GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist" [Art trades! Collabs! Whatever! Alright!]

Should we have a monthly/weekly featured piece?

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RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

Hey everyone! I'm not dead.
It's just that I still can't post the picture.
So when I can, I'll post 3 for the price of 1! *thumbs up*
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

I made a banner! Here it is:

Do you think I should change it in any way? If so please tell me.:)
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

Oooooh~! Me like! I love anything leafeon though so not hard to please me lol though the dots seem a bit bright in contrast to the background and leafeon itself.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

That's a nice banner shinx, I like the idea and the composition, but I feel like you could do a little more to it, maybe bump up the lightness of the background or something. It's a great layout, but when people look at it I feel like they might just see it as some card art with some brushes over it.

@MC: I like the brightness of the dots in contrast with the Leafeon, but I think the text could stand to be a little darker.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

^ I just decided to leave the banner how it is, since I couldn't really find something I could change that I liked better than the original. I'm planning on making more banners soon, though.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

aggiegwyn said:
Where is Comic-Con this year? It'd be sweet if we could meet up in goofy costumes...

I think I would just go in a rip-off costume though...
Yeah, I know what's up.
Well it depends. East coast is in October, west coast is in July. I'm going to west coast, it'd be sooooo coool to meet you.

I think I'm just gonna have to go as Rainbow Dash or Apple Jack.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

@Grace (nrrd grrl): I don't deserve you, those are the best costume ideas ever.

Me and Vulpix Yolk are working on a rap about playing my Promogon against his Palkia lock while listening to Demon Days.

Yes, we do that enough to write a whole song about it.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

Noah it's kind funny how accurate that song is, with the lipsmackers and lack of perfume and daddy issues and anxiety attacks and being shy and nervous all the time. Except the 'Idon'tdeserveyou' is like vice versa.
Yeah, I got the idea from Fillydelphia. This.
That's pretty awesome.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

Herm...I guess I'll go ash Fluttershy or Applejack....(only because I'mma' be a blonde.) But only if I can make it to there. I'm stuck in the middle. I'll look it up.

San Diego?

This is why it sucks to be an Okie.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

You tootally shoulldddd.
Yeah, but, it's SO WORTH IT
Maybe you'll see me cry.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

I'm loving the Flareon banner.
Flareon used to be my favorite Pokemon.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

Miss P-Okay. I'll ask about it, but it looks like the tickets or whatever are sold out...

Shinx-I suggest that you add more detail beyond text. Like, how about some gradient stuff to add to it?

Oh, here's page two of tBVoME(The Better Version of Mount Everest.)
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

Dear LJ,
Vulpix Yolk is a terrible writer.
Anybody sensible

Wassup, mutha fuckers?! (haha, someone changed this) You can see the swag coursing through these gorillas' veins.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

6-Dimension said:
Wassup, mutha truckers?! YOu can see the swag coursing through these gorillas' veins.

That has to be one of the funniest drawing I have ever seen.

Great job.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

Thanks aggie, haha. Also, I followed tBVoME, and I'm liking it so far.
Oh, shinx. I forgot to mention I like those banners. A couple things. The text on all of them is pretty meh. I actually think they would look better without it.
I know you said you were gonna leave the Leafeon, but I really think it would benefit from a little color correction.
The Flareon is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.
With the Vaporeon, you might try to dull the warm colors a bit. Great job though, on all of them!
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

aggiegwyn said:
Miss P-Okay. I'll ask about it, but it looks like the tickets or whatever are sold out...
Oh Haha, forgot about that. Yeah, I got my passes secured in January :/
6-D those are sweet gorillas. You're too cool.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

OMG. A large tornado just passed within a few miles of my house. IT WAS EPIC SCARY!!!! Plus, In all the commotion, my hamster escaped. We found her, though.

@ MC Haha! That's really funny! :p
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

One of my mice got out on Thursday and was running around on the floor. I was getting ready to clean cages and never saw her right away; I thank whatever spirit looks after my mice I never stepped on her lol. She wasn't even scared, it was no trouble to catch her. Also I'm at it again xD My Easter theme for cards is mice. Aaaand my Brian Jacques tribute
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