BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

Paddy185 said:
I've beaten the main game in White 2, but I'm looking to get my team better for Cynthia, Alder, Benga and other challenges:

Arcanine level 57
-Flare Blitz
-Wild Charge
Flare Blitz is stab. Everything else is coverage.

Lapras level 56
-Ice Beam
-Drill Run
BoltBeam coverage with Surf for stab, Drill Run is mostly filler but has it's uses.

Serperior level 55
-Leaf Blade
-Leech Seed

Pretty basic, had horrid luck with finding Blue Shards so stuck with Slam.

Lucario level 56
-Close Combat
-Bone Rush
-Ice Punch

CC is stab. Bone Rush for fires, Ice Punch for the many dragons in the game, Return is mainly filler

Espeon level 57
-Signal Beam
-Shadow Ball
-Morning Sun

Pretty much Espeon's only real moveset options in the game, discounting hp (mine is electric)

Skarmory level 56
-Night Slash
-Iron Head

Great defense with good attack, so many people I couldn't have won against without this guy. #skarmory4ever

The only things I can think of are replacing Slam with Return on Serperior and replacing Bone Rush with Earthquake on Lucario. I don't really see anything else wrong though. Good job!
RE: In-game Team Rates

I have decided to go on another in-game run on the prequel for White 2. Here is my team so far. Note I have all TMs (I use action replay). Idk the nature for any of my Pokemon off the top of my head. I will post them when I have my game in hand. Another note is that I ditched my starter for this run. I wanted to try out a game without starters in my team. I've always used starters on my team but wanted to have some fun with new ideas.

I COULD breed, but I prefer to not hunt for Natures.

Krokorok @ l29
Ability: Intimidate
Item: Evoilitte
Rock Slide

Darumaka @ l29
Fire Punch
Brick Break

Archen @ l29
Stone Edge
Rock Polish

Sawk @ l29
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Jolly
Low Sweep
Rock Slide
Bulk Up

Axew @ l32
Item: Scope Lens
Ability: Mold Breaker
Dragon Claw
Dragon Dance
Swords Dance

Simipour @ l29
Item: n/a
Ice Beam
Grass Knot
Work Up

RE: In-game Team Rates

I know this isn't a great team, so can someone help me?

[sprite]530[/sprite] [sprite]635[/sprite] [sprite]643[/sprite] [sprite]628[sprite] [sprite]579[/sprite] [sprite]534[/sprite]

Excadrill lv 100
sand rush
  • X-scissor
  • cut
  • strength
  • fissure

Hydreigon lv 100
  • dragon rush
  • earthquake
  • flamethrower
  • surf

Reshiram lv 53
  • dragon breath
  • solar beam
  • overheat
  • fusion flare

Braviary lv 100
sheer force
  • sky drop
  • thrash
  • air slash
  • fly

Reuniclus lv 41
magic guard
  • psyshock
  • endeavor
  • future sight
  • psychic

Conkeldurr lv 43
sheer force
  • rock slide
  • stone edge
  • dynamic punch
  • rock throw

on a final note, all my pokemon have the pokerus, from the reshiram (I got it from GTS for a Tyranitar)
RE: In-game Team Rates

This is quite nice for a in-game team. Three of your Pokemon are level 100 so you really shouldn't have any problems. You covered most HMs nicely. Maybe give Focus Blast and Shadow Ball to Reuniclus as 3 Psychic attacks are redundant.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Shadow Scyther said:
This is quite nice for a in-game team. Three of your Pokemon are level 100 so you really shouldn't have any problems. You covered most HMs nicely. Maybe give Focus Blast and Shadow Ball to Reuniclus as 3 Psychic attacks are redundant.

thanks, i actually think that is a good move (and i dont say that to everyone who gives me tips on my team, and LOTS of people do that!)

Trainerhan1 said:
Same with Braviary. No need for 3 flying attacks.

Can you give me examples of better attacks, because what you said isn't quite enough for me to work with. Again, names of nmoves would really help. Thanks
RE: In-game Team Rates

Also same with Gurdurr. If this is a B/W2 team, the elemental punches are excellent moves for it. If not, Work Up, Return and Dig are decent options (Dig is a special mention because it provides psuedo EdgeQuake with Stone Edge).

Better moves for Braviary are Superpower and Rock Slide. This provides decent coverage with flying and normal STAB. Also, it would prefer Brave Bird to Fly, due to its higher damage output.

Excadrill, from what I can see, needs a complete rework. Always use Earthquake on a Pokemon that can learn it (particularly on Excadrill, who has a great base attack stat, and gets STAB to boot). Cut is bad. Replace with Rock Slide. Fissure is bad. Replace with Earthquake. Replace Strength with Shadow Claw/Brick Break, and that provides perfect neutral coverage.

Reshiram and Hydreigon are good, the only things I can think of are swapping Dragonbreath for Dragon Pulse when it gets to the right level to learn it, and on Hydreigon replace Dragon Rush with Dragon Pulse. (also, if B/W2, replace EQ with Earth Power, and also Dark Pulse is a great move to have if you have B/W2. If shard collection problems, just lose a load of times at the PWT. shard collection becomes so much easier then.)
RE: In-game Team Rates

Paddy185 said:
Also same with Gurdurr. If this is a B/W2 team, the elemental punches are excellent moves for it. If not, Work Up, Return and Dig are decent options (Dig is a special mention because it provides psuedo EdgeQuake with Stone Edge).

Better moves for Braviary are Superpower and Rock Slide. This provides decent coverage with flying and normal STAB. Also, it would prefer Brave Bird to Fly, due to its higher damage output.

Excadrill, from what I can see, needs a complete rework. Always use Earthquake on a Pokemon that can learn it (particularly on Excadrill, who has a great base attack stat, and gets STAB to boot). Cut is bad. Replace with Rock Slide. Fissure is bad. Replace with Earthquake. Replace Strength with Shadow Claw/Brick Break, and that provides perfect neutral coverage.

Reshiram and Hydreigon are good, the only things I can think of are swapping Dragonbreath for Dragon Pulse when it gets to the right level to learn it, and on Hydreigon replace Dragon Rush with Dragon Pulse. (also, if B/W2, replace EQ with Earth Power, and also Dark Pulse is a great move to have if you have B/W2. If shard collection problems, just lose a load of times at the PWT. shard collection becomes so much easier then.)

I really understand that Excadrill needs to be completely remodeled, I just don't know what to do. Thanks, I am going to make a few changes to the team. I should have mentioned, this is a Pokemon White team, not B/W2
RE: In-game Team Rates

HI this is my first post and i am still a beginner in Pokemon,
so i just bought black 2, but i can't play it because my 3ds's A button is not working, and while it's getting fixed i thought of a team but didn't finish it and want your suggestions (i don't want to use Samurott because i used him in pokemon black 1)
PLZ respond! :)

#1) starters, Emboar or Serperior.

#2) n's Zorua (Zoroark) or Umbreon or Espeon

#3) Magnezone or Eelektross.

#4) Flygon or Skarmory.

#5) Starmie or Arcanine.

#6) Lucario or Tyranitar

i couldn't make a decision and i posted this for help
PLZ chose and tell me why and what you think about it :)
and if you could be so awesome would you please right the proper ev's for it and if you could be even more awesome plz tell me the best moves that pokemon can learn, Thank you :D
RE: In-game Team Rates

saleh said:
HI this is my first post and i am still a beginner in Pokemon,
so i just bought black 2, but i can't play it because my 3ds's A button is not working, and while it's getting fixed i thought of a team but didn't finish it and want your suggestions (i don't want to use Samurott because i used him in pokemon black 1)
PLZ respond! :)

#1) starters, Emboar or Serperior.

#2) n's Zorua (Zoroark) or Umbreon or Espeon

#3) Magnezone or Eelektross.

#4) Flygon or Skarmory.

#5) Starmie or Arcanine.

#6) Lucario or Tyranitar

i couldn't make a decision and i posted this for help
PLZ chose and tell me why and what you think about it :)
and if you could be so awesome would you please right the proper ev's for it and if you could be even more awesome plz tell me the best moves that pokemon can learn, Thank you :D

1. Go with Serperior. All of the Unova starters are outclassed by other Pokemon, but if you really want to use one, go with Serperior. I'm mainly not recommending Emboar because I'll suggest a Fighting type later on and this way you wont repeat types. My favorite Serperior moveset is Coil / Leaf Blade / Aqua Tail / Dragon Tail

2. I recommend Zoroark. Umbreon has kind of a bad movepool and I'll be suggesting another Psychic type later on. Go with some combination of Nasty Plot, Night Daze/Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, U-Turn, Focus Blast, and Grass Knot. Just make sure not to use Nasty Plot and U-Turn on the same Pokemon because it's a huge waste of time to set up boosts, then switch out.

3. I'd say Eelektross. He's hard to find, but he has a much better movepool (Magnezone can hardly learn any moves that aren't Electric or Steel, while Eelektross can learn loads of moves) and has no weaknesses. Plus, I'll be recommending another Steel type later on and this way you won't be repeating types. I'm not going to suggest a movepool because he can learn so many moves, it's hard to find the best one. I know he gets good Special moves like Thunder Bolt, Grass Knot, and Flamethrower, but he also gets good Physical moves like Crunch, Acrobatics, Rock Slide, and Aqua Tail.

4. Use Flygon. This is mostly because of repeating types, but Flygon is available earlier than Skarmory and can use Fly, too. I'd say use something along the lines of Earthquake / Fly / Dragon Claw / Fire Blast. Maybe use Dig over Fire Blast for quick exits from caves.

5. Starmie because a Pokemon that can use Surf is helpful, although not necessary, AFAIK. Use something like Surf / Ice Beam / Psychic / Thunderbolt. Maybe add Waterfall, Dive, or Recover if you want to.

6. Definitely Lucario. Lucario is available really early, while I don't think Tyranitar is available until after the Elite Four. Lucario has a pretty diverse movepool and can run Physical and Special attacks, but his Physical Attacks are better. Some good moves are Close Combat, ExtremeSpeed, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, and Ice Punch.

I strongly encourage you not to EV train your in-game team. It becomes very tedious and time consuming to keep track of which opponents yield which EVs and what EV's your current team members have. Most of the Pokemon I recommended are offensive, so defensive EV's will ruin your efforts, just like having the wrong Pokemon KO'd at the wrong time, unless you want to replace one of your party Pokemon with another Pokemon to absorb unwanted EV's. Also, EV training is more effective on Pokemon bred for the right IV's, natures, moves, etc, which your in-game team most likely won't unless you really want to spend all that time.

If you're really determined to EV train your team I'd say go with 252 Special Attack and 252 Speed on Zoroark, 252 Attack and 252 Speed on Flygon, 252 Special Attack and 252 Speed on Starmie, 252 Attack and 252 Speed on Serperior, 252 HP and 252 Special Attack on Eelektross, and 252 Speed and 252 Attack on Lucario.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I wonder if my in-game team is decent enough...

1. (Lv. 71) Lucario @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Adamant
- Swords Dance
- ExtremeSpeed
- Close Combat
- Shadow Claw

EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
Typical Lucario, except for Shadow Claw since I didn't want to breed another Lucario. Shadow Claw also maintains perfect coverage with Close Combat. Will try to get my hands on Life Orb ASAP.

2. (Lv. 72) Flygon @ Expert Belt
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Jolly
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
- Crunch
- Dragon Claw

EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpD
I want to run a Choice Scarf U-turn but I don't have all the resources (see Darmanitan). This is the best set I can run, with QuakeEdge providing near-perfect coverage. Dragon Claw rounds off the coverage, and Crunch is filler. I could do with Outrage over Dragon Claw too.

3. (Lv. 70) Darmanitan @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sheer Force
Nature: Adamant
- Superpower
- U-turn
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake

EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpD
Classic Choice Scarf Darmanitan. Kills everything in sight with massive Attack stat. Need I explain more?

4. (Lv. 70) Magnezone @ Air Balloon
Ability: Magnet Pull
Nature: Modest
- Thunder Wave
- Supersonic
- Discharge
- Flash Cannon

EVs: 26 HP/252 SpA/220 Spe
This is obviously unfinished. This is supposed to be a Substitute + Charge Beam set, and I'm replacing Flash Cannon with Hidden Power Ice, based on calculations.

5. (Lv. 69) Volcarona @ Silver Powder
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Timid
- Quiver Dance
- Signal Beam
- Gust (filler; next level Bug Buzz)
- Flamethrower

EVs: 252 SpA/252 Spe/4 SpD
Almost done. Hidden Power Rock to replace Signal Beam. Life Orb is also needed. With that, Volcarona can outspeed everything while maintaining decent coverage on most Pokemon.

6. (Lv. 67) Gyarados @ Mystic Water
Ability: Moxie
Nature: Jolly
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake

EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
Dragon Dance works well in tandem with Moxie, and +1 Gyarados outspeeds many things, which complements its boosting Attack. Waterfall is mandatory STAB, while Ice Fang beats Dragons and Earthquake takes out Electric-types which would otherwise OHKO it.

And that's my in-game team. Haha, Tepig is in the box, I've already cleared the game and now working on other Pokemon, like my Adamant Shiny Metagross. Assistance will be very much appreciated to improve the team. Thanks!
RE: In-game Team Rates

What are you using the team for? Battling friends? Fighting the E4 again? What? Because if you are already done with the game, there isn't much point in rating it for in-game purposes.
RE: In-game Team Rates

safariblade said:
What are you using the team for? Battling friends? Fighting the E4 again? What? Because if you are already done with the game, there isn't much point in rating it for in-game purposes.

Actually yes, I'm planning on challenging some friends but was too lazy to put together a team with considerable thought. And some of the Pokemon I intended to use were not obtainable in B2W2, of which I wasn't keen on transferring them over from the Gen IV games. I do not feel like RNGing to get other Pokemon either, since it takes a lot of time to get a Pokemon with desired IVs. My friends are actually serious battlers, but I was hoping that I could rely on what I have currently to defeat them. Hence, I would like to receive help for that team. Thanks!
RE: In-game Team Rates

1.)Lucario: You could change Shadow Claw on Lucario to Ice Punch (via move tutor B2W2).

2.)Flygon: Stone Edge could be used over Rock Slide on Flygon, as it gives Flygon much more power. You could also replace Dragon Claw with Outrage, and use one of the three elemental punches over Crunch to get good coverage. (EdgeQuake, or Earthquake + Stone Edge, already gives you good coverage, but the addition of one of the elemental punches will definitely help).

3.)Darmanitan: Looks good!

4.) Magnezone: Take Thunder Wave out, you really don't need it, speaking of which, I'll rate Magnezone when you tell me what you're taking out for Sub and Charge Beam.

5.)Volcarona: Doesn't look bad, but you should use a set that looks like either: Quiver Dance / Fiery Dance or Flamethrower / Bug Buzz / Hidden Power or this Quiver Dance / Fiery Dance or Flamethrower / Bug Buzz / Roost

6.)Gyarados: Looks alright, if you wanna make your friends mad, you can add Substitute in over Ice Fang, or replace Ice Fang for Stone Edge, which hits Dragons as well as other Gyarados.
Hi Im planning in using this team in pokemon Blue and i need help with the movesets

The team is:
Plus a HM Slave for cut strenght( dont know if fits one of this pokemon) and flash

i need help on my team in pokemon black 2 so i can defeat the virbank city gym leader


oshawott lv 15
thunderus lv 11
lillipup lv 13
magby lv 10
snivy the hedgehog said:
i need help on my team in pokemon black 2 so i can defeat the virbank city gym leader


oshawott lv 15
thunderus lv 11
lillipup lv 13
magby lv 10

With a team like that, all you really need to do is train. Not even that much, just to level 17-ish. Alternatively, you could catch a Magnemite at the Virbank Complex. Steel (one of Magnemite's types) is immune to the poison of the gym.
snivy the hedgehog said:
i need help on my team in pokemon black 2 so i can defeat the virbank city gym leader


oshawott lv 15
thunderus lv 11
lillipup lv 13
magby lv 10

Magnemite at lv. 17, and everyone reaches 15 - 18. Spam Sonicboom, while your opponents fail to do anything. Just ask Marson, my Magnezone. He helped a lot here.
thanks i defeated roxie and im now in driftveil city with this team

roserade lv 30
thunderus lv 30
dewott lv 30
lopunny lv 30
riolu lv 30
arcanine lv 30

im a now ready to challenge clay's gym?

Please use capital letters when necessary.~KA
RE: In-game Team Rates

Shiny Shinx said:
I gotz a SoulSilver now, so...

~Ice Fang
~Surf (soon to be Waterfall)
~Shadow Claw

~Bullet Punch
~Meteor Mash
~Zen Headbutt

~Shadow Ball
~Power Swap (fail)
~Guard Swap (fail)

Volty/Manectric (I just caught Volty, so I still need to give it these moves.)
~Rain Dance

Skyspin/Hitmontop (I also just got Skyspin, so these are planned moves as well.)
~Triple Kick
~Mach Punch
~Focus Punch

Groudon (When I catch it)
~Sunny Day

You shouldn't have Groudon and rain dance on the same team. They conflict with each other. Also, Groudon shouldn't have Sunny Day, Solarbeam, or Fissure.