BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

For hydreigon, I would suggest Dragon Pulse, Surf, Flamesthrower, and Dark Pulse/Draco Meteor.

You dont want crunch

EDIT:I decided to go ahead and redo the team thing you had, hope I can help :)

Post: #619RE: In-game Team Rates

My Pokemon Black Team:
Shiny Emboar (male) Hasty/Blaze lv. 77-Wild Charge, Flamethrower, Brick Break, and Scald
Unfezant (male) Impish/Super Luck lv 77- Echoed Voice, Quick Attack, Fly, Air Slash
Leavanny (female) Naughty/Swarm lv 77- X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Poison Jab, Leaf Storm
Krookodile (male) Naughty/Moxie lv 77- Brick Break, Foul Play, Earthquake, Outrage
Eelektross (male) Naughty/Levitate lv 77- Crunch, Crush Claw, Wild Charge, Discharge
Carracosta (male) Quirky/Solid Rock lv 77- Waterfall, Rock Slide, Crunch, Surf
Seismitoad (female) Impish/Poison Touch lv 70- Poison Jab, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Muddy Water
Shiny Bisharp (female) Adamant/Inner Focus lv 72- Iron Head, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Guillotine
Haxorus (female) Mild/Mold Breaker lv 70- Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Slash, Outrage
Meinshao (female) Hasty/Regenerator lv 68- Rockslide, Hi Jump Kick, Drain Punch, U-Turn
Hydreigon (female) Quiet/Levitate lv 70- Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Surf
RE: In-game Team Rates

I'm currently playing through Black with a completely different team from White. I traded eggs of the Pokemon I wanted into my game as early as possible, so I've had them all from level 1 except my first Pokemon. I'm currently at Route 13 in the post-game. All my Pokemon are currently level 59-60, and I'm gradually training them. Pretty much just tell me what you think and any changes you would make to the team without changing the actual Pokemon.

Samurott: Revenge; Megahorn; Surf; Watefall (will replace with Ice Beam once I don't need it anymore)

Braviary: Fly; Giga Impact; Superpower; Shadow Claw

Volcarona: Heat Wave; Quiver Dance; Silver Wind (will replace with Bug Buzz at level 70); Psychic

Ferrothorn: Iron Head; Payback; Power Whip; Swords Dance

Krookodile: Earthquake; Crunch; Stone Edge; Strength (will replace with Outrage once I don't need it anymore)

Eelektross: Brick Break; Acid Spray; Flash Cannon; Thunderbolt

Let me know what you think!
RE: In-game Team Rates

@ SpaceBehemoth Thanks and will do on Hydreigon (all except DracoMeteor because it lowers SPATK)

Would you suggest teaching Flamethrower to Eelektross?
EDIT: I forgot one alternate:Braviary lv 70 Hardy SheerForce - BraveBird Fly SuperPower Thrash
any suggestions?
RE: In-game Team Rates

Ok. My brother actually asked me for a braviery set yesterday so Il give you what I gave him
You have 2 options really, an all out attacker or a Hone Claws stat-upper. I assume that you want a physical attacker due to that stat being much higher. Here are the 2 sets I came up with.

-Hone Claws
-Crush Claw
-Sky Drop/Fly
-Rock Slide/SuperPower

-Brave Bird
-Crush Claw
-Rock slide

The item doesnt really matter in my opinion for the sweep set, maybe lefties though? But I would go with expert belt for the second one due to the diverse moves it learns. Il do the rest of your team if you want, but can you send me 6 deffinate pokemon? PM me if you want me too, Id be more then happy to give my opions :)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Alright, if I were to make a team of all eevee evolutions, I wanna EV train them all, so what Eevee evolution would go with what stat? (I'm not using Vaporeon)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Well, you might have more than one per type / stat. It depends on if the pokemon is good Sp. A, or good in A.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I am playing through Emerald just for fun, and here is my current team:
Blaziken lv.42
-Blaze Kick
-Double Kick (will replace with Brick Break)
-Bulk Up

Gardevoir lv.42
-Shadow Ball
-Flash (will replace with CM)

Cradily lv.41
-Secret Power
-Confuse Ray

Anyone got an idea for a water Pokemon or a team member in general? I'm leaning towards Lanturn or Wailord for a water type.
RE: In-game Team Rates

OK, so I am on the Team Plasma in the woods after the second gym right now with only my shiny servine (YES ITS SHINY!) and I think I have thought up a good moveset, but I wanted opinions. Il add the rest of my team as I get them, and remember this is a plan.

Royal the Serperior@Leftovers
Naive nature (this is the only nature I know as of now since I havent caught anyone else)
-Leaf Blade
-Dragon tail
-Leaf Storm
(yes, his movepool is severely limited, I think all of us serperior owners are praying for move tutors in grey)
RE: In-game Team Rates


Darmanitan Lv: 51
Careful - Sheer Force
Flare Blitz
Fire punch


Swanna Lv: 58
Sassy - Big Pecks
Brave Bird
Air Slash


Conkeldurr Lv: 50
Quiet - Sheer Force
Stone Edge
Hammer Arm


Zorark Lv: 50
Sassy - Illusion
Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
Night Slash
Foul Play


Zebstrika Lv: 48
Quiet - Motor Drive
Quick Attack
Flame Charge
Wild Charge


Haxorus Lv: 51
Impish - Rivalry
Dragon Dance
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Claw

I ditched my Serpierior at level 42 before the gym battle vs Iris.

- R-C
RE: In-game Team Rates

For haxorus:
-Dragon Dance/Swords Dance
-Outrage/dragon claw
-Rock Slide/X-Scissor

Dont even THINK of using special moves. Its a complete waste of his potential. Now that thats out of my system, I think that this set up moveset is the best, but you can take out the set up move and replace it if youd like. I personally run Dragon Dance because I like the speed boost since hes at the quirky 98 base speed. Also easier to sweep that way when you get to set up. I think outrage is PP and power vs consistency and the ability to switch moves. Rockslide is over x-sccissor in my mind, but up to you. Hope i helped.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I know SpaceBehemoth already covered this but I have something different to offer. On Haxorus, if its Sp. Attack isnt too terribly low, you could teach it DracoMeteor... DracoMeteor gives you a little variety on what pokemon you can handle and in case you come across a highly defensive pokemon. Its high base damage will still do decent damage and because the rest of its attacks are physical, it doesnt affect them. Just a suggestion..
RE: In-game Team Rates

Yes, I guess I should have mentioned that. I just think that 130 base attack is a bit high to go to waste. I would put this over the set up move though, as your physcial attacks should still be the main force. This could be good for physical walls, though in game your not going to see dedicated walls really.
RE: In-game Team Rates

SpaceBehemoth said:
For haxorus:
-Dragon Dance/Swords Dance
-Outrage/dragon claw
-Rock Slide/X-Scissor

don't even THINK of using special moves. Its a complete waste of his potential. Now that thats out of my system, I think that this set up moveset is the best, but you can take out the set up move and replace it if youd like. I personally run Dragon Dance because I like the speed boost since hes at the quirky 98 base speed. Also easier to sweep that way when you get to set up. I think outrage is PP and power vs consistency and the ability to switch moves. Rockslide is over x-sccissor in my mind, but up to you. Hope i helped.

Well, I had Dragon pulse but now I have Rock Slide so it's fine thanks though.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Here my first team

Zoraork lv 100 : night daze - flamethrower - foul play - shadow ball
(choice scarf)

Haxorus lv 100: dragon claw- earthquake - ourage - shadow claw
(dragon fang)

Kingdra lv 100: rain dance- hydro pump - ice beam - dragon pulse
(sea insence)

Umbreon lv 100: toxic- protect - double team - moonlight

Braviary lv 100 : brave bird - superpower- crush claw - rock slide
(sharp beak)

Electrivire lv 100 : thunderpunch - wild charge - brick break - earthquake
( muscle band)

please rate!!! my first team :)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Zoroark: Shadow Ball doesn't improve its type coverage really so I would recommend changing that to Grass Knot. This lets him hit bulky waters, rock, and ground types for increased damage. With Zoroark's base 105 Speed, it already outpaces many Pokemon. I'd recommend changing the item to Expert Belt or Life Orb. This also makes it so you can change Foul Play to Nasty Plot. Foul Play and Night Daze are both dark type moves so that's why I'm not recommending to keep both. Nasty Plot doubles Zoroark's Special Attack to assist it in gaining KOs.

Haxorus: Change either Dragon Claw or Outrage to Dragon Dance. I'd replace Dragon Claw, but its your choice. Dragon Dance raises Haxorus's Speed and Attack. I'd also recommend a Lum Berry which will get rid of the confusion that Outrage causes. it can also be beneficial should the opponent try to inflict a status condition on it.

Kingdra: None of the rest of your team benefit from Rain Dance so I'd recommend dropping that and replacing it with Draco Meteor. While it does lower your Special Attack, it can provide an insane amount of power if you really need it. You can always switch out to get its stats back to normal.

Umbreon: Double Team is banned in competitive play so you will need to change that. I'd recommend having it be Curse because that will raise Umbreon's Attack and Defense each time it uses it, making it harder to kill. I really don't think Protect is needed since your team seems to be offensively orientated. I feel Payback would be a better option. It lets you hit for the most damage compared to the other attacks in can learn because Umbreon will likely move last, especially after using a Curse; this makes Payback's power double to 100.

Electivire: Consider using Thunderbolt instead of Thunderpunch. This will be helpful against Skarmory who can otherwise take on this set decently in terms of setting up on it. Replace Wild Charge with Flamethrower to help it against steel-types such as Ferrathorn.
RE: In-game Team Rates

dragonexpert said:
Zoroark: Shadow Ball doesn't improve its type coverage really so I would recommend changing that to Grass Knot. This lets him hit bulky waters, rock, and ground types for increased damage. With Zoroark's base 105 Speed, it already outpaces many Pokemon. I'd recommend changing the item to Expert Belt or Life Orb. This also makes it so you can change Foul Play to Nasty Plot. Foul Play and Night Daze are both dark type moves so that's why I'm not recommending to keep both. Nasty Plot doubles Zoroark's Special Attack to assist it in gaining KOs.

Haxorus: Change either Dragon Claw or Outrage to Dragon Dance. I'd replace Dragon Claw, but its your choice. Dragon Dance raises Haxorus's Speed and Attack. I'd also recommend a Lum Berry which will get rid of the confusion that Outrage causes. it can also be beneficial should the opponent try to inflict a status condition on it.

Kingdra: None of the rest of your team benefit from Rain Dance so I'd recommend dropping that and replacing it with Draco Meteor. While it does lower your Special Attack, it can provide an insane amount of power if you really need it. You can always switch out to get its stats back to normal.

Umbreon: Double Team is banned in competitive play so you will need to change that. I'd recommend having it be Curse because that will raise Umbreon's Attack and Defense each time it uses it, making it harder to kill. I really don't think Protect is needed since your team seems to be offensively orientated. I feel Payback would be a better option. It lets you hit for the most damage compared to the other attacks in can learn because Umbreon will likely move last, especially after using a Curse; this makes Payback's power double to 100.

Electivire: Consider using Thunderbolt instead of Thunderpunch. This will be helpful against Skarmory who can otherwise take on this set decently in terms of setting up on it. Replace Wild Charge with Flamethrower to help it against steel-types such as Ferrathorn.

thnx for the advice man .. just one question can i ge my umbreon to learn curse?? and electrivires atk is way higher than its spk.atk flamethrower goin to be powerfull enough??
RE: In-game Team Rates

Curse is an egg move. I'd go with Wild Bolt+Ice Punch+Taunt/EQ+Fire Punch/Cross Chop.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Might as well do this...
I already did almost anything in the game but wtv...

Serperior @ 79
Item: Miracled Seed
Nature: I'll post later
Ability: Overgrow
-Leaf Blade
-Leaf Storm
-Aerial Ace

Krookodile @ 79
Item: Rocky Helmet
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Moxie
-Stone Edge

Carracosta @ 79
Item: Quick Claw
Nature: I'll post later
Ability: Solid Rock
-Aqua Jet
-Stone Edge
-Shell Smash

Haxorus @ 80
Item: Expert Belt
Nature: the one that does +Spd, -Sp.Def
Ability: Mold Breaker
-Swords Dance
-Brick Break

Zekrom @ 81
Item: Leftovers
Nature: I'll post later
Ability: Turboblaze
-Dragon Claw
-Fusion Bolt

Victini @ 80
Item: Shell Bell
Nature: I'll post later
Ability: Victory Star
-Charge Beam
-Fire Blast
-Focus Blast

Oh, and if anyone doesn't like the fact that I use both Zekrom and Victini in my in-game team... I don't care. I only started using them post-game...