BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Well, the idea with Starmie is that you switch out because that's what Natural Cure requires, though if you had, for an example, Safeguard set up, the Sleep status inflicted by Rest does still remain, yeah (unless things have changed since past generations, I've never tried that scenario yet myself in BW). The switch in Natural Cure's case trumps pre-existing conditions established in the battle. Working with those concepts, ideally you would have something like "Rest-Rest" (Rain Dance/Drizzle/etc. substituting for Safeguard/etc.), which is popular with Pokémon in the competitive arena that have access to Hydration (i.e. Dewgong and Manaphy), but Starmie still runs great with Natural Cure in a similar fashion as long as you have an adequate switch-in/counter.
RE: In-game Team Rates

The only problem Im seeing right now in the rest recovery idea is that if your starmie is fast, youl take a hit on the turn you rest which could be bad. And after that you give your opponent a free move whether you switch or not.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Generally the Starmie will be EV'd more defensively if it is running Rest; it won't be the 252 SAtk / 252 Spe / 4 HP variation.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Allllllllllllllright. Didn't thoroughly look through these forums but I wanted to do this specifically for awhile.

Pikkon aka Serperior
- Leaf Blade
- Dragon Tail
- Leech Seed
- Coil

Squidward aka Jellicent
- Surf
- Hex
- Toxic
- Hydro Pump

Lil'Scrap aka Scrafty
- Hi Jump Kick
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Scary Face

Shocker aka Crustle
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake
- Shell Smash
- Rock Wrecker

Armor aka Reuniclus
- Psychic
- Future sight
- Recover
- Wonder Room

- Thunderbolt
- Energy Ball
- Bug Buzz
- Flash

Reuniclus was subbed for

THOR aka Zekrom
- Fusion Bolt
- Dragon Claw
- Dragonbreath
- Hone Claws
RE: In-game Team Rates

For serperior, I dont like coil and leech seed, try one or the other. If you do coil Id suggest
Leaf Blade
Aerial Ace/Leaf Storm/dragon tail

If you do leech seed Id suggest

leech seed
leaf blade
gigadrain/frenzy plant

You should not have dragon tail on a leech seed set, kinda shooting yourself in the foot

For Scrafty Id suggest

Brick Break
stone edge

If your that worried about speed, use payback, either way scary face is kinda pointless

For Zekrom
Dragon Claw
Fusion Bolt/Bolt Strike (lvl 100)
Draco Metor/Outrage or stone edge/rockslide
Zen Headbutt/Crunch

Il update if I think of more, hope that helps
RE: In-game Team Rates

Frenzy Plant= bad idea. If you use it and your opponent doesn't faint then you're screwed for the next turn. You don't need Surf AND Hydro Pump.Drop Hydro Pump for something more useful like Recover. For Scrafty I'd recommend High Jump Kick, Crunch, Bulk Up, Ice Punch. If you use Reuniclus again. For Crustle I'd recommend Stone Edge or Rock Slide over Rock Wrecker because, again, recharge moves=bad.
RE: In-game Team Rates

SpaceBehemoth said:
For serperior, I don't like coil and leech seed, try one or the other. If you do coil Id suggest
Leaf Blade
Aerial Ace/Leaf Storm/dragon tail

If you do leech seed Id suggest

leech seed
leaf blade
gigadrain/frenzy plant

You should not have dragon tail on a leech seed set, kinda shooting yourself in the foot

For Scrafty Id suggest

Brick Break
stone edge

If your that worried about speed, use payback, either way scary face is kinda pointless

For Zekrom
Dragon Claw
Fusion Bolt/Bolt Strike (lvl 100)
Draco Metor/Outrage or stone edge/rockslide
Zen Headbutt/Crunch

Il update if I think of more, hope that helps

yeah you're absolutely right about the leech seed thing. never thought about it really. also scrafty. zekrom i haven't finished training really.

Shadow Arceus said:
Frenzy Plant= bad idea. If you use it and your opponent doesn't faint then you're screwed for the next turn. You don't need Surf AND Hydro Pump.Drop Hydro Pump for something more useful like Recover. For Scrafty I'd recommend High Jump Kick, Crunch, Bulk Up, Ice Punch. If you use Reuniclus again. For Crustle I'd recommend Stone Edge or Rock Slide over Rock Wrecker because, again, recharge moves=bad.

yeah the rock wrecker and hydro pump thing i've been iffy about for awhile. just haven't gotten around to changing them since i train other Pokémon now. and im actually trying to make a competitive team. not from these guys though.
RE: In-game Team Rates

For galvantula, I have 2 movesets.

Galvantula (speedy)
-Bug Buzz
-filler move (grass knot, Thunder if compound eyes)
-Electro Ball

The point of this set is too boost galvantulas speed (good) and then use electro ball (up to 150 base power depending on how much faster he is too the other pokemon) however, this can also be achieved with thunder wave, though there are obvious differences.

Galvantula (thunder abuser)
Compound Eyes @ wide lense (I think it is, whatever Item that boosts accuracy)
-Bug Buzz
-Grass Knot/thunder wave/agility
-Thunderbolt/other move

The point here is to abuse 100% accurate Thunder moves, the other moves are based on filling it in, if you want more PP than what thunder provides.
RE: In-game Team Rates

SpaceBehemoth said:
For galvantula, I have 2 movesets.

Galvantula (speedy)
-Bug Buzz
-filler move (grass knot, Thunder if compound eyes)
-Electro Ball

The point of this set is too boost galvantulas speed (good) and then use electro ball (up to 150 base power depending on how much faster he is too the other pokemon) however, this can also be achieved with thunder wave, though there are obvious differences.

Galvantula (thunder abuser)
Compound Eyes @ wide lense (I think it is, whatever Item that boosts accuracy)
-Bug Buzz
-Grass Knot/thunder wave/agility
-Thunderbolt/other move

The point here is to abuse 100% accurate Thunder moves, the other moves are based on filling it in, if you want more PP than what thunder provides.

Oh I see. Thanks for that. Btw, nice trainer card. Who did it for you?
RE: In-game Team Rates

Ever since I first found out about shuckle's awesome DEF and SDEF, I've been wanting to find out strategies around him. Then I found out what trick room can do, plus also what Wonder room can do too. This team is based around Shuckle and triple battles so of course this wouldn't really work on singles, but maybe doubles. The main 3 pokemon in this team are going to be Shuckle, Reuniclus, and Clefable. The other 3 pokemon are for backup.


Shuxle (Shuckle) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 DEF / 128 SDEF / 128 HP
Nature: Sassy
- Toxic
- Wrap
- Power Trick
- Gyro Ball
Description: This entire team is built around this shuxle. The leftovers item allows shuxle to gain his HP back from the little damage done to him by attacks. I gave him the sturdy ability because if there is a pokemon that will be able to OHKO shuxle, he'll be able to stay alive for a little while longer, and then counter with Gyro Ball or Toxic. I prefer the Toxic Wrap combination over any other attacks, because the opponent will basically KO themselves after a period of time. Power Trick is so that shuxle can get his 614 Def, and switch it with his 24 (or less) Attack so that he can deal OHKO to almost any pokemon. Gyro ball is probably the most powerful move for shuxle in forms of attack, so that's why I use that move.


Mario (Reuniclus) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Magic Gaurd
EVs: 252 HP / 128 SDEF / 128 DEF
Nature: Sassy
- Trick Room
- Pain Split
- Psychic
- Wonder Room
Description: This is the main supporter of shuxle, so even without Clerra, double battle winning could also be possible. I gave Mario the Life orb because it increases the power of his attacks, and because of his ability, he doesn't lose the HP from the secondary effect of Life orb. Since most people will be going after shuxle or Clerra, because of her "Follow Me", I have included Pain Split for Mario so that he can share his HP with Clerra or shuxle and heal them. I gave Mario Trick Room so that shuxle would be the fastest pokemon on the field, and also the strongest because of the power trick. I also gave him Wonder room just in case I battle pokemon that deal physical damage to shuxle, instead of Special attack damage, also if shuxle uses Power Trick again his attack and def would still be extremely high. Psychic is just in case I need to deal damage to fighting types or other pokemon that are weak to psychic type.


Clerra (Clefable) (F) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Cute Charm
EVs: 128 HP / 128 SDEF / 252 DEF
Nature: Relaxed
- Follow Me
- Minimize
- Wish
- Metronome
Description: Clerra is the 3rd main helper of shuxle, and the reason for being able to win triple battles. I gave Clerra the focus Sash so that even if she is OHKO'd, she would still survive one more attack, and even just one attack could save shuxle or Mario. the cute charm is so if a pokemon does a physical attack on Clerra, then the person would become infatuated. Minimize is so that (if there's a chance) then Clerra could raise evasiveness meaning more times for Follow Me. Wish is so that she can heal herself if Mario can't. Metronome is there for the random attacks, and for luck. Mario can also help Clerra go first with his Trick Room.


Absolute (Absol) @ Scope Lens
Trait: Super Luck
EVs: 128 ATK / 128 SPD / 252 DEF
Nature: Jolly
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Super Power
- Psycho Cut
Descritpion: Absolute is on this team because of a plan B that involves him and Jeweyel (Sableye). (not because he is my #1 favorite Pokémon) When Absolute and Jeweyel are on the field together, Absolute would swords dance to get his attack power high, then Jeweyel would use taunt on a pokemon, so that absolute could sucker punch it. I gave absolute the scope lens because they give him a high critical hit ratio, along with the ability "Super luck" which increases his C.H.R. even more, and Psycho cut because its almost an instant Critical! The super Luck ability will also help with the sucker punch STAB, making it a very epic quick attack. Absolute will also help me against Psychic type pokemon like Gardevoir and Alakazam, getting OHKO and 2HKO's.


Jeweyel (Sableye) @ Leftovers
Trait: Keen Eye
EVs: 255 DEF/ 128 SDEF / 128 HP
Nature: Bold
- Will-O-Wisp
- Taunt
- Seismic Toss
- Recover
Description: Jeweyel is in this team mainly for status effects and helping out Absolute. His keen eye will help my team from loss of accuracy, so sand-attack and mud-slap don't do much. He has leftovers so he can heal the damage he takes during battle, and also to support recover. Taunt is so that he can make the opponent use only attacking moves, and give an opening for Absolute. I also gave him seismic Toss so that he can do decent damage to most pokemon, and because it'll always be a sure amount. When Jeweyel is low on health, I'll just use recover, and the leftovers, to heal him almost fully, and continue his rampage of burning, and flipping.


P-Zoro (Porygon-Z) @ Life Orb
Trait: Download
Evs: 255 SPATK / 128 DEF / 128 SDEF
Nature: Modest
- Ice Beam
- Psybeam
- Dark Pulse
- Nasty Plot
Description: P-Zoro is my plan C. He works solo so I can have him in solo battles and (maybe) win. With his already high Special Attack, plus Life Orb and Nasty Plot makes it even higher! Making an OHKO for most pokemon, and 2HKO for others. Ice beam is to OHKO Dragon and Ground types, Psybeam is for fighting and anything else weak to psychic, then Dark Pulse for Psychics. The download ability will also raise P-Zoro's Special attack higher if the opponent has less SDEF. This is a colorful Porygon-Z, so it can deal massive damage to most pokemon types.
RE: In-game Team Rates

You shouldn't try to run a defensive shuckle that uses power trick, especially not in doubles where lots of pokemon are using surf or something. You should make it full offensive:

Shuckle@Leftovers (this should remain the same because the only other useful item, life orb, whittles away shuckles poor HP too quick)
EVs:252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Sp. Def
Nature:Relaxed (maxing out that defense to give him better attack after power trick)
Moves:Rock Slide, Earthquake, Power Trick, Gyro Ball

Rock Slide and EQ hit all opponents so they are good in triples. However, EQ hits your own guys so I would recomment changing Clefable to a Togekiss.

Togekiss@Focus Sash
Ability:Serene Grace
EVs:252 HP, 128 Def, 128 Sp. Def
Moves:Follow Me, Roost, Heat Wave, Air Slash

Follow Me's use is to protect Shuckle and Reuniclus, Roost Heals a bunch of HP, Heat Wave hits all enemies and can inflict burn, Air Slash flinches enemies which can provide good coverage for shuckle.

I'd actually recomment in a triple battle that you start with shuckle on one side and togekiss in the middle so that shuckle's earthquake won't hit reuniclus. I think you are also underestimating Reuniclus's special attack-after setting up trick room turn 1, it can hit hard.

Reuniclus@Life Orb
Ability:Magic Guard
EVs:252 HP, 252 Sp. Atk, 4 Def
Moves:psyshock, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Trick Room

So you team should be shuckle on one side, togekiss in the middle, and reuniclus on the other side. Turn one togekiss goes for the heat wave to damage all opponents, you don't have to use follow me because shuckle still has his defense. Due to their poor speed, shuckle and reuniclus will be hit then set up power trick and trick room, respectively. After that Shuckle uses Rock Slide or Earthquake, whichever hits the opponent more effectively, rock slide if they are both neutral, while togekiss prevents the opponent from abusing that now low defense by using follow me. As it does so, reuniclus should hit the pokemon on its side with whatever attack deals more damage. No pokemon resists Shadow Ball and Focus Blast, and if the foe has high special defense like Blissey you can hit its physical side instead with Psyshock. You'll also want a second pokemon with trick room to set it up again after 5 turns if reuniclus is KOed and you haven't won yet. Another Follow Me/Anger Powder user is recommended because Togekiss will die fast due to it using that move. Then you'll want a second attacker if the opponent manages to KO shuckle.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Dark Void said:
So you team should be shuckle on one side, togekiss in the middle, and reuniclus on the other side. Turn one togekiss goes for the heat wave to damage all opponents, you don't have to use follow me because shuckle still has his defense. Due to their poor speed, shuckle and reuniclus will be hit then set up power trick and trick room, respectively. After that Shuckle uses Rock Slide or Earthquake, whichever hits the opponent more effectively, rock slide if they are both neutral, while togekiss prevents the opponent from abusing that now low defense by using follow me. As it does so, reuniclus should hit the pokemon on its side with whatever attack deals more damage. No pokemon resists Shadow Ball and Focus Blast, and if the foe has high special defense like Blissey you can hit its physical side instead with Psyshock. You'll also want a second pokemon with trick room to set it up again after 5 turns if reuniclus is KOed and you haven't won yet. Another Follow Me/Anger Powder user is recommended because Togekiss will die fast due to it using that move. Then you'll want a second attacker if the opponent manages to KO shuckle.

wow, I feel like an idiot right now. XD thanks for the help, I can't beleive I didn't realize this. :p So, my other 2 spots where absol and sabeleye are, should be replaced by other pokemon with another follow me, and trick room?
Also, people, like my bro, run pokemon, like garevoir, who can kill my reuniclus in one hit. so it depends on who i'm facing right?
RE: In-game Team Rates

Of course. Just because Shadow Ball hits Dusclops hard doesn't mean you'd use it against Stoutland. You can adjust your strategy to deal best with the pokemon you are facing-the more variety of pokemon your team can adjust to handle, the better it will be.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Hey everyone can you please rate my new White Team

Hasty Nature
Ability: Overgrow
Double Team
Leaf Blade

Lonely Nature
Ability: Swarm
Swords Dance
Iron Head
Brick Break

Mild Nature
Ability: Inner Focus
Mean Look
Air Slash
Sludge Bomb

Relaxed Nature
Ability: Sniper
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Dance
Ice Beam

Relaxed Nature
Ability: Volt Absorb
Pin Missle

I'm just not sure about the last pokemon should it be a Rhyperior, Golem, Marowak or a Miltank and I'm looking for a wall (high defense stat pokemon or a pokemon with a STAB (high attack stat) so if there is any other pokemon that you want to give as a suggestion please list it. As well to let me know on different movesets on team.
Thank you and please give me suggestions for my team.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I know serperior has a terrible movepool but dragon tail is still better than torment. Crobat's attack is better than his sp. atk and you already have fly so there is no need for air slash. U-Turn is very good on him though. Also, Jolteon's attack isn't very good, so you should remove pin missle and bite and give him shadow ball and something else.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Thanks everyone and what moves do you suggest I put on Kingdra?
As well as my post on which pokemon you think should take my last spot in my team.
Keep on coming with the comments there greatly appreciated!:)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Draco Meteor is a good move for Kindgra because it does a ton, but you have to switch out after using it or you won't be doing much damage. For the last spot, Marowak is best if you have Thick Club because he has a better typing than the others (rock-ground is horrible defensively and normal is bad both defensively and offensively) and he gets an enormous attack and defense with thick club. If you don't have thick club I'd say either Miltank or Rhyperior.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Marowak has nice Attack, but everything else is horrible. He's not bulky enough for his Speed.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Thanks guys for the help, ya I ended up going with Rhyperior and have it at level 80 so far and found the thick club item yesterday but ow well it's to late now to change thanks for all the help guys!:)