BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Switch Samurrot for Ninetales with Drought, and you should do good.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I disagree. For an in-game team,a good water-type is more important than Tales. The last thing you want to worry about in-game is weather. It's more important for you to be able to resist as many types as possible and have as many different-typed attacks as you can.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Martini said:
Switch Samurrot for Ninetales with Drought, and you should do good.
I don't know if I have a Ninetales OR a Vulpix! So now I guess it is time to go to the Abundant Shrine ( for the first time ) to get a Vulpix or a Ninetales with ( am I right that Drought is an ability? ) the ability Drought! Oh, and, thanks so much Martini for the advice!

safariblade said:
I disagree. For an in-game team,a good water-type is more important than Tales. The last thing you want to worry about in-game is weather. It's more important for you to be able to resist as many types as possible and have as many different-typed attacks as you can.
Thanks for that advice too, safariblade! I will use that advice too pretty much keep it the same for in-game, and use Ninetales for Wi-Fi competitions.

EDIT: Can you catch a Ninetales with the ability Drought in-game?
RE: In-game Team Rates

You don't need surf, hydro pump, and hydro cannon on Samurot. I suggest Ice beam and grass knot.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Trainerhan1 said:
You don't need surf, hydro pump, and hydro cannon on Samurott. I suggest Ice beam and grass knot.
Ok, so, Surf is like, his best move in-game, and when I can use a Pokemon with fly in Wi-Fi if it is a double battle. Hydro Pump, is, well, good for attacking foes when I am in a double battle. I BARELY use Hydro Cannon, except when I am battling the Elite Four, as I battle them for Exp a lot. I once had Ice Beam on him... lets just say that that did NOT turn out well. I shall give him Grass Knot and have him forget Hydro Cannon.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Well, for some reason even I don't really know I have decided to re-use my original team for White version. But after looking over it... I decided it needed a major overhaul. Also, I couldn't figure out items.

~Leech Seed
~Giga Drain

A basic SubSeed Serperior. Giga Drain is there to help replenish HP. I don't quite know what to put in that last slot, though.

~Grass Knot
~Focus Miss
~Night Daze

Illusion is the best ability. It's SO fun to screw with people's minds like that. Top 3 are there for coverage, Night Daze is Zoroark's best STAB that isn't Dark Pulse.

~Shadow Ball

This guy is awesome. He has beaten everything I've sent him against. Shadow Ball= Filler/Coverage, Overheat+Thunderbolt= Awesome STAB combo. I still need something for that last slot, though. Don't suggest Hidden Power, my Rotom has Ghost Type Hidden Power.

Clear Body
~Rock Slide
~Meteor Mash
~Zen Headbutt

Super strong, super bulky, super awesome. Seriously, what more can be said about a Metagross? Earthquake and Rock Slide are good moves for coverage, and Meteor Mash and Zen Headbutt are the best Physical STABs.

Inner Focus
~Fire Punch
~Aqua Tail
~Dragon Claw

Dragonite: easily one of my main players. Dragon Claw and Fly are STAB (plus Fly can get me around the region quick and easy), Fire Punch deals with those pesky Ice Types, and Aqua Tail breaks rocks.

For my last slot, I was thinking Rampardos, but I wasn't quite sure and wanted some opinions. So yeah, I hope for some constructive criticism.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Sandvich said:
Ok. This is my in-game team after exploring the whole Unova world (Pokemon White Version)
I dunno if it's cool. But,I leave it to you to rate...Please PM to have an answer on your rate.

Tyranitar @Macho Brace
Brick Break
Dragon Tail
Dark Pulse
Crunch is more powerful than Dark Pulse, so use that. I'd say replace Brick Break with Stone Edge/Rock Slide for another good STAB move because Brick Break isn't really needed. Replace Bulldoze with Earthquake because the power is worth more than the speed drop.
Driftblim @Smoke Ball
Omnious Wind (I don't think I spelled it right...)
Batton Pass
Ominous Wind doesn't raise your stats often enough to be worth using, let alone Baton Passing. Also, you're trying to Explode and make the stat boosting a waste of time. Explosion was nerfed in BW, and is even worse on a Drifblim. I'd suggest changing your moveset to Fly/Shadow Ball/Will-o-Wisp/Thunderbolt. Shadow Ball's a better STAB move than Ominous Wind, Fly is for navigation, Will-o-Wisp is to not only hurt your opponent, but lowers their Attack stat, too, and Thunderbolt's mostly just filler, but is a good move in general.
Wailmer @Mystic Water
Heavy Slam
Body Slam
Body Slam doesn't paralyze enough to be worth the power, so I'd recommend using Ice Beam instead. Ice Beam hits Grass and Dragon types that resist Water moves for super effective damage. Heavy Slam really depends whether or not your opponent is heavy and Steel is generally a bad attacking type. I'd recommend using Earthquake over it because it hits Electric types for super effective damage.
Dragonair @Dragon Fang
Dragon Tail
Slash (I don't remember if it's true...)
(I don't remember that,too.
Are you planning on evolving Dragonair? Dragonite has much better stats and moves.
Gliscor @Razor Fang
Guillotine has terrible accuracy and relies on your opponent being a lower level. Replace it with Earthquake immediately. Gliscor has a terrible Special Attack stat, so Venoshock will do terrible damage, plus you're not even Poisoning things. Replace it with something like Swords Dance, Ice Fang, Stone Edge, etc.
And I'm looking for new Zigzagoose.
Zigzagoose lol? I think you're confusing your Normal type Hoenn mammals.

saurs said:
This is my team that I use In-game, and used in the Autumn Friendly ( I had a 2 win - 20 losses streak, so I really would like help for the next Wi-Fi competition ).

Samurott Lv. 84
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Timid
Item: Mystic Water
Moveset: Surf, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Strength


Leavanny Lv. 62
Ability: Swarm
Nature: Serious
Item: None (I need an idea for one to attach)
Moveset: Flash, Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, X-Scissor


Volcarona Lv. 76
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Relaxed
Item: Silver Powder
Moveset: Heat Wave, Bug Buzz, Silver Wind, Quiver Dance


Unfezant Lv. 66
Ability: Big Pecks
Nature: Modest
Item: Sharp Beak
Moveset: Fly, Facade, Razor Wind, Sky Attack


Dragonite Lv. 56
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Calm
Item: Exp. Share (need an item to attach too)
Moveset: Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard


Thurdurus Lv. 47
Ability: Prankster
Nature: Hasty
Item: None (need one here as well!)
Moveset: Thunderbolt, Fly, Thunder, Discharge
The reason you're losing at the Autumn Friendly is that this is your In-Game team. It has EVs that are all over the place, 2/3 of your team is weak to Rock, and your moves are pretty bad, no offense. If you want to do better, I'd suggest checking out Smogon's guides on competitive battling and building a team. They're a good place to start to learn the basics.
RE: In-game Team Rates

After some thinking, I have decided to modify the team some. Changes are in bold.

Dialkia198 said:
~Leech Seed
~Giga Drain

A basic SubSeed Serperior. Giga Drain is there to help replenish HP. Leftovers also help. I don't quite know what to put in that last slot, though.

~Grass Knot
~Focus Miss
~Night Daze

Illusion is the best ability. It's SO fun to screw with people's minds like that. Top 3 are there for coverage, Night Daze is Zoroark's best STAB that isn't Dark Pulse.

~Shadow Ball

This guy is awesome. He has beaten everything I've sent him against. Shadow Ball= Filler/Coverage, Overheat+Thunderbolt= Awesome STAB combo. I still need something for that last slot, though. Don't suggest Hidden Power, my Rotom has Ghost Type Hidden Power.

@Life Orb
Clear Body
~Rock Slide
~Meteor Mash
~Zen Headbutt

Super strong, super bulky, super awesome. Seriously, what more can be said about a Metagross? Earthquake and Rock Slide are good moves for coverage, and Meteor Mash and Zen Headbutt are the best Physical STABs.

Inner Focus
~Fire Punch
~Aqua Tail
~Dragon Claw

Dragonite: easily one of my main players. Dragon Claw and Fly are STAB (plus Fly can get me around the region quick and easy), Fire Punch deals with those pesky Ice Types, and Aqua Tail breaks rocks.

@Focus Sash
Mold Breaker
~Stone Edge/Head Smash
~Zen Headbutt
~Fire Punch/Avalanche

Rampardos is a super strong attacker, and it looks awesome too. Focus Sash improves upon his survivability issues, just about ensuring that he will take down at least one enemy before fainting. I'm not sure whether to use Stone Edge or Head Smash. Head Smash deals obscene amounts of damage survivable by very few things, but I don't think I want the recoil. Stone Edge, on the other hand, does less damage, but still deals crazy-high amounts of pain. I don't think I really need to explain Earthquake and Zen Headbutt. I'm also debating on Fire Punch or Avalanche. Fire Punch is pretty much self-explanatory; it hits the grass types hard. The main reason I considered Avalanche is because I need something that can hit Dragons really hard. I figured that, since most Dragon-types are faster than Rampardos, they would outspeed and hit first, doubling Avalanche's power to 120, which would also be super effective and coming from the 3rd highest Attack stat in the game.
I hope to see some constructive criticism soon, especially on Rampardos because I don't want to end up wasting shards and/or my Avalanche TM on a move that I won't even end up using.
RE: In-game Team Rates

On Serperior, you could try using Dragon Tail on the last slot, or Coil which would raise your defense.

Zoroark is good as it is.

On Rotom, you could use either Volt Switch or Will-O-Wisp.

On Metagross, I'd give it Ice Punch to replace Rock Slide when you get B/W2, as it gives great coverage with EQ and allows you to hit Dragons hard.

On Dragonite, the only things I can think of are changing Fly to Roost to give it more staying power.

Can' t really think about what to do on Rampardos, sorry about that.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Here is my planned team for White 2:


@Expert Belt
Adamant - Blaze

-Fire Blast
-Flamethrower/Flame Charge
I...I simply don´t know competitive battling. Sure, this is an in-game team, but after I finish the main story, I will probably use the EV Reducing berries and start EV training them properly...If I learn EV training well. Anyway, Fire Blast is a nice STAB. Any of the two fire type moves seems like a good option, although I could probably use Flame Charge to raise Emboar´s little speed. Thunder Punch can help against Water and Flying types. Superpower is a good Fighting move, as Emboar doesn´t suffer much from stat loss.


@Zap Plate
Naive - Motor Drive

-Wild Charge
-Ice Punch
-Brick Break
Thunderbolt is a nice choice with acceptable base power. Wild Charge has better power and helps with Electivire´s big attack stat, and the recoil isn´t that bad. Ice Punch for Ground and Dragon types, and Brick Break has a nice base power and you know it breaks enemy barriers.


@Light Clay
Timid - Magic Bounce

-Reflect/Light Screen
-Shadow Ball
-Morning Sun
Okay, I think I don´t need help with Espeon. Reflect and Light Screen can help crank up the defenses of the team. Psychic is your common reliable move, and Signal Beam is for Dark types.


@Black Sludge
Timid - Natural Cure

-Toxic Spikes
-Stun Spore
-Sludge Bomb
-Petal Dance
Roserade will lend some support. Toxic Spikes is a great move to slowly damage opponents. Stun Spore is a good option as it´s accuracy isn´t low. I have decided and i´ll keep Sludge Bomb. And I´m gonna listen and put Petal Dance to Roserade. : P


@Rocky Helmet
Adamant - Rock Head

-Head Smash
-Ice Punch
-Aerial Ace
Rock Head grants Aggron a no-recoil Head Smash, wich is awesome. Autotomize can help Aggron raise it´s speed the same way as Rock Polish, but also makes Grass Knot and Low Kick weaker. Earthquake hits hard and Aerial Ace will mainly be for counterattacking Fighting types.


Modest - Rain Dish

-Sky Attack/Fly
-Ice Beam
Yah...If not on a weather team, then Rain Dish is useless, but at least it´s better than Keen Eye...Besides, I could make a weather team later. Anyway, Sky Attack and Fly are both two-turn moves, but Sky Attack leaves you open for attacks, and Fly has less power. I might go for Fly though. Roost helps ease Pelipper´s 4x weakness to Electric moves a bit, and recovers a good amount of HP. Both Ice Beam and Scald are good choices, and each have their own satus to give. To be honest I wanted to give it Hydro Pump and Hurricane, but Pelipper learns them late-ish. >:U Any help with Pelipper is appreciated.

Constructive criticism is appreciated. So yes, feel free to correct some...wait, no, LOTS of things in the movesets you see bad.
I hope to see some help soon!
EDIT: Thanks for the suggestion. I will keep the Rocky Helmet, and I could probably pass Surf to Pelipper. I´m still open for suggestions, so if you guys have more, please let me know.
RE: In-game Team Rates

TheOtterBoy said:
Here is my planned team for White 2:


@Expert Belt
Adamant - Blaze

-Fire Blast
-Flamethrower/Flame Charge
I...I simply don´t know competitive battling. Sure, this is an in-game team, but after I finish the main story, I will probably use the EV Reducing berries and start EV training them properly...If I learn EV training well. Anyway, Fire Blast is a nice STAB. Any of the two fire type moves seems like a good option, although I could probably use Flame Charge to raise Emboar´s little speed. Thunder Punch can help against Water and Flying types. Superpower is a good Fighting move, as Emboar doesn´t suffer much from stat loss.

The only thing I can think of that isn't on this is Rock Slide; otherwise this is a pretty good set.


@Zap Plate
Naive - Motor Drive

-Volt Switch/Wild Charge
-Ice Punch
-Dual Chop(Never heard of this one before)
Thunderbolt is a nice choice with acceptable base power. Volt Switch is useful for dangerous situations, but Wild Charge has better power and helps with Electivire´s big attack stat. Ice Punch for Ground types, and...Dual Chop could be kind of useful for Dragons...Uhh, feel free to change this.

Dual Chop is probably not needed on here. Ice Punch already covers Dragons, and there are better options. Might I suggest Fire Punch or Brick Break?


@Light Clay
Timid - Magic Bounce

-Reflect/Light Screen
-Shadow Ball
-Morning Sun
Okay, I think I do need help with Espeon. Reflect or Light Screen can help for the defenses of my team, but I think I could prefer Reflect. Psychic is your common reliable move, and Shadow Ball can help against Ghosts. Morning Sun doesn´t heal much in normal weather, but I still think it can be helpful.

I'd remove Morning Sun and have both the Screens. The only other coverage move I can think of is Signal Beam, so that might be an option if you have problems with Dark types.


@Black Sludge
Timid - Natural Cure

-Toxic Spikes/Leech Seed
-Stun Spore/Grasswhistle
-Sludge Bomb/Poison Jab
-Energy Ball//Seed Bomb/Magical Leaf
Roserade will lend some support. Toxic Spikes is a great move to slowly damage opponents, as well as Leech Seed, but Leech Seed recovers some HP. I can´t really decide. Stun Spore/Grasswhistle seem great moves to assist the team. Both offensive Poison moves are great, so I can´t decide either. I could probably use Energy Ball or Seed Bomb, but Magical Leaf seems more unlikely. It depends on the Poison move;Special Poison means Physical Grass and vice versa.

How about Petal Dance instead of EB/SB/ML? Magical Leaf is too weak without Technician (go for 80+ BP for the E4) and I'd use Stun Spore instead of Grasswhistle; the latter is much to innacurate to be worth using, and I'd use Toxic Spikes, the poisoning of it will be better for longer battles in the long run.


@Rocky Helmet
Adamant - Rock Head

-Head Smash
-Aerial Ace
Rock Head grants Aggron a no-recoil Head Smash, wich is awesome. Autotomize can help Aggron raise it´s speed the same way as Rock Polish, but also makes Grass Knot and Low Kick weaker. Surf and Aerial Ace will mainly be for counterattacking Ground and Fighting types.

Don't use Surf. Aggron's Sp.A is much too weak to be using, and Earthquake/Ice Punch would get better coverage.


Modest - Rain Dish

-Sky Attack/Fly
-Ice Beam/Scald
Yah...If not on a weather team, then Rain Dish is useless, but at least it´s better than Keen Eye...Besides, I could make a weather team later. Anyway, Sky Attack and Fly are both two-turn moves, but Sky Attack leaves you open for attacks, and Fly has less power. I might go for Fly though. Roost helps ease Pelipper´s 4x weakness to Electric moves a bit, and recovers a good amount of HP. Both Ice Beam and Scald are good choices. I might go for Scald. To be honest I wanted to give it Hydro Pump and Hurricane, but Pelipper learns them late-ish. >:U Any help with Pelipper is appreciated.

Not really sure; Why not use both Ice Beam and Scald and then you have no need to look for a 4th move.

Constructive criticism is appreciated. So yes, feel free to correct some...wait, no, LOTS of things in the movesets you see bad.
I hope to see some help soon!
EDIT: Thanks for the suggestion. I will keep the Rocky Helmet, and I could probably pass Surf to Pelipper. I´m still open for suggestions, so if you guys have more, please let me know.

Criticism in bold.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I knew Dual Chop would be useless...And I completely forgot there was Ice Punch on Electivire. *big facepalm*
I think I don´t need any more help. Thank you! : P
RE: In-game Team Rates

I currently have a Pignite, a Purrloin, Sunkern, Keldeo (yes a legendary), Pidove, and Flaffy. I want to replace my Purrloin with something else.
I'm thinking a Eevee (I'm in Castelia, and am now about to battle 3rd gym) but I wanted a second opinion of which other pokemon I should have/replace.

Trying to have a more regionally diverse team than my team in White 1.

Please help.
RE: In-game Team Rates

danio13 said:
I currently have a Pignite, a Purrloin, Sunkern, Keldeo (yes a legendary), Pidove, and Flaffy. I want to replace my Purrloin with something else.
I'm thinking a Eevee (I'm in Castelia, and am now about to battle 3rd gym) but I wanted a second opinion of which other pokemon I should have/replace.

Trying to have a more regionally diverse team than my team in White 1.

Please help.
I got through the third gym with Genesect. If you can't get Genesect, you could try Sewaddle in replace for Sunkern. Also, since you have Pignite, it shouldn't be hard to beat the next couple gyms, as long as you are doing some good training. Just wait until Marlon.
RE: In-game Team Rates

But then I would have too many Unova pokes in my team. Plus two legendaries would be too broken lol
RE: In-game Team Rates

Hey guys, Some of my friends are doing a get together..and they're hardcore into pokemon, and they want to do some battles for fun, and I've been out of the game for a while, so im going to need some help making a pretty decent team...And i have 1-2 weeks to prepare, so I dont mind switching out my pokemon and ev traning new ones, as I can do that fairly quick~

Heres the team:
Only rules are NO legendarys as far as I know:

1. Salamemce
Nature: Jolly, Item: Life orb
EV's: 252 att, 252 S.Att
-Dragon Dance
-Fire Blast

2. Jolteon
Nature:Timid, item: Zap Plate
Ev's: 252 S.att, 252 Speed
-Shadow Ball
-Hidden Power
-Thunder wave

3. Charizard
Nature: Modest, Item: Choice band (Thinking of changing this)
Ev's: 252 S. att, 252 Speed

4. Kingdra
Nature: Adamant, Item: Leftovers
Ev's: 252 HP, 252 S.Att
-Ice beam
-Rain Dance
-Dragon Pulse

5. Sceptile
Nature: Adamant, Item: Razor Claw
Ev's:252 S. att, 252 speed
-Leaf blade
-Dragon Claw

6. Metagross:
Nature: Adamant, Item: Cheri berry
Ev's: 252 att, 150 speed, 102 hp (Cant quite remember if thats the ev's i did for this one)
-Meteor Mash
-Ice punch
- Earthquake

RE: In-game Team Rates

Espione said:
Hey guys, Some of my friends are doing a get together..and they're hardcore into pokemon, and they want to do some battles for fun, and I've been out of the game for a while, so im going to need some help making a pretty decent team...And i have 1-2 weeks to prepare, so I dont mind switching out my pokemon and ev traning new ones, as I can do that fairly quick~

Heres the team:
Only rules are NO legendarys as far as I know:

1. Salamemce
Nature: Jolly, Item: Life orb
EV's: 252 att, 252 S.Att
-Dragon Dance
-Fire Blast

2. Jolteon
Nature:Timid, item: Zap Plate
Ev's: 252 S.att, 252 Speed
-Shadow Ball
-Hidden Power
-Thunder wave
What type is Hidden Power?
3. Charizard
Nature: Modest, Item: Choice band (Thinking of changing this)
Ev's: 252 S. att, 252 Speed
It's not such a good idea to have a weather move on a choiced Pokemon, especially if that weather move doesn't really help the rest of your team. I'd recommend Dragon Pulse instead.
4. Kingdra
Nature: Adamant, Item: Leftovers
Ev's: 252 HP, 252 S.Att
-Ice beam
-Rain Dance
-Dragon Pulse
Adamant isn't a good nature for a special attacker like Kingdra, since it decreases its special attacking power. Modest or Timid would be better.
5. Sceptile
Nature: Adamant, Item: Razor Claw
Ev's:252 S. att, 252 speed
-Leaf blade
-Dragon Claw
I'm sad to say that Sceptile's physical attacking power is rather lacking in comparison to its special attack. Also, training a physical attacker in special attack makes no sense anyway.
6. Metagross:
Nature: Adamant, Item: Cheri berry
Ev's: 252 att, 150 speed, 102 hp (Cant quite remember if thats the ev's i did for this one)
-Meteor Mash
-Ice punch
- Earthquake
Replace the Cheri Berry with a Lum Berry. Cheri Berries only heal Paralysis, while Lum Berries heal all status ailments.

Comments are in bold.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Thanks a bunch! Yeah..ive forgotten alot of things hahaha..

but over all..does it seem decent?
RE: In-game Team Rates

I've beaten the main game in White 2, but I'm looking to get my team better for Cynthia, Alder, Benga and other challenges:

Arcanine level 57
-Flare Blitz
-Wild Charge
Flare Blitz is stab. Everything else is coverage.

Lapras level 56
-Ice Beam
-Drill Run
BoltBeam coverage with Surf for stab, Drill Run is mostly filler but has it's uses.

Serperior level 55
-Leaf Blade
-Leech Seed

Pretty basic, had horrid luck with finding Blue Shards so stuck with Slam.

Lucario level 56
-Close Combat
-Bone Rush
-Ice Punch

CC is stab. Bone Rush for fires, Ice Punch for the many dragons in the game, Return is mainly filler

Espeon level 57
-Signal Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Morning Sun

Pretty much Espeon's only real moveset options in the game, discounting hp (mine is electric)

Skarmory level 56
-Night Slash
-Iron Head

Great defense with good attack, so many people I couldn't have won against without this guy. #skarm4ever