoop up (SSU) is a little too flippy for my tastes.

so for now
-2 SSU
+2 skyla

also when you denote a evolution line group them together like

3-0-3 Galade

it makes it easier to read and for you and others when skimming a deck list.

I could say more, but what problems are you running into exactly when you say its to slow? energy? getting galade out? discarding ho-oh?
RE: Trying to make Gallade work

I'd say take out Energy Switch and Energy Search for more consistency and search. You might also want a 4-0-4 or a 4-1-4 Gallade just have better odds of drawing into it. If you have two Ralts prized, and the third one gets KO'd (quite common with Mewtwo in the format), you'd be kind of stuck. For this reason, I think Super Rod is a worthy addition.
RE: Trying to make Gallade work

Sorry for the.. really late reply. I made some changes to the list, and to answer those questions, it seems by the time I get Gallade set up, my opponent is already done and hitting me hard with Landorus or Darkrai. I haven't tested it with more Skyla, though I think that would probably help. I have trouble with Sigilyph as well, as it seems the answer to that these days is to just hypnotoxic it.. I wonder if there's any room for hypnotoxic in this deck, or perhaps even a way to counter it, such as Full Heal?
Perhaps you could tell us what problems you are still experiencing; we could probably offer you a little bit more advice. Is that the updated list in the original post?
Mora said:
Perhaps you could tell us what problems you are still experiencing; we could probably offer you a little bit more advice. Is that the updated list in the original post?

The original post does have my updated list, and post #4 details my issues with it. It really is a nice deck so far, but could still use tweaking. Hypnotoxic/Darkrai/Landorus seem to be giving me trouble, not sure about Keldeo, haven't run into that online lately.
Are you getting set up T2? It's difficult to consistently do so, but a thicker Gallade line would help. I also tried this with Emolga, and it was possible to have thred Ralts out T1 to thin your deck a little bit. Maybe you could swap the Pokemon Communication for a fourth Ultra Ball.
Mora said:
Are you getting set up T2? It's difficult to consistently do so, but a thicker Gallade line would help. I also tried this with Emolga, and it was possible to have thred Ralts out T1 to thin your deck a little bit. Maybe you could swap the Pokemon Communication for a fourth Ultra Ball.

It is very difficult to set up T2, usually my ralts ends up Catchered and KOed T1, or it happens because it's not up by T2.. I could try another Ultra Ball, or even more Gallade.
Why are you running Mewtwo? Doesn't gallade do the job for you in such battles?
^This. I totally agree with that, but I understand if there's a free win (a.k.a. donk), then Mewtwo should do the job. Beach should be played here imo.
I've played around with Fliptini in my list to stall if I don't get set up, but it may not be worth it with all of the lasers making people tech in Keldeo.
I'm making this deck but with some changes. I don't like Mewtwo EX and, like other users said, Gallade should do that job.

I have 2 different setups that I have to test: one with Emolga and one with Durant (Call for Backup). Some advantages and disadvantages are:

-With Emolga you get 2 basics (nice for getting Ho-ohs or Sigilyph if needed) but you have to put them in bench and that isn't what you want, you want to throw Ho-ohs to Discard Pile.
-With Durant you only get 1 Pokémon (regardless the stage) and you put it on your hand (you can search a Ho-oh and next turn throw it to DP), but you maybe will get N'ed in next turn. Also Durant can be charged with Colress Machine and Plasma Energy, but that is a kind of waste, from 4 to 8 card slots for CM and PE.
I wanted to use Mewtwo for a variety of reasons.. it seems to go well with Gallade. For instance, Mewtwo is easy to setup.. two energies and it's attacking. Another, is that while Gallade only needs two energies, it doesn't need more to gain more attack power.. put a Mewtwo on the bench, load it with energy.. that powers up Gallade, and if you're forced to switched, or Gallade is KOed, you have a powered up Mewtwo ready to attack. I do, however, like the addition of Durant, as getting Ho-Oh into your hand, then the graveyard asap is crucial for this deck to work.

I haven't been able to test this irl due to lack of Ho-Oh's, but thanks to some lucky trading at my league on sunday, I have three Ho-Oh's to work with. ^_^
Ok so I had a thought. I was thinking of adding Terrakion (Retaliate) to this deck, to cover Darkrai, as Darkrai does resist psychic.. now I could remove either the Sigilyph or the Mewtwo EX to do this, but not sure which one, and just add an extra fighting energy or two. Does this sound like a good idea at all?
Terrakion doesn't counter Darkrai as well as it used to, especially considering with 140 HP, Gallade will be getting KO'd with HTL most often meaning Terrakion will only be useful if you can power up LandCrush quickly. But even then, Darkrai can just OHKO Terrakion. Consistency before techs anyway.