BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

yeah, but if the pokemon has a type advantage, then it survives and then you switch :)

EDIT: Maybe U-Turn instead of X-Scissor if it's your lead?
RE: In-game Team Rates

HHmmmmm..... you have a good point there..... I'll try that too..... I've got a lot of things to try.
RE: In-game Team Rates

yeah, I wouldn't mind playing you 3v3 :p

My freind code is on my trainer card in the sig
RE: In-game Team Rates

um..... how should i put this.... okay this is how it is just to tell you how bad the tech over here is. My computer is a 1998 model, it takes three minutes to load this page. Sometimes when I try to go on, the computer shuts down all internet sites as Cannot Find Server. Furthermore, the security settings on my computer have it to where my XBOX 360 and my mom's computer down stairs are the only two things that can connect; if I change the security settings, my DS would be the only thing that could connect. I would really like to play you, really, I wish that I could watch Battle Videos and put my teams on the Batlle Tower again. But the current circumstances would require additional fundings which seem out of reach. In short, I'm poor and my computer's screwed up!!! Thank You. I'l still be on the Forums though.
RE: In-game Team Rates

This isn't the place to ask for battles, is it?
Let's stick to the topic. Thanks.

Btw, my in-game and also part of my competitive teams(3 on 3) is:


Jirachi @Choice Scarf
-Stealth Rock
-Iron Head

This little cutie flinches to DEATH, thanks to Serene Grace and Iron Head. U-turn if the foe's a bulky water or something I can't take down with iron head (not bulky water, fire, steel, etc. types are OK). Trick to stuck the foe in one move, excellent to cripple walls and annoyers, and you know what is the last move used for.

Sp. Sweeper:

Salamence@ choice specs
-Fire Blast
-Hydro Pump
-HP Electric
-Dragon Pulse

My main special sweeper. Nothing more to say.

Sleep Support/Bulky water:

Milotic @leftovers
-Ice Beam

Sleep supporter. Can resist heavy hits enough to land an hypnosis on the foe. Surf for STAB, Ice beam for grass and dragons. Recover if necessary.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Maybe Aqua Ring on Milotic? I've found it very nice in combo with Leftovers and Recover.

And on Sally, maybe give him a Wide Lens instead? IK he wouldn't sweep as much but it makes Hydro Pump SO much more reliable. That or I'd lose Hydro Pump. :)

I assume this is your Battle Tower team?
RE: In-game Team Rates

There's a 4on4 tourney on Saturday, and IDK what to add. Maybe my Marowake for laughs:


Marowak @ Think Club
Adamant, Rock Head
-Brick Break
-Swords Dance
RE: In-game Team Rates

I don't what use a marowak would have for a think club. :D
Seems like an OK moveset to me.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Here's a change for the better:

Swords Dance
Stone Edge
RE: In-game Team Rates

lawlz that's what I have on my Shoddy team =3

Im gonna do that

Okay @ my Battle Tower team (see at the bottom of this page) I FINALLY caught a Bronzor with Levitate and a good enough Natrure.


Bronzong @ Leftovers/Light Clay
Bold, Levitate
-Gyro Ball
-Light Screen
-Stealth Rock

Will be the final product. I was hoping to find one with a SASSY nature, but Bold was good enough 4 me after hours of Dusk Balling xD He'll become my lead over Metagross. Thoughts?
RE: In-game Team Rates

This is my team in Soul Silver:

Ampharos Lv 43
Rash Nature, Ability Static
- Strength
- Discharge
- ThunderShock
- Tunder Wave
I got this in my team to defeat Water and Bird Pokémons.

Typhlosion Lv 43
Lax Nature, Ability Blaze
- Quick Attack
- Flame Wheel
- Flamethrower
- Lava Plume
I got Typhlosion traded from my Brother, I got it to defeat Grass, Psychic and Metal Pokémon

Tauros Lv 43
Impish Nature, Ability Intimidate
- Horn Attack
- Rock Smash
- Take Down
- Zen Headbutt
I got this one too from my Brother, I got traded it because it's a strong Pokémon and it got Zen Headbutt so I can own Ghost Pokémon.

Furret Lv 43
Calm Nature, Ability Run Away
- Slam
- Surf
- Cut
- Quick Attack
I got Furret because Sentret is my favourite Pokémon. And I let it evolve to get it stronger.

Pidgeot Lv 43
Rash Nature, Ability Tangled Feet
- Tackle
- Fly
- Wing Attack
- Quick Attack
I caught Pidgey because it makes your Starter Team a bit stronger, and also are his evolutions handy.

Meganium Lv 44
Docile Nature, Ability Overgrow
- Tackle
- Magical Leaf
- Razor Leaf
- Posion Powder
Chickorita was my starter Pokémon.

Well, I'm a bit stuck at Blackthorn Gym, so can someone tell me some effective moves on Dragon Pokémon that I can learn my current team.

RE: In-game Team Rates

Okay, first, I think you should put sprites, as it help me lol. If u don't know how, it's easy. Just upload to Image Shack/Photobucket, and post the URL with
tags around it.


Tags =


Pure Dragon type is only weak to Ice and Dragon moves. Other duel Dragon-types may have other weaknesses to exploit (e.g. A Flying-Dragon type is weak to Electric x2 and Ice x4).

Click Here for more on Dragons

Dragons also tend to know Fire type moves, so bare that in mind.

It looks to me like learning Ice is probably more likely for you than Dragon moves. Common Ice moves:
-Ice Beam
-Ice Fang
-Ice Punch
-Aurora Beam

NEXT: Why does your lead not set anything up? Common leads either disrupt other leads or set-up conditions (like Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes). Because this is in-game, setting up conditions is better than disruption.

For now do thin about these and i'll talk more later :)
RE: In-game Team Rates

This Team Contains 2 Hacks
But Please feel free to rate my team as is:

Latias Lv. 100
Energy Ball
Dragon Pulse
I was thinking a weaker way to start off would be good and it goes well in double battles with rhyperior because of levitate

Rhyperior Lv 100
Focus Punch
Rock Wrecker
Earthquake works well with Latias and i can get a few pokemon out of the way with its strong attacks

Darkrai Lv 100
Roar of Time
Dark Void
Spacial Rand
Dark Pulse
This will do the hard work i can put them to sleep with dark void then have bad dreams and the other moves finish them off

Entei LV 100
Hyper Beam
Fire Blast
Iron Tail
I wanted someway to hit grass type

Arceus Lv 100 Fist Plate
Draco Meteor
One all around guy, I'm still deciding what plate he should hold

Lugia Lv 100 (Shiny)
Hydro Pump
Sky Attack
The guardian of the seas can finish everything off if all else fails

*If you need more info please tell me*
RE: In-game Team Rates

Guy89 said:
Arceus Lv 100 Fist Plate
Draco Meteor
One all around guy, I'm still deciding what plate he should hold

Lugia Lv 100 (Shiny)
Hydro Pump
Sky Attack
The guardian of the seas can finish everything off if all else fails

Your lead (or some pokemon before these) need to know Rain Dance. It cranks up Thunder's acc. and Lugia gets a nice boost from it. Why is he holding a Fist Plate with no fighting moves? Give him either a Draco Plate (which I don't recommend) or the Zap Plate (I think it's called), to give a STAB to Thunder an give you a mono-electric type (only weak to Ground).

My *NEW* Battle Tower team is as follows:


Bronzong @ Focus Sash
Sassy (+Defense -Speed)
EVs: 252 HP/ 252 DEF/ 6 SpD
-Gyro Ball
-Light Screen/Sand Storm
-Stealth Rock

My usual build...


Foretress @ ?
Impish (+Defense -Special Attack)
EVs: ?
-Rapid Spin

Lots of open gaps needed to fill. He's basically to get ride of any set-ups and then Explode into Garchomp.


Garchomp @ Life Orb
Sand Veil
EVs: 6 HP/ 252 AtK/ 252 Speed
-Dragon Rush
-Stone Edge
-Swords Dance

Gonna be a sweeper...
RE: In-game Team Rates

For Garchomp, run an Adamant-Nature Swords-Dancer with life orb.
Dragon Rush
Fire Fang/Stone Edge/Crunch
Swords Dance
RE: In-game Team Rates

Guy89 said:
Lugia Lv 100 (Shiny)
Hydro Pump
Sky Attack
The guardian of the seas can finish everything off if all else fails

*If you need more info please tell me*

Gah, if only you could teach your Lugia the move Psycho Boost. I absolutely love it, because it does a lot of damage (I think it's one of the strongest psychic moves out there). But the only Lugia I've seen with it is the one from XD for gamecube >.<