geo15721 said:Shadow_master said:hi please CML for
Shaymin (land) Lv. X
I like your RH Azelf LA
Dr. Frankenstain said:Yes I'm intredted in your uxie RH I got a normal Claydol but to add CML
Shadow_master said:geo15721 said:Shadow_master said:hi please CML for
Shaymin (land) Lv. X
I like your RH Azelf LA
lol ok?? that RH azelf isnt worth that shammy XD
EspeonROX said:Aw, drat. I kind of like the Neo Shinies, Sharpedo ex DX, Gardevoir ex SS, and Salamence ex DX. (IF THEY ARE ALL MINT!!)
awsome_umbreon said:Do you sell? Btw that was a double negative.
Dr. Frankenstain said:Ok here:
ThePokemonDude said:Do you accept trades?
If you do would you take my Shiny Swablu, my Shiftry ex, my Rayquaza ex, and my Rypherior Lv.X for your Uxie LA?
LMK Please!![]()
zephilim said:Hi again, I need the following. I'm horrible at card values, but I am willing to trade alot for them or a little and some money. CML and LMK what sounds good.
Claydols RH x2 (Offer)
Claydol Reg. x1 (Offer)
Uxie La x1 (Offer)
Palkia G Reg. x1 (Offer)
zephilim said:Maybe, depends on the amount.
Claydols RH x2 ($18 each)
Uxie La RH Only, might be involved in a trade though. ($22)
Palkia G Reg. x1 ($5-7)
I know those are pretty low, but like I said, I'm horrible at card values. LMK or change the prices.
Dr. Frankenstain said:Well ok of that Leafeon but then I want ur Mewtho X on.