BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Beat the Elite Four rematch so thanks guys for all your help.
Now I'm looking for my Pokemon Crystal game.:p
RE: In-game Team Rates

Could one make an exceptional Casual Team using 6 of the following:

RE: In-game Team Rates

raichupika33 said:
Cool, here it is:

Hi, since I am getting Platinum when it comes out I need critism and comments to help my team, any type of comment would help but make sure it is not offensive in anyway.
NOTE: This is an in-game team planning FOR the league.

So, in addition to that, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, team Fire4ever!

Team Fire4ever

Torterra - Reason - I never go for the grass starter
-Leaf Storm
-Stone Edge

Toreterra is a physical attacker best, so I put powerful physical moves in there, leaf storm is actually special but it is very powerful and Torterra has so-so special attack so I might as well give it a shot.

Garchomp - Reason - Gible is available earlier in Platinum
-Dragon Claw

With Garchomp, its overall stats are killer, it has outrageous physical attack so 3 of Garchomp's attacks are physical, I put Surf there for an odd reason, even though it has alright special attack, it might as well know an attack opposite its type.

Alakazam - Reason - I can now trade
-Shock Wave
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast

Alakazam has fantastic special attack so I put all special attacks there, Focus Blast is a bit of a risk due to its low accuracy but its opposite its type, Shock Wave has always hits (apart from Protect and Detect) to make it up for Focus Blast. Shadow Ball is a nice move same with Psychic.

Vaporeon - Reason - It looks cute
-Ice Beam
-Iron Tail

Vaporeon has quite an awkward move set, 2 of its moves are physical... Iron Tail again has low accuracy but it is powerful, Dig is a decent attack, Surf is a decent attack, so in total it has a big total of special attack.

Magmortar - Reason - More fire types in the game
-Lava Plume
-Brick Break
-Rock Slide.

Magmortar in my opinion is the strongest-fire type before league Pokemon, it can learn a range of attacks. You can only get it while you have Surf too (Feugo Ironworks for Magmar). I want to spread my team out in order. I chose this over Houndoom.

Crobat - Reason - I need a Pokemon to fly
-Zen Headbutt
-Sludge Bomb
-X Scissor

Thank you for reading.
i think you should put toxic instead of dig on your vaporeon just that you could wall people with vaporeon's great hp stat

pokemonstars said:
Thanks everyone and what moves do you suggest I put on Kingdra?
As well as my post on which pokemon you think should take my last spot in my team.
Keep on coming with the comments there greatly appreciated!:)
modest, specs with draco metor, dragon pulse / hp fire, surf / hydro pump, and ice beam
RE: In-game Team Rates

BrOkenICE said:
Could one make an exceptional Casual Team using 6 of the following:


It depends on what you're looking for in a team. I, personally, would use
  • Chandelure
  • Escavalier
  • Serperior
  • Hydreigon (or Zoroark if really desired)
  • Excadrill
  • and Vanilluxe
because it gets suck great coverage in attacking and defending.

I would strongly recommend Hydreigon over Zoroark because it has more useful stats and a more flexible movepool.

I would also pick Vanilluxe over Beartic because it has higher and better stats as well as a slightly more developed movepool.

RE: In-game Team Rates

^ this. Also, I would breed dark pulse to hydreigon, with an arbok. This works much better then crunch.
Do you need movesets
RE: In-game Team Rates

Can anyone suggest some good moves for these Pokémon?

RE: In-game Team Rates

I'd say go with Coil/Leaf Blade/Glare/Dragon Tail on Serperior, Air Slash/Psychic/Charge Beam/Energy Ball on Swoobat, Earthquake/Crunch/Stone Edge/Outrage on Krookodile, Stone Edge/Earthquake/ two of Aqua Jet, Curse, and Waterfall, Thunder/Bug Buzz/ Energy ball/ Charge beam, Thunder Wave, or Volt Switch, and Shadow Ball/Energy Ball/ Flamethrower or Fire Blast/ Will-O-Wisp or Calm Mind.
RE: In-game Team Rates

This is most likely my team for the R/S/E remakes, assuming they do come out.
Blaziken @ Charcoal (Nicknamed Fancypants)
+ Att -Spe.
Blaze Kick - Good STAB move.
Double Kick - Lets me KO all those Pokemon that have sturdy. :)
Bulk Up - Makes me hit harder and makes me bulkier. Why not?
Earthquake - So I can kill all those Tentacools running around. >:D

Gardevoir @ Wise Glasses (Nicknamed Athena)
+Sp. Att - Att.
Psychic - Strong, accurate STAB.
Shadow Ball - For coverage
Thunderboltl - For coverage again
Hypnosis - To put Pokemon to sleep so I can catch them... :p

Manectric @ Magnet (Nicknamed Toby/Roxie, depending on gender)
+Sp. Att -Spe.
Thunderbolt - Strong STAB with Paralyze chance.
Flamethrower - Hits Steel, Grass, and Bug types for super-effective damage. Also has a change to Burn.
Strength - Somewhat of a filler...
Crunch - This will help with Pheobe. :p

Sandslash @ Soft Sand (Nicknamed Amy)
Sand Veil
+Att. -Spe.
Earthquake - STAB + Soft Sand = 200 Base Power. 'Nuff said.
Rock Slide - Hits Flying types and Bugs.
Gyro Ball - Works because of Sandslash's naturally low speed + the -Speed nature.
X-Scissor - Filler.

Huntail @ Mystic Water (Nicknamed Torpedo)
Swift Swim
+ Att. -Sp. Att.
Waterfall - Strong + Flinch change.
Dive - I need so I can go underwater.
Crunch - Filler.
Ice Fang - Grass types... FEEL MAH ICE!

Flygon @ Leftovers (Nicknamed Jet)
+ Sp. Att. - Sp. Def.
Dragon Claw - Only resisted by Steel type and will help with Drake.
Earthquake - Strong and reliable.
Fire Blast - Kills Steel types.
Fly - I need this to navigate.

Thanks for taking the time to read + rate!
RE: In-game Team Rates

Hey guys, I am very new here and am almost ready for the E4(I think) on black, right now im training and victory road but I was wondering if I can get some critique on my team please?

ps:I started in winter and its still winter so I can't access the right half of the game?

ok team:
Serperior level 47
Leaf blade
giga drain

Krookodile level 48
Foul play
shadow claw

Carracoasta level 45
aqua jet
shell smash
aqua tail

Haxorus level 48
x scissor
dragon dance
dragon claw
dig(will probably change)

My thoughts/other Pokemon still considering
Heatmor-I really just needed a fire Pokemon so I would choose him?

frost breathe(switching for hail)
light screen
ice beam
Really he is my ice for dragons, also can be a good special tank with speed

just recently looked into it for replacing cyrogonal for a more diverse moveset/fighting coverage

I plan on training everyone to atleast 50 also

Well this is all I hav that im considering or have in mind. Please give suggestion and tips, and I don't use legendary. Thank you guys!
RE: In-game Team Rates

I wouldn't use Cryogonal. One physical hit and it's dead. On Haxorus I would use DD, Dual Chop, X-Scissor and Brick Break. I used one once and found that I used Dual Chop way more than Dragon Claw. Heatmor doesn't have a great movepool, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Bug Bite and Focus Blast (and Solarbeam to a lesser extent) are its best moves. Another thing is that it isn't speedy and its Defense is under-average, meaning you'd find it getting high amounts of damage on the first turn. On Krookodile I'd replace Foul Play with Crunch (Defense lowering is always handy). If you wanted to go a few levels higher it gets EQ (one of the best moves in the game) at level 54. I'd have EQ/Dig, Crunch, Shadow Claw/Brick Break and Dragon Claw. Another thing is that I'd put Rock Slide on Carracosta instead of Aqua Jet. Shell Smash will make you fast enough, so priority is a bit redundant.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Haxorus is better off with EQ over X-scissor or Brick Break, because not only is it one of the best moves in the game, but Mold Breaker ignores Levitate. Heatmor should never be used, IMO. Darmanitan and Chandelure completely out-class it. They both hit like trucks, one Physical and one Special, and both of which are faster and bulkier. Foul Play really isn't a useful move, because it relies on your opponent's Attack stat. Shadow Claw is very redundant, because you can have STAB Crunch which gets the same coverage. I'd say also go with Stone Edge/Rock Slide and Dig/Dragon Claw for coverage/escaping from caves. IMO, all Ice types in B/W are pretty bad. The best of which is the derpy ice cream, while the worst is Cryogonal who can't take a Physical hit without fainting. You don't really need an Ice type for Dragons when you have a Dragon yourself.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Idk why but shadow claw is one of my favorite moves Haha/very great points made there thank you a lot.just one thing, I don't have eq yet where do I get it?
RE: In-game Team Rates

vitaro_ssj said:
Idk why but shadow claw is one of my favorite moves Haha/very great points made there thank you a lot.just one thing, I don't have eq yet where do I get it?
You get it in the Relic Castle.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Here is my current team in White (on the Charizard Bridge)

Servine lv.25
-Leaf Tornado
-Mega Drain
-Leech Seed

Throh lv.25
Inner Focus
-Storm Throw
-Rock Tomb
-Focus Energy

Simipour lv.25
-Work Up

Tranquill lv.25
Super Luck
-Air Cutter
-Quick Attack

Yamask lv.23 (in training)
-Will O Wisp
-Night Shade

For a fire type I am considering Chandelure, but I am very fed up of using Darmanitan, so in this instance I might carry two ghost types.
RE: In-game Team Rates

It's kind of hard to give advice about a team that's so low leveled and early in the game. You might as well just drop Yamask.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I just started last night and I haven't got so far. This is my team.

Geodude lvl 8

Piplup lvl 11

Starly lvl 9
RE: In-game Team Rates

I don't think there is any advice that can be given on that due to the fact that the Pokemon are so low leveled, there are few Pokemon obtainable at that point, and even fewer moves.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Here is my Emerald mono team:
Note: I will not change any members, my team covers weaknesses well and has good overall correlation with each other.

Swampert (Mudette):
-Mud Shot
-Rock Smash (Will be replaced with Brick Break)

Ludicolo (Loca):
-Giga Drain
-Ice Beam

Tentacruel (Toxik)
-Sludge Bomb

Sharpedo (Biteything)

Sealeo (Icerider)
-Ice Ball
-Body Slam
-Aurora Beam

Lanturn (Sparkyfish)
-Confuse Ray

I am about to murder Juan with Ludicolo and Lanturn.