BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

This is the team that I used to beat N and Ghetsis (Or however you spell that) They're all around level 57-58.

1337 (Haxorus)

Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance

Vid (Stoutland)

Surf (lol)
Work up

Blitz (Chandelure)

Shadow Ball
Fire Burst

Smug (Serperior)

Leaf Blade
Leech Seed

Oreo (Zebstrika)

Wild Charge
Flare Charge

Chuck (Gurdurr) -- I need to evolve him, I know

Brick Break
Chip Away


I caught the first of the Fighting Trio last night. I caught it in a Quick Ball on the 49th turn, no bull.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I have been using my sawsbuck as a grass type scince the ground rock gym and I just caught Virizion. Wich should I use

Sawsbuck lv50 Ablility: Chlorophyll HP-147
Horn Leech
Shadow Ball
Wild Charge
Jump Kick
att 132
def 88
spatt 68
spdeff 86
spd 112
Item: Big Root

Virizion lv.43 HP-137 ability: Justified
Energy Ball
Arial Ace
Sacred Sword
att 87
def 69
spatt 91
spdef 135
spd 92
RE: In-game Team Rates

Spartan7 said:
I have been using my sawsbuck as a grass type scince the ground rock gym and I just caught Virizion. Wich should I use

Sawsbuck lv50 Ablility: Chlorophyll HP-147
Horn Leech
Shadow Ball
Wild Charge
Jump Kick
att 132
def 88
spatt 68
spdeff 86
spd 112
Item: Big Root

Virizion lv.43 HP-137 ability: Justified
Energy Ball
Arial Ace
Sacred Sword
att 87
def 69
spatt 91
spdef 135
spd 92

Neither, they're both pretty bad.
RE: In-game Team Rates

that's what I am most likely going to do but just looking for more selections

and also, should I use Zoroark or Chandelure.
I get mentally stuck A LOT

Zoroark lv.36 ability: Illusion
Foul Play
Focus Blast
Hone Claws
Arieal Ace (For Bug Fight types)

Chandelure lv.42 ability Flash Fire
Energy Ball
RE: In-game Team Rates

I just evolved my Chubachoo. What is a good move set for Beartic?
RE: In-game Team Rates

For volarona...

Quiver Dance
Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance makes volcorana nearly invincible at +6 Sp Atk, Spd and Sp Def. Flamethrower and Bug Buzz for powerful mega boosted stab and psychic for killing everything else. Great ingame and out.

And for Beartic...

Icicle Crash
Brick Break
Stone Edge

Icicle Crash is annoyingly powerful, Thrash is very powerful and worth the lock in. Brick break and Stone Edge can kill a lot of what Ice/wtr cannot. YOu can always use moves like Shadow Claw and Aerial Ace as a sub.
RE: In-game Team Rates

What is a good move set for stoutland It can't learn barley anything that I have TM/HM wise
RE: In-game Team Rates

Retaliate/ reversal
Wild bolt
Strength/ retaliate

Thats what i always used. Strength is your main move, though crunch will also be used a lot. Wild bolt can hit a lot of other pokemon too. Retaliate isgreat when you switch in but reversal provides another good other type move. If you want both, you can constantly swap out wild bolt and retaliate at will.
RE: In-game Team Rates

No problem. I searched it up on serbii just to make sure that I wasn't wrong and it is the translated jap. name.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I hate to keep annoying everyone but What is a good move ste for a lv.43 Golurk?
RE: In-game Team Rates

Shadow punch
heavy bomber
brick break

and either...
fly (if you need it)
strength (again if you need it)

id train it up to level 50 for the all powerful earthquake
RE: In-game Team Rates

I don't see a RMT for 4th or 3rd gen in-game so I guess I will post it here so please Rate My Team :D
For future Posts this might be helpful

Overall Statement:

Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:

SS Team

Overall Statement: This is my team from SS and I want to intergrate it into my White Team

Pokemon: Swampert
Item: ???
Nature: Sassy
Move 1: Earthquake
Move 2: Ice Beam
Move 3: Focus Blast
Move 4: Surf
Statement: I love Swamperts and I really think that I did a pretty good job with it but I just want to improve it :D

Pokemon: Charizard
Item: ?
Nature: Hardy
Move 1: Dragon Claw
Move 2: Steel Wing
Move 3: Flamethrower
Move 4: Fly
Statement: I again really like Charizard but it is mainly for killing the Grass types that come after Swampert

Pokemon: Draipion
Item: ???
Nature: Hardy
Move 1: Cross Poison
Move 2: Toxic Spikes <==== I dont like this move
Move 3: Crunch
Move 4: Ice Fang
Statement: I really hate how my Drapion functions as when I try to set up Toxic Spikes I only manage 2 Spikes and 1 Cross Poison

Pokemon: Gallade
Item: ???
Nature: Hardy
Move 1: Close Combat
Move 2: Leaf Blade
Move 3: Shadow Ball
Move 4: Psycho Cut
Statement: I like this guy but honestly think I could do better

Pokemon: Poliwrath
Item: ???
Nature: Hardy
Move 1: Earthquake
Move 2: Rock Slide
Move 3: Hypnosis
Move 4: Ice Beam
Statement:I really want to get rid of a move so I can get Hydro Pump on his Moveset but otherwise he is stacked

Item: ???
Nature: Hardy
Move 1: Giga Impact
Move 2: Thunder
Move 3: Iron Tail
Move 4: Thunderbolt
Statement: I HATE him his moves stink so much any help at all would be LOVED


Overall Statement: Pretty good in my opinion but always love help :D I really want to intergrate this team into my SS team :D

Pokemon: Samurott
Item: Mystic Water
Nature: Quirky
Move 1: Revenge <=== Replace please :D
Move 2: Surf
Move 3: Ice Beam
Move 4: MegaHorn
Statement: Pretty good but I want help with Revenge

Item: ???
Nature: Careful
Move 1: Bulldoze <=== Earthquake will go here
Move 2: Smack Down
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Strength
Statement: I don't like his move set and I am Open to all suggestions

Pokemon: Haxorus
Item: ???
Nature: Careful
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Shadow Claw
Move 3: False Swipe <=== Replace Please :D
Move 4: Dragon Claw
Statement: I really like him for his unatural Attack and speed stats :D I only have false swip for catching legends

Pokemon: Braivary
Item: ???
Nature: Calm
Move 1: Aerial Ace
Move 2: Crush Claw
Move 3: Brave Bird
Move 4: Fly
Statement: 3 Flying moves?! I hate this set...

Pokemon: Enboar
Item: SHell Bell
Nature: Hasty
Move 1: Tackle <=== Rofl Replace this
Move 2: Rock Smash <== I want a better Fighting type move
Move 3: Flare Blitz
Move 4: Flamethrower
Statement: PRetty good but help wanted

Pokemon: Ferrowthorn
Item: ???
Nature: Lonely
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Power Whip
Move 3: Poison Jap
Move 4: Flash Cannon
Statement: Bane of the Water types.... Anything is welcome regarding him him

That is it :D