Gary, Gary! He's our man!

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I'm more special than you!!!
so why isn't he in any of the movies? :( he'd be perfect as a co-star in at least one of them...

Gary > Ash (by a mile!)
Gary is more awesome than Ash will ever be, yet, he does not get a single movie to himself, or at least co-star in one of them. The same could be said for Paul, and although he is a bit mean to his Pokemon, he is still an awesome trainer.
No-one likes Paul :p Gary does play in a couple of specials, btu if he should get his own movie, then so should people like richie and todd. It just doesn't work. They all had specials, that was good enoguh :)
I hate paul. He's not a very exiting character. Moppy, mean, quiet, suttle. Not positive, and happy-go-lucky like ash's other rivals.
PokeChamp said:
Fridge said:
No-one likes Paul :p

I do!

Me too!

Gary still gets shown in the anime every once and a while, but I don't think he'll ever get to be in one of the movies.
If he does get a part in a movie, it'll probably be short.
:| Gary isn't BETTER than Ash; they're like two totally different people, y'know? ._.

But I do enjoy Gary, he's a pimp. B3
IMO if he should've been in a movie, it should've been in the first one. Now he's not even a Minor character or regular on the show, and the movies have definately passed him by. Paul's got a shot, but like someone else said, nobody likes a meanie.

dmaster out.
Paul even considered a good trainer? Doesn't he just eliminate pokemon with "no potential" and catch pokemon that already know advanced moves? He seems like a lazy trainer.

Gary is way better than Ash. Ash is just person for keeping Pikachu and not evolving his pokemon. In fact, the whole show is crap. I still can't get over the fact that Pikachu beat Onix.

Dragon_9 said:
Paul even considered a good trainer? Doesn't he just eliminate pokemon with "no potential" and catch pokemon that already know advanced moves? He seems like a lazy trainer.

Gary is way better than Ash. Ash is just person for keeping Pikachu and not evolving his pokemon. In fact, the whole show is crud. I still can't get over the fact that Pikachu beat Onix.


Are you saying Ash shouldn't have kept his Pikachu? ._. Now dude, that's just sick. And also, for your Gary thing, better in what sense? Oh, and geez, if you can't get over a very minor plothole at the VERY beginning of the anime, then you need to just not watch TV. Plotholes happen all the time, and you have to keep in mind that the whole franchise was very new at the time. They made all kinds of mistakes, but they were humorous. So deal.
Gary is a better trainer IMO as well. He actually levels them up. He's got an E-Vire and a Blastoise, he just rocks.
TehQiGl said:
Dragon_9 said:
Paul even considered a good trainer? Doesn't he just eliminate pokemon with "no potential" and catch pokemon that already know advanced moves? He seems like a lazy trainer.

Gary is way better than Ash. Ash is just person for keeping Pikachu and not evolving his pokemon. In fact, the whole show is crud. I still can't get over the fact that Pikachu beat Onix.


Are you saying Ash shouldn't have kept his Pikachu? ._. Now dude, that's just sick. And also, for your Gary thing, better in what sense? Oh, and geez, if you can't get over a very minor plothole at the VERY beginning of the anime, then you need to just not watch TV. Plotholes happen all the time, and you have to keep in mind that the whole franchise was very new at the time. They made all kinds of mistakes, but they were humorous. So deal.

Pikachu constantly is doing things not possible. The show also has constant person matches. Example, Chimchar vs Garchomp.. *head desk*
take a look at this

Ash's pokémon:

Pikachu = keep
Bulbasaur = keep
Squirtle = keep
Aipom = keep
Charizard = released
Butterfree = released
Primeape = released
Pidgeot = released
Snorlax= stashed at Oak's wtf?

does he even have 6 pokémon with him??

that's just a few examples, but you can see the friggin pattern right? xD

Gary catches stuff, catches stuff, evolves stuff, catches stuff, catches stuff, evolves stuff, evolves stuff, catches stuff. Releases stuff? NEVER!!!

(heck, Gary proved he can even pwn a highly trained Pikachu with a damned Eevee xD)
SixaxiS said:
take a look at this

Ash's pokémon:

Pikachu = keep
Bulbasaur = keep
Squirtle = keep
Aipom = keep
Charizard = released
Butterfree = released
Primeape = released
Pidgeot = released
Snorlax= stashed at Oak's huh??

Primeape and Charizard are not released. While Primeape is probably not easily accesible, Charizard can be called upon at any moment.

And for the record, Gary has a small cameo in Mewtwo Strikes Back. I'll agree that that's not nearly good enough, but still.
My point being Ash doesnt bother keeping his fully-evolved pokémon around, and chooses to keep them somewhere else.

- Gary has a full team of fully evolved Pokemon and more.

- Ash always has 4 or 5 baby pokemon...
Um, Ash saved the world. Many more times than Gary has, so there. :p

In the first season, if you actually consider how many Pokemon Ash evolved, there was only one that didn't ever consider evolving; let's think back, shall we?

First, we had Pikachu; he denied evolving, and as Ash actually listens to his friends' desires, he decided not to evolve Pikachu.
Bulbasaur: Had the chance to evolve in the Venusaur Garden episode, but he didn't want to evolve as well, so Ash pressed the B button.
Butterfree: It started as a Caterpie, and he trained it through all its forms. He only let it go because it was in LOVE. D: I mean, c'mon.
Pidgeotto: Evolved into Pidgeot by the end of the season.
Charmander: We got Charizard.
Primeape: Was originally a Mankey, it evolved into a Primeape; coincidentally it was during the same episode, but you get my drift.
And as for Squirtle, an idea for his evolution never made it to an episode, but I'm sure Ash would've let it evolve if it wanted to.

Now moving onto the current generation, he has a Turtwig, Pikachu, Staravia, Chimchar, Buizel and Gliscor.

Gliscor is evolved, Staravia is evolved; and based on the manufacturing of the 12th movie products, Chimchar and Staravia are going to evolve. So don't tell me he has all the baby Pokemon; if you think back to the Lt. Surge episode, and you consider a Pokemon's movepool in an evolutionary line, a Pokemon has the chance to learn more powerful moves at a faster rate, or learn moves not even available to it's evolution. Perhaps Ash considers it advantageous to learn these moves before considering evolution in the first place.

Plus, haven't you seen how he has beaten Gary? I mean, c'mon, give the main protagonist some credit. :| And do your research, too.
"we had Pikachu; he denied evolving, and as Ash actually listens to his friends' desires, he decided not to evolve Pikachu." Lame!

"Bulbasaur: Had the chance to evolve in the Venusaur Garden episode, but he didn't want to evolve as well, so Ash pressed the B button." Lame!

"Butterfree: It started as a Caterpie, and he trained it through all its forms. He only let it go because it was in LOVE. D: I mean, c'mon." So what?

"Pidgeotto: Evolved into Pidgeot by the end of the season." BUT he released him for who knows whatever person reason he had this time :p

"Charmander: We got Charizard." Check the comment on Pidgeot :p

"Primeape: Was originally a Mankey, it evolved into a Primeape; coincidentally it was during the same episode, but you get my drift." but released him so some buffed up guy could train him. What, Ash too lazyto do it himself? :p

"And as for Squirtle, an idea for his evolution never made it to an episode, but I'm sure Ash would've let it evolve if it wanted to." Ash actually had common sense here, Squirtle never bothered evolving. So i'd say, release the darn thing xD

"Plus, haven't you seen how he has beaten Gary? I mean, c'mon, give the main protagonist some credit. :| And do your research, too."

As i recall, Ash won only ONCE, and only with a load of good luck and chance. Gary totally pwned him the other times they battled.

Also, Ash's career as a trainer is entirely based on these two words: "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!"

Ash: dumb luck
Gary: talented, expertised, strategic, style, dynamic entries, and no different friggin fashionably challenged red cap every season! xD

i rest my case :p Gary pwns, and in my opinion, he deserves at least a movie or two :D
I agree with sixaxis. And don't forget that chimchar and staravia have been confirmed to evlove. I wish pikachu was as good as he was in the battle frontier.

And when did ash release charizard? He is back with proffesor oak i thought.
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