BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

I just beat the E4 with this team!
Samurott @ Expert Belt
Level 50
Aqua Jet

Darmanitan @ Rocky Helmet
Level 51
Adamant (Just got lucky with this one)
Fire Punch
Flare Blitz
Hammer Arm

Lilligant @ Miracle Seed
Level 53
Giga Drain
Quiver Dance
Sleep Powder
Hidden Power (Ground)

Excadrill @ Soft Sand
Level 52
Adamant (Bred for this one)
Rock Slide

Galvantula @ Magnet
Level 50
Signal Beam
Sucker Punch

Stoutland @ Nevermeltice
Level 49
Ice Fang
Wild Charge

What do you think? :D
RE: In-game Team Rates

My Unova Team I'm currently raising(not the one I took into the elite 4)~Galvantula, Krookodile, Zoroark, Musharna, Serperior, Volcarona/might change later.

What should I switch my Volcarona with? I think I wanna do Tranquil(Yes, it shall stay a Tranquil!) or Swanna. Opinions?
RE: In-game Team Rates

Samurott- lv100-surf-hydro pump-hydro cannon-megahorn
Zekrom-lv100-outrage-draco meteor-fusion bolt-bolt strike
Reshiram-lv100-flamethrower-fusion flare-outrage-blue flare
Victini-lv100-flamethrower-flare blitz-overheat-psychic
Ferrothorn-lv100-payback-iron head-solarbeam-power whip
Excadrill-fissure-earthquake-strength-sludge bomb

(any moveset suggestions for these)

All ev trained fully
RE: In-game Team Rates

On Excadrill, use Rock Slide, X-Scissor instead of Fissure and Sludge Bomb. If you really want a Poison type move, use Poison Jab.
On Victini, use Searing Shot, Thunderbolt/Wild Charge (I'd recommend Thunderbolt, since it is slightly more powerful, plus there isn't recoil and there is a chance of paralysis), Brick Break/Focus Blast and U Turn/Flamethrower. U-Turn for coverage, and Flamethrower for another STAB move. However, if you have the TMs for both, you can just switch between the two freely to suit each battle.
RE: In-game Team Rates

paddy185 said:
On Excadrill, use Rock Slide, X-Scissor instead of Fissure and Sludge Bomb. If you really want a Poison type move, use Poison Jab.
On Victini, use Searing Shot, Thunderbolt/Wild Charge (I'd recommend Thunderbolt, since it is slightly more powerful, plus there isn't recoil and there is a chance of paralysis), Brick Break/Focus Blast and U Turn/Flamethrower. U-Turn for coverage, and Flamethrower for another STAB move. However, if you have the TMs for both, you can just switch between the two freely to suit each battle.

Thanks. Is there any other way to get v-create cos in aus we didnt get the event only the liberty pass?
RE: In-game Team Rates

Samurott- lv100-surf-hydro pump-hydro cannon-megahorn
Zekrom-lv100-outrage-draco meteor-fusion bolt-bolt strike
Reshiram-lv100-flamethrower-fusion flare-outrage-blue flare
Victini-lv100-flamethrower-flare blitz-overheat-psychic
Ferrothorn-lv100-payback-iron head-solarbeam-power whip
Excadrill-fissure-earthquake-strength-sludge bomb

Samurott: surf/hydro pump should be enough water power, though you could also have aqua jet on the side. ice beam is a must for water types like it. The last move can be an grass knot which definietely has its uses.

Zekrom is fine as is, though i would personally use another filler instead of fusion bolt or lightning stike (you only need one). Try rock slide

Reshiram has a similar issue. Try to get back dragon pulse as that will hurt foes the most. Fusion flare is uneeded, so go with a move like psychic or shadow ball.

Victinis main game is based on increased accuracy. Go with fire blast, thunder, focus blast and flare blitz/psychic. The first three moves are crazy powerful and now have near perfect accuracy.

Ferrothorn loves leech seed so try and get that back. Curse works wonders too. Iron head and power whip are great for it.

Excadrill needs earthquake, rockslide/stone edge for great coverage. X scissor is great and adds to that coverage. Swrod dance is an amazing boost or you could go with brick break.

Basically, you just had to many of the same type moves on one pokemon.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Any moveset ideas for my Samurott in White? I'm currently using SD, Aqua Tail, Scald and X-Scissor. I may use HP (I checked and it's Fighting). I am probably going to use Hydro Pump to replace Scald, and I may use Waterfall instead of Aqua Tail.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I recommend replacing Aqua Tail with Ice Beam - you need more type coverage with his moves. I also suggest going through with replacing Scald with Hydro Pump, since the stronger, the better.
RE: In-game Team Rates

If, or hopefully when, they come out with a rse remake, I am thinking of doing a monotype run. I'm thinking of doing a psychic only run. This is what I have so far. Gallade, Gardevoir, Magic bounce Espeon, Metagross, and Latios. I'm rying to keep it somewhat all Hoenn pokemon. Does anyone have ideas for movesets and a sixth pokemon? Thanks.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I have a question about Pokémon Black, is Ho-Oh and Lugia required to complete the Pokédex? They were considered event Pokémon before HG/SS but I'm not sure if it still applies for Pokémon Black and White.
RE: In-game Team Rates

This is my Pokemon White in-game team. But I can't change nature so that's out! Please help out with my movesets.

Lv. 65
Motor Drive
Wild Charge

Braviary w/ Sharp Beak
Lv. 66
Keen Eye
Crush Claw
Aerial Ace
Brave Bird

Chandelure w/ Spell Tag
Lv. 66
Flame Body
Night Shade
Flame Burst

Krookodile w/ Soft Sand
Lv. 66

Serperior w/ Miracle Seed
Lv. 67
Frenzy Plant
Wring Out
Leaf Storm

Simipour w/ Mystic Water
Lv. 67

My movesets aren't that good, I know. Please give me some advice on what moves I should change. I'd greatly appreciate it! :)
RE: In-game Team Rates

On Braviary replace Crush Claw with Return, Aerial Ace with Rock Slide, and Fly with Superpower.
RE: In-game Team Rates

On chandelure, give it this moveset: shadow ball, flamethrower, energy ball, and wow.
RE: In-game Team Rates

I am having trouble picking 2 more members for my team. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to make the team as competitive as possible but I do acknowledge that I am fairly new to pokemon battling. I am not quite sure who to pick to fill in any gaps I have. Here's who I have so far.

Hydreigon - Timid (not sure on item)
Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
Dark Pulse
Fire Blast

Infernape - Hasty (life orb)
Close Combat
Mach Punch
Stone Edge

Forretress - Careful (shed shell)
Stealth Rock
Rapid Spin

Eelektross - Careful (leftovers)
Wild Charge
Brick Break
Dragon Tail

So far I am leaning towards Gliscor as a lead and Jellicent seems like he'd be good for spin blocking and to come in on fighting and water attacks. Suggestions on anything please!
RE: In-game Team Rates

pokemonjoe said:
If, or hopefully when, they come out with a rse remake, I am thinking of doing a monotype run. I'm thinking of doing a psychic only run. This is what I have so far. Gallade, Gardevoir, Magic bounce Espeon, Metagross, and Latios. I'm rying to keep it somewhat all Hoenn pokemon. Does anyone have ideas for movesets and a sixth pokemon? Thanks.
RE: In-game Team Rates

My Pokemon Black Team:
Shiny Emboar (male) Hasty/Blaze lv. 77-Wild Charge, Flamethrower, Brick Break, and Scald
Unfezant (male) Impish/Super Luck lv 77- Echoed Voice, Quick Attack, Fly, Air Slash
Leavanny (female) Naughty/Swarm lv 77- X-Scissor, Leaf Blade, Poison Jab, Leaf Storm
Krookodile (male) Naughty/Moxie lv 77- Brick Break, Foul Play, Earthquake, Outrage
Eelektross (male) Naughty/Levitate lv 77- Crunch, Crush Claw, Wild Charge, Discharge
Carracosta (male) Quirky/Solid Rock lv 77- Waterfall, Rock Slide, Crunch, Surf
Seismitoad (female) Impish/Poison Touch lv 70- Poison Jab, Earthquake, Drain Punch, Muddy Water
Shiny Bisharp (female) Adamant/Inner Focus lv 72- Iron Head, Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Guillotine
Haxorus (female) Mild/Mold Breaker lv 70- Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Slash, Outrage
Meinshao (female) Hasty/Regenerator lv 68- Bounce, Hi Jump Kick, Drain Punch, U-Turn
Hydreigon (female) Quiet/Levitate lv 70- Crunch, Dragon Pulse, Tri Attack, Hyper Voice

I could really use some help with some of their movepools. Thanks!