GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist" [Art trades! Collabs! Whatever! Alright!]

Should we have a monthly/weekly featured piece?

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RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Miss P-Your amazing. Just sayin'

Anyways, exams this week for me, so enjoy my inactivity. (Or maybe since I won't have any homework I'll be SUPER active....I don't really know...)

Oh, and I got plenty of ideas it's just actually pursuing them that's different. Also, I think I may have art block. It usually comes around this time of the month. [insert disgusting joke here].
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

My "o" key, I have t press it super hard.
@MPA: kay.
^GDI O key.
P.s. Banner
EDIT: "I have t press it"
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Thats an EPIC banner.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

What's that in the background? Castle? If so where from?
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Haha, I live ten minutes (walking) away from that "castle". It's the St. Francis Cathedral, it is really beautiful.

Thanks SB.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Hey, looked castley to me lol
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Magus said:
MC: That's really cute. I want one. When is easter anyways?

April 22nd already :eek:
Ohh boy. I feel like it was really late this year.
That's a sweet banner.
I post here too much.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Tomorrow: Me and LJ go to the zoo!
Maybe I'll sketch some animals
probably not though
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

D: I LOVE the zoo! *Smuggles self into LJ's town*
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

NAh, we don't even have a zoo. You have to go to albuquerque.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Yeah. We have a field trip. Missing school for the zoo? I think so.
Maybe we'll finish our rap.
Probably not though.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Ohh man that rap is all good.
I saw it yesterday.
And Lordy should be coloring his comic now.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Heh, whoops. Coloring that page, watching My Little Pony, same dif.

My english teacher almost didn't sign the permission slip, then he remembered that I can half quote the first two acts of Romeo and Juliet (which we are reading in class).
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Heh, I once got to go with a class I was not in to meet Jane Goodall. Though, I was in school at the time too.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Wassup, yo?
This is kind of old. I was saving it for use in the Torture Meme, but then I decided not to do the torture meme. It's age makes it outdated, I wear a new sweatshirt nowadays.
This is a picture of me dying and being reborn as a black man who can rap and play basketball really well. If I could do those things, I would SOOOO call myself Limbz. Stereotypes? Nah. Yes, I am kind of fixated on this wish of being black, and yes, I do predict my death in 2016.
This is the only worthwhile thing I drew while were actually at the zoo. The gorillas were such gangsters, man! This one was just like, sittin' there, being a gangsta', this other one was blazing it up in a corner, the other one was hanging out in the club with his women.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Heh, Gorilla! I just finished this bugger, it was several months in the making. Mostly cuz of things not my fault lol it is selling to the commissioner for $75, and it lights up. It has a light kit and looks like a real Christmas tree aside from how much smaller than a real tree it is. Also, I tried lighting it for the pic, but you can't really tell lol

The tree in all it's glory
The base itself
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - The Group For all Artists and Art Enthusiasts!

Bad 90's Cartoon Plot Challenge 1: Do a drawing in the style of another member.
List of members:
Magus' Child
Pikachu Girl

Man, those gorillaz were so G. They moved in silence like lasagna.
I'm callin' dibs on Magus' Child's style in the challenge. That's okay though because I'm probably the only one who will do it.

Oh, and here's an Announcement:
We will have a high members list once (and if) we get more members.

Look at me, bein' all "leader of a group" like.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

Ohh this sounds fun.
IDK who to do. I'd just ruin it.
RE: GDI Smeargle, Spit That Out! - "It's okay, I'm an artist"

I chose MC cuz I get to cover my drawing in butter scars and piercings.

@MPA: Nonsense. Also, MPA really sounds like a kind of beer to me. Malaysian Pale Ale anybody?
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