BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Should I use a chandelure or a Golurk for my compeditive team and also should I use Beartic or Conkledurr
RE: In-game Team Rates

Depends on what role you need. A sweeper or tankish physical attacker, for the second one you will probably need conkeldurr with sub/drainpunch/focuspunch/pursuit(or some other dark move if im mistaken)
RE: In-game Team Rates

My Tanker is my Haxorus and I need a sweeper and a Sp.Att Tanker
RE: In-game Team Rates

Pokemon: Samurott
Item: Life orb (never use 1.1 increase moves, they are terrible)
Nature: Quirky
Move 1: Grass Knot
Move 2: Surf
Move 3: Ice Beam
Move 4: HP grd (make it a special only sweeper sinc it doent excell in anything)

Item: ?
Nature: Careful
Move 1: Earthquake
Move 2: Smack Down
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Stealth rock/explosion(never use normal moves outside of explosion)
Statement: sr for set up atleast once or explosion after surving a blow. Both make use of sturdy.

Pokemon: Haxorus
Item: ?
Nature: Careful
Move 1: Dragon Dance
Move 2: Shadow Claw
Move 3: eq/brick break (eq for power, brickbreak for hitting anything neutrally with shadow claw)
Move 4: outrage (you want power more)
Statement: His speed is rather lacking so dd up and sweep nearly anything.

Pokemon: Braivary
Item: ?
Nature: Calm
Move 1: superpower (doesnt get closecmbat :()
Move 2: Crush Claw (not sure, but id go with something more powerful, or atleast not neutral)
Move 3: Brave Bird
Move 4: Rock Slide (actually very useful, fly is pointless in competitions)
Statement: 3 Flying moves?! I hate this set...

Pokemon: Emboar
Item: Shell Bell
Nature: Hasty
Move 1: wild bolt (thunder powers go)
Move 2: head smash (rock smash does 20 damage for cryn out loud)
Move 3: Flare Blitz
Move 4: eq/flame charge (again, you want power, flame charge provides the speed you need to sweep though)

Pokemon: Ferrowthorn
Item: You NEED rocky helmet to stack up damage with iron barbs
Nature: Lonely
Move 1: Gyro Ball (super powerful since it is so slow)
Move 2: Power Whip
Move 3: Stealth rock
Move 4: leech seed
Statement: SR and leech seed really stack up damage, you will have to breed for leech seed. If you cant, use curse to power up attack, defense and lower speed, making gyro ball even more powerful (it wont be using speed anyway)

spartan: none of those are good special tanks. Look p pokemon with high special attack but are not very flimsy like chandelure. Also, chandelure goes well with conkeldurr as it can sweep and knock out foes while conkeldurr sets up a sub and prepares to kill.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I'd change Crush Claw on Braviary for Return, and run around loads with it holding the Soothe Bell, as that will make it really happy.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Thanks for ALL your support but do you have any suggestions for intergrateing my 2 teams?
RE: In-game Team Rates

well the 2 you really want are gallade and swampert. swap them out for emboar (too slow to show its power) and samurott
(its good but it isnt amazing at any one stat).

Gallade can have...
close combat
thunder wave
Its only a little slow but it has access to many status moves. Will o wisp lowers other attackers trying to hit its lower defense and thunderwave can slow down other sweepers so it can hit first nice and hard.

Swampert (leftovers)
rest/ice punch
sleep talk/curse
Waterfall and eq for stong stab. Curse powers up your movesand ice punch kills those nasty grass types. Or you could try restalk. Rest off any damage and still be able to taack with sleep talk. Evil fun.
RE: In-game Team Rates

It's been awhile since I posted on this forum, but I'm looking for some suggestions for the White team I'm planning to use for the main story.

- Leaf Blade
- Leech Seed
- Coil
- Return

- Surf
- Dig
- Acrobatics
- Crunch

- Fire Punch
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Brick Break

- Fly
- Rock Slide
- U-Turn
- Shadow Claw

- Thunder
- Signal Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Volt Switch

- Psychic
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Recover
RE: In-game Team Rates

For the story it looks great :D Other people might think differently though....
RE: In-game Team Rates

Change Fly on Archeops for Acrobatics.

Here is my current White team (training for the League)

Sleep Powder
Energy Ball
Giga Drain
Leech Seed

Air Slash
Light Screen
Shadow Ball

Rock Slide
Brick Break

Dragon Claw
Night Slash
Chip Away

Thunder Wave

Any good move advice? I'm thinking of putting Discharge on Eelektross as it is Modest, but I don't know what to switch it for.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Future WHITE Team:

Gallade (Attack and HP EV trained):
Psycho Cut
Leaf Blade
Stone Edge
Brick Break
I don't have a Grass-type, and with Gallade's high Attack, I figured the Move Relearner could teach it Leaf Blade to fight off Water-types and Ground-types. I decided to EV train him for HP instead on Sp. Defense (which it has a lot of) so that when it gets hit by a physical move, he'll at least have a good amount of HP to shake it off as well as Special moves.

Charizard (EV train Sp. Attack + Speed):
Heat Wave
Dragon Tail
The planned moveset needs help, especially since it has physical moves, but I couldn't think of anything else. Suggestions greatly appreciated for this one!

Haxorus (Attack + Speed):
Dragon Claw
Poison Jab
Swords Dance
Haxorus is meant to be a fast sweeper with high Attack, and with Swords Dance, this pokemon will be pretty much unstoppable. Dragon Claw is for STAB, Earthquake is because it's a really good and typical move for any team, and Poison Jab is to get at those Grass-types.

Emolga (Special Attack + Speed)

U-Turn is for Psychic, Dark, and Grass-types and to easily switch to a different pokemon since Emolga is.....well, not a favorite. However, you can make any pokemon good. Which is why Emolga will be a fast sweeper, and Toxic and Protect is to poison and keep protecting for slow fights if Emolga is needed.

Umbreon (EV train Defense and Special Defense):
Shadow Ball
Work Up
Faint Attack

Umbreon is also going to be the "annoying" pokemon, where it has high Defense and Special Defense so that any attack won't do much, and Moonlight will heal it to make it even more annoying. Work Up boosts the power of both Shadow Ball and Faint Attack, so that Umbreon can attack and do a decent amount of damage.

Lopunny (EV train Attack + Speed)
Ice Punch
Dizzy Punch
Lopunny is NEVER supposed to go first. This is a revenge pokemon, using Retaliate quick and fast with EV trained Speed. Ice Punch is to have an Ice-type attack in the team, and Dizzy Punch is used because no pokemon (except Rock and Ghost) have resistance to Normal-type moves, and Ice Punch will take care of those. Substitute is to give Lopunny a little defense.

NOTE: I'm NOT planning on changing my pokemon species in this team.

Pokemon BLACK planned team:

Suggestions of the pokemon on the Black team are appreciated! :D
RE: In-game Team Rates

I have a Charizard that works very well and this is its move set
Dragon Claw
Steel wing
Try it :D
RE: In-game Team Rates

My Haxorus is lv.60 and has maxed stats here is his move set if you want is for your team

Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance
Brick Break/Shadow Claw/X-Scizor any of the moves work
RE: In-game Team Rates

I have have that same move set and I am planning to delete False Swip with EQ as soon as I feel like getting through the Anceint Castle (or whatever that ruined desert place is)
RE: In-game Team Rates

The thing is that Charizard is being EV trained for Special Attack, so I'd like to have it learn special moves, not physical moves. Unless it's a typo in my Notes app on my iPod XD
RE: In-game Team Rates

Here is my soon to be compeditive team. Not in depth will edit later.
Chandelure@Wide Lens
Samurott@Rocky Helmet
Sawsbuck@Big Root
Elektross@Quick Claw
Hydreigon@Expert Belt
Haxorus@Dragon Scale
RE: In-game Team Rates

Try this for charizard.

~ Flamethrower
~ Air Slash
~ Hidden Power Grass
~ Roost

4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
RE: In-game Team Rates

pokemon 99: thanks, I'll look into that!

And to the people that helped me with Haxorus: thanks, i think I'll replace Swords Dance with Dragon Dance