BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Uh my team is 1 page back and I use 3 starters total: Samurott, Swampert and Charizard
RE: In-game Team Rates

I need a grass type for my team and my top two are Sawsbuck and Serperior. I want this for a compeditive team and I am a horrable decision maker.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I'd use Sawsbuck. It has a great Attack stat, plus enough Defense to let it last a hit or two. On top of that it also respectable Speed. However it does have 6 weaknesses, most notably Fire, Fighting and Ice, three fairly common attacking types. However, it does have a good moveset. Megahorn, Jump Kick, Horn Leech (it does get better Grass moves, but they are special), Retaliate, Return and Wild Charge, plus Swords Dance to increase it's already good Attack stat. Overall, better than Serperior, unless you are using one from the DW, and it has Contrary.

Needing a 6th member for my team.
Current team:

I am thinking of Pawniard, but I already have a Steel type in Klang.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I have a ton of Zorua if you want Zoroark. And I was planning on a DW Serperior.
RE: In-game Team Rates

paddy185 said:
I'd use Sawsbuck. It has a great Attack stat, plus enough Defense to let it last a hit or two. On top of that it also respectable Speed. However it does have 6 weaknesses, most notably Fire, Fighting and Ice, three fairly common attacking types. However, it does have a good moveset. Megahorn, Jump Kick, Horn Leech (it does get better Grass moves, but they are special), Retaliate, Return and Wild Charge, plus Swords Dance to increase it's already good Attack stat. Overall, better than Serperior, unless you are using one from the DW, and it has Contrary.

Needing a 6th member for my team.
Current team:

I am thinking of Pawniard, but I already have a Steel type in Klang.

You can't go wrong with Scrafty. Only if you don't mind the second fighting type.

If you do, Golurk would be really good, and so would Galvantula.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I think I might use Galvantula-I was planning on using it, but I didn't want too many Pokemon to train at Chargestone Cave, especially as my Pokemon were a bit underleveled. But then again, Golurk would be nice. I might use Bouffalant, but that would make 3 of my Pokemon weak to Fighting. Or possibly a Reuniclus, as I can get a Duosion at Route 9. Thanks :)
RE: In-game Team Rates

The only thing about Galvantula is that he's Bug, and with Crustle, you already have a Bug-type. I'd rather go with Reuniclus.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I have thought and thought, and decided on Pawniard. Now I just have to wait for it to get to get a good STAB move.

Does anyone have a good moveset for a Klinklang? The only good moves mine actually has are Volt Switch and Gear Grind.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Volt switch
gear grind

Not to many useful moves but it has its uses. You need a strong stab and automize to boost its speed (makes it an actual threat). Pretty sure there is a another move that boosts attack and speed.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Thanks frostwind-all I need to do is get the Protect TM from Prof. Juniper. There is a move that boosts it's attack and speed-Shift Gear. However I'm only really training to lv.50 for the E4.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I don't know what to do.

My team:

I want to either
Bisharp or Sawsbuck, but it's hard making these choices (in my opinion)
RE: In-game Team Rates

I would switch Serperior for Sawsbuck. Sawsbuck.....I love him :p it has a really good physical attack, and if you give him a Big Root and teach him Horn Leech and Jump Kick, he's just awesome :p I wouldn't teach it any special moves. Take good use of its high physical attack.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I'd use Bisharp. I'm currently using one on White, with Night Slash, Metal Burst, X-Scissor, and Brick Break. It was absolutely great in my battle with Ghetsis, and was extremely helpful in general.
RE: In-game Team Rates


Head Smash
Flare Blitz


Bug Buzz
Signal Beam


Drill Run
Horn Drill


Sky Drop
Brave Bird


Hydro Pump
Hyper Voice
Giga Impact


Bolt Strike
Fusion Bolt

RE: In-game Team Rates

They know too many of the same types of moves. Variety is needed. Take out Flare Blitz on Emboar and replace it with Stone Edge. Take off Earthquake too, because Excadrill already has it. Just give more of a variety of moves. Don't make Galvantula learn just Bug and Electric-type attacks. You also have no defense moves or status moves. Why not use moves to boost Attack or other moves? Also, be aware of certain types of pokemon having certain high stats. If a pokemon has more physical Attack, only teach it physical moves to give it the best it can do. For example, it is not recommended that Sawsbuck learn special moves, because it is a physical attacker.

Another thing: you have 2 Electric types and waaay too many Electric moves. You have 2 on Galvantula and 3 on Zekrom. Once again, more variety
RE: In-game Team Rates

Rawr, I guess I'll post my in game team, any thoughts/opinions are cool :3

Whimsicott (Fluffee)

Leech Seed
Giga Drain

Espeon (Carbuncle)

Shadow Ball
Morning Sun
Reflect (may change to Light Screen instead)

Infernape (Buttons)

Close Combat
Flame Wheel
Stealth Rock

Pikachu (Hikari)

Volt Tackle
Quick Attack
Thunder Wave

Porygon Z (Shifty)

Nasty Plot
Tri Attack

Vaporeon (Hachiko)

Ice Beam
(Need help with the last 2 moves)

Anyway, that's what I have so far, need some help with the last 2 moves for my Vaporeon and some suggestions for hold items ^_^ Let me know what you guys think~
RE: In-game Team Rates

@David21 You really need to change your Excadrill's moveset. 2 OHKO moves and two Ground moves are not good. I'd recommend X-Scissor, Brick Break, Earthquake and Rock Slide. You could put Sludge Bomb or Earthquake on Seismitoad. Also put Return on Braviary.