BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

yup. My Black team is:

Cobalion level 55
Flash Cannon
Sacred Sword

Emboar level 62
Hammer Arm
Blast Burn

Gothitelle level 54
Shadow Ball
Brick Break

Reshiram level 58
Dragon Pulse
Fusion Flare

Unfezant level 53
Air Slash
Razor Wind

Stoutland level 44

Should I switch Stoutland for Simisage level 41? Or my New Victini level 15?
RE: In-game Team Rates

my Black team is:

Serperior: 76

Giga Drain
Leaf Blade
Frenzy Plant
Strength (ya i know...i separated out my HM moves)

Reshiram: 75

Fusion Flare
Dragon Pulse

Haxorus: 77

Swords Dance
Dragon Claw

Chandelure: 77

Flame Burst
Shadow Ball

Scizor (my good old shiny scizor): 77

Swords Dance
Iron Head

I have an open spot....and ill update with natures. aaaaand want to replace chandelure but i dont know with what. so ya suggestions/problems you see.
RE: In-game Team Rates

You can probably replace Chandelure with Heatmor. Heatmor has an amazing Special Attack and its Speed can be raised rapidly. I recommend it.
RE: In-game Team Rates

My team:

Cinccino (item: Chesto Berry)
Wake-Up Slap (replacing with Toxic for a mainly defensive pokemon)

Sigilyph lv. 46 (item: currently Lucky Egg, will replace later)
Air Slash (might replace later)
Charge Beam

Samurott lv. 48 (item: Scope Lens)
Aqua Tail
Retaliate (will replace with Ice Beam)

Chandelure: lv. 48 (item: Rocky Helmet)
Will-o-Wisp (will replace with Calm Mind)
Inferno (may replace)
Shadow Ball
Flame Burst (will replace with Flamethrower)

Sawsbuck: lv. 48 (item: Big Root)
Horn Leech
Wild Charge
Jump Kick
Faint Attack (replace with another move?)

Haxorus lv. 48 (item: Shell Bell)
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Poison Jab
Slash (will replace with Earthquake)

Rate my team please! I'm trying to get it so that I can sweep through battles pretty easily, but also have a pretty good defense, and to try to have my pokemon learn all of the 17 elemental types of moves (except maybe one)
RE: In-game Team Rates

I like your team here. For your Haxorus, I'd replace Poison Jab with Dragon Pulse. I'd get rid of Cinccino because you already have Sawsbuck, a Normal and Grass type, and Cinccino, in my opinion, can't be a big help in your team. In my opinion, you need an Ice type like Beartic (I recommend it) or Vanilluxe. Also, Vanilluxe has a great Special Attack. I'd give your Sawsbuck Solar Beam, it learns it at level 60. Good team here.
RE: In-game Team Rates

@Rocky Helmet
-Hammer Arm
-Heat Crash
-Brick Break

@Scope Lens
-Thunder Wave
-Shadow Ball
-Leaf Storm

-Air Slash
-Ice Beam

@argh stupid Klutz I hate you
-Shadow Punch
-Heavy Slam

@Razor Claw
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse
-Tri Attack

-Iron Head
-Night Slash
-Swords Dance

I'm thinking about giving Scald to Emboar to replace Brick Break, then replace Scald on Suicune with Calm Mind. I'm going to fight Cynthia soon, BTW.
RE: In-game Team Rates

David21- thanks for the suggestion! The only thing is that I'm teaching physical moves to the ones with higher Attack, and special moves to the ones with higher Special Attack. I had Sawsbuck learn Horn Leech since its Attack is high, and it's a physical move. I was thinking about Solarbeam, but decided against it since it is a special move. Also, Haxorus has high Attack, hence why I have Dragon Claw instead of Draco Meteor or Dragon Pulse. Maybe I'll replace Cinccino after my first run through the E4, with maybe a Dark-type or something? I'm not sure yet, because Cinccino honestly has helped me a lot, but I think I could do with a better pokemon. Also, like you said, I have two Normal-types, which is not the best thing to do. Thank you! :)

Also, I don't have an Ice-type because I'm having Samurott learn Ice Beam.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I beat the Elite 4.
But I didn't use Eelecktross, but instead Beartic.

Now I just got rid of Gigalith and Conkeldurr.
Now, in their place I have:
nature: brave
ability: flash fire
item: lucky egg
Flame Burst
Shadow Ball

I also have a Frillish but it's lv. 8
EDIT: now my Frillish is level 20
EDIT 2: now its level 23
EDIT 3: lv.26
EDIT 4: it evolved into jellicent about an hour ago
RE: In-game Team Rates

I'm playing through White (I just beat Black) and I'm making a team. Duh.
So here the Pokes that I'm definitely using.
Some Pokes that I will NOT be using because I used in Black.
Any suggestions? I'm only using 5 Pokes 'cos HM slave. ;)
RE: In-game Team Rates

This is my team that I use now but I think it could be better. I have beat N and Ghetsis and Elite 4. * indicates please help

Samurott Lv.54 Torrent
Revenge (Ice beam will go here)
*Aerial Ace (Thinking Mega horn but I don't know yet)

Haxorus Lv.53 Rivalry

Dragon Dance
*Dragon Pulse (MUST REPLACE PLEASE HELP. Maybe Earthquake?)
*False Swipe (Just to catch random pokes but will replace with something. Maybe Surf?)
Dragon Claw

Gigalinth Lv.52 Sturdy

Bulldoze (Earthquake soon to come)
*Smack Down
Stone Edge

Braviary Lv. 54 Sheer Force
*Aerial Ace (may replace not sure)
*Crush Claw (I don't know about this one)
Sky Drop

Ferrothorn Lv.52 Iron Barbs

*Metal Claw
Power Whip
*Poison Jab
Iron Head

*Enboar Lv. 52 Blaze (Thinking of a Zen Mode Daramatian)

Heat Crash
*Tackle (lolz I kept it since the beginning)
*Rock Smash (Need better Fighting type move)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Help me I need help with Items,moves, and pokemon sugestions (e.g. Switching Samurott for somthing else)
Samurott lv65 @Rocky Helmet
Razor Shell
Ice Beam
Revenge(hydro pump?)

Haxorus lv 51 @Dragon Scale
Dual Chop
Shadow Claw(Dragon Claw?)
Giga Impact

Sawsbuck lv.48 @ Big Root
Horn Leech
Wild Charge
Jump Kick
Shadow Ball

Excadrill lv.58 @(need an item idea)
Metal Claw
Drill Run
Rock Slide
Horn Drill

Either Hydragon(Zwelious now) or Electross(do not have any evo)

Bisharp lv. 61 @Razor Claw
Night Slash
Shadow Claw
Iron Head
Poison Jab (?)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Well for your Haxorus definitly teach it dragon claw and for your Samurott Razor Shell is cool but hydro pump or surf is much better.

Please some one help me with my team too
RE: In-game Team Rates

Whats a good moveset for a:

with water absorb and sassy nature.
RE: In-game Team Rates


Samurott: use aerial ace or x-scissor (to hit grass but icebeam is good too)
Replace dive with waterfall or aqua tail. Also consider aqua jet if you like priority.

Haxorus: since you have dragondance, you need to use physical moves. Quake, dragon tail, and stone edge are all good moves. Use whatever you need to cover.

Gigalinth: basically, use moves to cover whatever haxorous didn't cover. If you go with quake on one, use something else for the other. Stealth rock and toxic are always good support moves if you want them somewhere.

Braviary: I don't know much about his moves, but I would go with aerial ace here instead of on your samurrott simply because of stab. U-turn is a good option for faster pokemon.

Ferrothorn: I would keep poison jab. Use spikes or toxic is you want a support move and you have an extra slot.

Emboar: idk his moves, but if he can learn hammer arm, that would be great.

You might need a t-bolt somewhere, but idk which pokemon can use it off the top of my head...

Hope I helped!!
RE: In-game Team Rates

Current Black Team - All EV trained and have Pokerus

Archeops 62 - Sitris Berry
Aerial Ace
Stone Edge

Valorona 64 - Charcoal
Bug Buzz
Quiver Dance

Bisharp 63 - Still debating
Night Slash
Iron Head
Sword Dance
Brick Break

Leavanny 63 - Miracle Seed
Sword dance
Leaf Blade

Haxorus 64 - Dragon Claw
Sword Dance
Dragon Claw
Aerial Ace

Any ideas for the 6th? I kind of want a water type, but there really arent any good ones out there. I tried Frillish and it was terrible. I dont really like using legendaries either, so yea.
RE: In-game Team Rates

For a Water type, you could use Basculin. I used it in one playthrough of White. It was actually quite powerful, and managed to hold up against a lot of Pokemon.

I'd put a Scope Lens on Bisharp, and take Aerial Ace and the Sitrus Berry off Archeops and put Acrobatics on instead. If you do that then don't bother with an item-it means that Acrobatics will only do 55 damage as opposed to 110.
RE: In-game Team Rates

@ Oshawottfan
On Bisharp should I keep Poison Jab or go for somthing better.
@ Everyone
Should I put Elektross or Hydragon in my team
RE: In-game Team Rates

I think it was Broken Ice but someone made a thread with all the TM locations so I will link you to it in a PM