BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Ok, here is my rather underleveled team. I'm about to start battling Team Plasma at Chargestone Cave.

Servine lv.30
-Leaf Tornado
-Leech Seed
-Mega Drain

Darumaka lv.29
-Fire Fang
-Fire Punch
(I will get rid of Fire Fang+Headbutt for Rock Slide+Hammer Arm)

Solosis lv.30
-HP Ground
-Light Screen

Joltik lv.28
-Bug Bite
-Gastro Acid

Any other suggestions? I will definitely have a Jellicent for my Water type, and my other Pokemon will most likely be a Scrafty.
RE: In-game Team Rates

No problems by my eye.

Two of my Pokemon:
level: 71
nature: Careful
ability: Swarm
stats: 221/177/86/190/61
item: Iron Plate
Aerial Ace
Iron Head
Swords Dance

level: 71
nature: Lonely
ability: Intimidate
stats: 190/134/73/141/147
item: Silk Scarf
Giga Impact
Fire Fang
Wild Charge
RE: In-game Team Rates

lol, my stoutland sucks, but its shiny so no complaints :p

paddy: what ability does your joltik have? If its compoundeyes then as soon as you get to Icirrus city, buy TM Thunder from the pokemon center because its AMAZING.
RE: In-game Team Rates

My Galvantula has got Compoundeyes and I do plan on teaching it Thunder.

Quick team update:

Galvantula lv.38
-Electro Ball
-Signal Beam
With this Pokemon and those Electric moves, Skyla is an official joke.

Servine lv.33
-Leaf Blade
-Leaf Tornado
-Leech Seed

Darumaka lv.33
-Flare Blitz
-Fire Punch

Scraggy lv.32
Shed Skin
-Hi Jump Kick
-Brick Break
-Faint Attack
-Sand Attack

Duosion lv.33
-Future Sight
-HP Ground

Currently trying to catch a Frillish, preferably Male as I prefer the male ones (only Frillish, not people), but they are always about lv.10 and I really don't want to have to raise one 20 levels.

EDIT: Just caught a decent level Frillish, and so Onomatoea the Frillish completes my team :]

Here are its moves, and its nature:
Frillish lv.25 (M)
Hardy Nature
Cursed Body
-Water Pulse
-Night Shade.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Cursed body is good. It can save him many times. :) My:
Galvantula mild @ magnet lvl 73 or 74
Electro Web
Bug Buzz
Energy Ball
RE: In-game Team Rates

Kewl! So fudgin' d3rptastic...

Two MOAR!:
level: 71
nature: Brave
ability: Flash Fire
stats: 128/151/232/149/130
item: Flame Plate
Shadow Ball
Calm Mind
Confuse Ray

level: 71
nature: Serious
ability: Levitate
stats: 192/154/201/145/173
item: Draco Plate
Dragon Pulse
RE: In-game Team Rates

lucariopulse: lol thats my Galvantula exactly except it has Electro Ball instead of electro web :D

Hey, on the topic of Chandelure, i just thought of this concept...

Chandelure LV. 100
Shadow Tag Ability
Bold/Calm Nature
Item: Quick Claw
252 HP/128 Def/128 Sp. Def
- Shadow Ball (STAB)
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast (STAB/2HKOs Blissey)
- Substitute (Quick Claw)
- Calm Mind/Psychic/Dream Eater (Boosts Sp. Atk/Coverage/Double Battles)

I think this would work wonderfully with Breloom. It's fighting/Grass types easily destroy Chandelure's Ground type weakness and normal types, which are harder to hit. Plus, Breloom's Spore works wonders with Dream Eater, which also restores the lost HP from Substitute. If you want an immediate Spore/Dream Eater attack, then an Adamant (or anything that doesn't boost speed) Breloom with 44 HP/252 Atk/212 Speed would outspeed Chandelure with Life Orb/Leftovers and 252 HP/64 Def/64 Sp. Def/128 Speed.

lol, that ended being more of an analysis than a rating, but w/e. :p
RE: In-game Team Rates

raichupika33 said:
Hey, I got a new team. Please rate and give contstuctive comments for my team improvement. Thanks!
NOTE: This is an in-game team planning FOR the league.​


Torterra - Reason - I Never go for the grass starter
Item - Quick Claw
Ability - Overgrow
-Leaf Storm
-Stone Edge
-Giga Drain

Torterra is a slow Pokemon so I am going to put a Quick Claw onto it so hopefully it will get the first turn of an attack occasionally. I tried to put physical attacks to Torterra as it is strong in that section, I was going to replace Crunch with Giga Drain but I think its best not to have the same move in a team. After the league, with Platinum there is a move tutor in one of the areas, it can learn Outrage and Superpower which are interesting moves. It is 4X weak to Ice so I put Stone Edge there to weaken Ice.


Garchomp - Reason - Gible is available earlier now
Item - Draco Plate
Ability - Sand Veil
-Fire Fang
-Dragon Claw

We all know Garchomp is killer at physical attacking. It can learn a lot of moves, with Fire Fang I think its better than Flamethower on Garchomp since its physical. I put the Draco Plate with it to boost its attack even more. Again, 4X weak to Ice but Fire Fang can get rid of them there. I think its always best to have Earthquake with it. I might even give it Draco Meator, I'll see if this moveset works when I get Platinum. Even with special attack, Garchomp is pretty responsible with that.


Alakazam - Reason - Have 2 DSs, might aswell trade.
Item - Shell Bell
Ability - Inner Focus
-Grass Knot
-Focus Blast
-Shock Wave

I gave Alakazam the Shell Bell since its got rubbish HP and defence, with the Elite 4 I think this is a great item. Psychic, whats an Alakazam wihout it? It goes extremely well, Grass Knot is a meh, Focus Blast although it has low accuracy, it can sweep out the Dark-Types when it is against us. Shock Wave is there because of its full accuracy, its not a big move for Alakazam but its alright.


Vaporeon - Reason - Just Randomly picked it
Item - Mystic Water
Ability - Water Absorb
-Ice Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Iron Tail

Mystic Water I think is a good item for Vaporeon, it boosts Water-Type attacks, its Surf is speical which is a good section for Vapy, it can have aditional damage for it to cause even more damage. Ice Beam is another good move since it has a 10% of causing freeze which can help Vaporeon to not take moves for a few turns because of its low defence. Other than that, it looks alright.


Houndoom - Reason - A new fire type available
Item - Blackglasses
Ability - Early Bird
-Fire Blast
-Dark Pulse
-Thunder Fang
-Sludge Bomb

I find it tricky to have a master item for Houndoom. The reason I picked Blackglasses is because Dark Pulse is special so I can create more damage with Houndoom having good stats within the Special Attack section. Thunder Fang is quite an interesting move for Houndoom I think, it can learn Fire Fang aswell but Thunder Fang is the way to go becuase Houndoom already has Fire Blast.


Togekiss - Reason - I need someone to fly
Item - Leftovers
Ability - Serene Grace
-Aura Sphere
-Water Pulse

Togekiss can learn a whole bunch of moves, we need to avoid physical moves, with Fly even though it is physical, I need a poke to fly. Aura Sphere is a great move with perfect accuracy, Flamethrower another really powerful move and Water Pulse is a pretty decent move, I chose it over Silver Wind.

Weaknesses - 200%
  • Fire (1)
  • Water (1)
  • Electric (2)
  • Grass (1)
  • Ice (1)
  • Fighting (1)
  • Poison (0)
  • Ground (1)
  • Flying (1)
  • Psychic (0)
  • Bug (2)
  • Rock (2)
  • Ghost (1)
  • Dragon (1)
  • Dark (1)
  • Steel (0)

Weaknesses - 400%

  • Ice (2)

Listed above is the dangers of my team. If I had 3 Pokemon 4X weak to Ice, it is considered to switch my team. That is with all types. Luckily it is just on the rails.​

[align=center]Aim - Hopefully I will be able to level my Pokemon well in Platinum, I am planning to evolve all my Pokemon before the 8th gym. With Garchomp that is going to be a bit of a problem since it evolves at Lv48 but I'm gonna attempt it.

Prediction - If this stays on track I think I will complete the Elite 4 if they are trained well. I am only a beginner player but I ha ve played the game for a few years so I know whats coming...

I THINK THIS TEAM is kind of like not strong because i battled the elite 4 with 1 Lv.100 Arceus.
RE: In-game Team Rates

@XanderPitz1010 Glad to see other users like Chandelure! Anyway, from an on-topic point of view, that could go nicely, but I prefer Chandelures with Flash Fire as they are then untouchable against 3 types.
RE: In-game Team Rates

The Current Team I'm Training:

Karrablast (Adamant, Shed Skin)
Snivy (Lonely, Overgrow)
Lillipup (Adamant, Intimidate)
Zorua (Modest, Illusion)
Litwick (Modest, Flash Fire)
Deino (Mild, Hustle)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Personally, I wouldn't use two of the same type. (Zorua and Deino) but that's just my opinion
RE: In-game Team Rates

@BrOkenICE Nice team, but maybe replace Karrablast with a fast electric-type. What about an Emolga? They are deadly for speed and Volt Switch can really disrupt (you can tell that from Elesa) and along with a Magnet or Sharp Beak, they can be deadly.
RE: In-game Team Rates

^In my eyes, an Escavalier with high attack and Megahorn is better than an Emolga.
Although they are annoying (friend uses one)

Oh, and I replaced Deino with Vanillite.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I personally wouldn't recommend an emolga. Their speed is great, but their attack isn't too great.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Oh right. First three:

lv. 23
Megahorn / Swords Dance / Aerial Ace / Poison Jab

lv. 25
Aerial Ace / Swords Dance / Vine Whip / Toxic

lv 23
Giga Impact / Rock Smash / Wild Charge / Work Up
RE: In-game Team Rates

"Sean" Samurott Lv.51 Torrent Sassy
Aqua Jet, Surf, Revenge, Waterfall

"Cro Cop" Sawk Lv.54 Inner Focus Adamant
Low Sweep, Bulk Up, Brick Break, Close Combat

"RageQuit" Krookodile Lv.52 Intimidate Jolly
Foul Play, Crunch, Bulldoze, Earthquake

"Lafitte" Archeops Lv.53 Defeatist Impish
Crunch, U-Turn, Rock Slide, Fly

"HeartBurn" Chandelure Lv.55 Flash Fire Quirky
Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Flame Burst, Shadow Ball

"Haxsauce" Haxorus Lv.55 Mold Breaker Sassy
Dragon Dance, Slash, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw
RE: In-game Team Rates

On Haxorus take off Dragon Pulse and Slash and put Dual-Chop and X-Scissor/EQ in its place. Dual Chop is actually a good move.
On Krookodile, don't make it learn just STAB moves. Put things like Dragon Claw and Brick Break on it.
And put Megahorn on Samurott.
You could also take Fly off Archeops and put Acrobatics on instead.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Foul Play is a pretty bad move when you have such a nice Attack stat. I'd recommend EQ/Crunch/Rock Slide/Dragon Claw.
As for Haxorus go with DD/Dual Chop/EQ/brick Break