BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Alright, here's my go. BTW, this is my first VG since G/S so bear with me...

Item: ?
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
Ability: Flame Body
Attack 1: Flamethrower
Attack 2: Shadow Ball
Attack 3: Energy Ball
Attack 4: Psychic (Idk, I had an open slot)

Item: ?
EVs: 4 HP/252 Sp. Atk/ 252 Speed
Ability: CompoundEyes
Attack 1: Bug Buzz
Attack 2: Thunder
Attack 3: Agility
Attack 4: Electro Ball

Item: Leftovers/Quick Claw
EVs: 128 Sp. Atk/252 HP/128 Speed
Ability: Serene Grace
Attack 1: Softboiled
Attack 2: Toxic
Attack 3: Flamethrower/Ice Beam
Attack 4: Earthquake/Stone Edge/Earth Power

Item: ?
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
Ability: Levitate
Attack 1: Dark Pulse (Crunch if I get too lazy to breed)
Attack 2: Flamethrower
Attack 3: Dragon Pulse
Attack 4: Earth Power/Stone Edge

Item: Toxic Orb
EVs: 44 HP/252 Atk/212 Speed
Ability: Poison Heal
Attack 1: Leech Seed
Attack 2: Spore
Attack 3: Focus Punch
Attack 4: Stone Edge

Item: ?
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Speed/4 HP
Ability: Pressure
Attack 1: Fly
Attack 2: Stone edge
Attack 3: Ice Fang
Attack 4: Crunch
RE: In-game Team Rates

I wouldn't put Stone Edge/EQ on Blissey, it's Attack is absolutely terrible. You could use Protect to stack up Toxic damage. I'd also have EP on Hydreigon rather than SE. Other than that, your team looks pretty good.
RE: In-game Team Rates

My current team:
Dewott, Lv. 29, Female, Adamant nature. (I didn't cheat, I got, like, REALLY lucky on my FIRST TRY)
Razor Shell
Water Pulse

Herdier, Lv. 29, Female, Docile nature.
Rock Smash

Darumaka Lv. 30, Male, ADAMANT NATURE!! (Finally got one after about 10 Darumakas!! :) )
Fire Punch
Rock Smash

Petilil Lv. 21, Female, Docile nature (In training)
Mega Drain
Sleep Power
Something else, lol

I'm currently in the 4th Gym city, training up before because I'm not ready to handle Electric types yet.

That's it right now, but my future team is:
Samurott, Adamant
Swords Dance
Aqua Jet

Stoutland, Docile
Wild Charge
Ice Fang

Darmanitan, Adamant nature
Fire Punch
Rock Slide

Gavantula, ??? nature
Bug Buzz
Thunder Wave
Energy Ball

Lilligant, Docile nature
Quiver Dance
Giga Drain
Sleep Powder
Hidden Power (Hopefully Ice!!)

What do you think? I plan to breed the Pokemon for better natures once I get them (Like the Adamant Darmanitan)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Hate to brake it to you but Samurott can't learn EQ.

My Team. I need help on pokes no.5 and 6

Samurott@Rocky Helmet
Quiet Nature
Ice Beam
Razor Shell

Haxorus@Quick Powder
Docile Nature
Dragon Dance
Shadow Claw

Sawsbuck@ Big Root
Adamant(1st try)
Jump Kick
Wild Charge
Horn Leech
or when/if I get it
Serperior@Quick Claw
Leaf Storm
Hidden Power
Dragon Tail

Chandelure@Wide Lens
Lax Nature
Flash Fire
Falme Burst/Flamethrower
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
RE: In-game Team Rates

^ Oh, all right. *Replaces EQ for SD*
And Quick Powder only works on Ditto, so take it off Haxorus.
Also, you have 2 Grass-types. I'd replace Serperior (I like Sawsbuck more) with a Gavantula because it has 100% Accuracy on all of its moves with Compoundeyes, including Thunder!! It's a fast, hard hitter that's worth using. For your last Pokemon, use a Scrafty (Hopefully with Moxie) because, while it may not be the strongest, nor fastest Pokemon, it has CRAZY Defenses and a great movepool, like Crunch, Hi Jump Kick, Stone Edge, and Dragon Claw, and Moxie is so you can easily sweep Gym Leaders. Hope I helped!!
RE: In-game Team Rates

O.K I had a Galavantula in training with compound eyes. and I beat the game in 5 days. Thanks for the suggestions.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Pokemon: Chandalure
Item: ?
Nature: Modest
Move 1: Flamethrower
Move 2: Shadow Ball
Move 3: ??? <== Help?
Move 4: Will-o-wisp<== Help?
Statement: It's going to have the typical Special Sweeper Spread of 252 Sp.A/252 Spe/4 Hp. It has 31 Iv's in each stat so I am good their :p I really want a good moveset to ensure a good sweep :D
RE: In-game Team Rates

Teach it Energy Ball. With high Speed and Special Attack, it should be able go beat Water-types with that move :p
RE: In-game Team Rates

Thanks :D What about Will-o-wisp? I like it but I was wondering if it can learn any stat-boosting moves.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Here's my Chandelure:

Chandelure @Rocky Helmet (since the Defense is kinda bad)
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
Calm Mind (I'm pretty sure it knows Calm Mind....I don't really feel like getting out my game and finding out :p)

But yeah, Calm Mind is a good stat move for a special sweeper
RE: In-game Team Rates

As long as we're posting Chandelures...
My Chandelure:

(Too lazy to post nature/level/etc.)
Calm Mind
Confuse Ray

Yay! Random Bloggerstuudle!
RE: In-game Team Rates

Other items? I don't really have any other suggestions besides Leftovers or Shell Bell or other common items
RE: In-game Team Rates

energy ball
shadow ball
calm mind

Give it life orb or focus band. Life orb lets it even harder, guranteeing a kill on those bulky water types. Focus band lets you cm on a risky pokemon then knock it hard. Be careful with cm though.

Broken ice
I think it needs a similar set. Flamethrower can be blocked easily and it is to frail to rely on moves like curse (which makes it a dead man walking) or confuse ray (not to dependable either)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Well, since we're on the topic of Chandelures, here's mine:

Chandelure LV. 99 (So Close...:/)
Item: Focus Band/Life Orb
Nature: Modest
- Shadow Ball
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast (I switch up when I verse my friends since I know their teams)
- Energy Ball
- Psychic/Calm Mind/(Dream Eater = Double/Triple Battles paired with Breloom :p)

He's just an all out sweeper for me. I usually pair him with my Hydreigon or Aerodactyl to take out those pesky EQ/SE users.