BW/BW2 Get your in-game teams rated!

RE: In-game Team Rates

@rgamergirl: you should change your team to this:
infernape: switch flame wheel for thunderpunch, and if you have one already, have him hold a life orb
gardevoir: changed her movepool to psychic, grass knot, shadow ball, and calm mind
mamoswine: he is a physical attacker and you taught him special moves....dont, here is the change you should make to his movepool:
ice shard, ece fang, earthquake, dig. i recomend dig because its good for doging moves and gives you an easy escape from caves, while eq and ice fang are his primary STAB moves and ice shard to to take down faster pokemon
luxray: bit is just a weaker crunch, you dont need it if you already have crunch so get rid of it
my suggestion: thunder fang, crunch, roar, and thunder wave
haunter: EVOLVE IT! either trade with yourself and trade back,trade it for another haunter, or use the GTS glitch, just EVOLVE IT!
and haunter really isnt a good mon for a sleep set, if you really want one change gardevoir's move set to: psychic, hypnosis, dream eater, and shadow ball
new gengar moveset: shadow ball, sludge bomb, focus blast, and confuse ray/substitute. use focus blast to hit those pesky dark and steel types.
i assum tobi is a togekiss, togekiss is a special attacker with some really god moves, and you taught him/her some weak/lame moves that his/her pre-evos know. togekiss is a special sweeper so i would suggest: fly(to get around) aura sphere(for thse pesky rock and ice types), air slash, and roost/thuderwave
i would recomend roost for tobi and teach luxray t-wave
RE: In-game Team Rates

Oh, crud, I have a bad habit of writing out Tobi's nickname since I nick name all my Togepi evolutions that... yeah ^_^"... Tobi in Platnium is a Togetic and I haven't really had the time to look for a shiny stone there yet... But will do and I will configure my team better, Thank you!
(Now please direct your awesome team bettering talents to other people, some things are repeating a bit...)
RE: In-game Team Rates

hey... i'll be getting my HG next week and I'm already planning for my team.. can you guys rate it? and give any suggestion for any added items and natures that compatible with it?


Ice Fang
Trash / Surf




Sacred Fire
Fire Blast
Brave Bird

Psycho Cut
Focus Blast/Focus Punch


Ice Beam


Earth Power
Toxic Spikes
Sludge Bomb
RE: In-game Team Rates

^Number one rule. NO PHYSICAL MOVES ON ALAKAZAM. They do have good power, but Alakazam lacks the physical stat to use them. I'd recommend Charge Beam, Grass Knot, Psychic and Focus Blast.
RE: In-game Team Rates

For feraligatr go with surf over trash. Surf is for getting around and I wouldnt suggest normal moves(EVAR!) unless you get STAB from them.
Ampharos: have your HM slave know whirlpool and strength, thunder isn't very accurate so I would suggest discharge, thunderbolt, power gem, and signal beam. Ho-oh: looks fine to me, i see no problems
Alakazam: like the guy above me said: no physical moves and definately never teach a mon focus punch unless you include substitute, and alakazam is DEFINITELY NO subpuncher. my suggestion: psychic, grass knot, focus blast, shadow ball. you might want to switch grass knot for charge beam
Nidoking: go with posion jab over sludge bomb, nidoking has a higher attack and I think poison jab has higher BP. and you could switch earth power for dig if you want to use the dodging and escaping from caves power of dig.
And I wouldnt suggest cloyster, you already have one water type. your team gets owned pretty easily by electric type moves. my suggestion: arcanine.
but thats because I love fire types. replace it with any mon that is not weak to electric types
RE: In-game Team Rates

Oh, and don't teach Surf to Feraligatr. It has a much higher attack stat than special, so something like EQ or Dragon Claw would be more well suited.

You don't need 3 Psychic moves on Alakazam.
RE: In-game Team Rates

^dont use hyper beam or low accuracy moves...and isnt this the INGAME team thread? meaning the team you are using to beat the story?
RE: In-game Team Rates

In-Game pretty much means everything that is purely not a competitive one. You can still mention advice to help the team be better overall, but the main focus is usually on Story.

dmaster out.
RE: In-game Team Rates

Hey everybody...
I just restarted my Pokemon Pearl Version a few weeks ago... so far I have this 5 Pokemon on my team Drifblim, Vespiquen, Meditite, Glaceon, and Bibarel (HM-Slave)... I still need a sixth Pokemon but I can't decide on one, so I would like to know which one you think I should add to my team. I don't care about what type it is, I would like it to be a 4th Gen. Pokemon though....
Thanks for your help...
RE: In-game Team Rates

^I'd add some resistance to Rock, as a Pokemon with Rock Slide/Stone Edge can destroy Drifblim, Vespiquen, and Glaceon. Maybe Gastrodon, as that will give you Rock resistance as well as super effective moves on it. For a moveset I'd recommend: Rock Slide/Stone Edge (I used Rock Slide), Surf, EQ/Mud Bomb and Ice Beam.
RE: In-game Team Rates

And I use that team at the Battle Frontier.
So it's technically not competetive.
(No, I don't use multi battle or wifi)
RE: In-game Team Rates

I gotz a SoulSilver now, so...

~Ice Fang
~Surf (soon to be Waterfall)
~Shadow Claw

~Bullet Punch
~Meteor Mash
~Zen Headbutt

~Shadow Ball
~Power Swap (fail)
~Guard Swap (fail)

Volty/Manectric (I just caught Volty, so I still need to give it these moves.)
~Rain Dance

Skyspin/Hitmontop (I also just got Skyspin, so these are planned moves as well.)
~Triple Kick
~Mach Punch
~Focus Punch

Groudon (When I catch it)
~Sunny Day

RE: In-game Team Rates

get rid of sunny day on groudon, his ability automatically sets up bright sunlight so sunny day is useless. i suggest a fire type move. and i would recommend changing manectric's moveset to something not rain dance related, because you already have your auto-sunny groudon.
RE: In-game Team Rates

For Hitmontop I wouldn't give it Triple Kick; it has 10 base power, and there are better moves to teach it.

I'd recommend:
Close Combat for a main attacking move.
Mach Punch to get a little damage on the opposing Pokemon before he goes down.
Rock Slide/Stone Edge to put damage on Flying types.
Sucker Punch to get damage on Psychic types.

And for Groudon, I'd take out Fissure and Sunny Day-like Shadow Arceus said, it has got the Drought ability, and with Fissure it will not hit often, due to its 30 accuracy. I'd change them to Eruption/Fire Punch (Eruption is on it when you capture it), and Hammer Arm, also on it when you catch it. Hope this helps :]
RE: In-game Team Rates

<~ Team Overview ~>

First things first, this is my first team with a TrickScarf lead, and I wanted to do it right. Latias seemed a great choice, loads of resistances, great Speed to get the jump on slower leads, and pretty sturdy with some EV investment in HP/Defense.


Then I thought, what does Latias fear most? Physical SE attacks? Of course she does, which is where my next choice came in. Scizor, the red menace of OU makes a triumphant return to my second BT team. His resistances to Bug, Dark, Dragon, Ghost, and Ice make it a great partner to Latias, while Latias resists the Fire moves that Scizor hates most,
not to mention the Water and Electric types that he can't touch with Bullet Pawnch.


Finally, the last member of the trio. This guy comes in on Physical sweepers Latias has set up on, and sets up its own Calm Mind to make it extremely durable. Suicune's base 115 Defense and Sp. Defense takes Fire and Water type attacks with ease, and Calm Mind boosted Surf destroy them.


<~ In-Depth Analysis ~>


TrickScarf Lead

Latias @ Choice Scarf
Bold @ Levitate
252 HP/196 Defense/60 Spd

This set was provided by the wonderful GrumpySnorlax of SerebiiForums, the EV spread is designed to outrun base 85's after I Trick the Scarf, such as Heracross and Kingdra. I spam Flash and Charm depending on the Pokemon.


Physical Sweeper / Physical Tank

Scizor @ Muscle Band/Lum Berry
Adamant @ Technician
252 HP/252 Attack/6 Defense
-Brick Break
-Bullet Pawnch
-Swords Dance

Comes in on pokemon Latias has set on, specifically physical sweepers that have been Charmed. Sets up its own Swords Dance, and spams what ever attack is neccesary. X-Scissor for STAB, and hits Dark types that scare Latias. Brick Break takes care of Steel types that resist Bullet Pawnch. Bullet Pawnch for priority, and because no Scizor can be without it. Muscle Band for the boost without taking recoil, or Lum Berry to avoid status, still haven't decided.

He has problems with faster special sweepers that are Fire, Water, or Electric types who resist Bullet Pawnch and smack him hard with special moves that are either SE or neutral.


Special Sweeper / Special Tank

Suicune @ Leftovers
Bold @ Pressure
252 HP/252 Defense/6 Sp. Attack
-Ice Beam
-Calm Mind
-Substitute/HP [Electric] 50

Comes in on special attackers that it resists or takes neutral damage from, and starts Calm Mind. Once its strong enough, gets behind a Sub and starts sweeping. Works best when its a physical sweeper that's been Charmed and can't break the Sub.

Suicune has problems with Electric types, just like Scizor does, but if its got a few Calm Minds in, it should be fine. It does have HP [Electric], but the power isn't exactly strong, so it may not be worth the time.

<~ Final Comments ~>

This team as several problems, right off the bat. Jolteon/Electivire can walk through this team, because of their speed and immunity to Thunderwave.

Fast Water types that resist Bullet Pawnch and Surf/Ice Beam can give me some trouble, but Thunderwave support from Latias can help Suicune set up a few Calm Minds.

Suicune and Scizor aren't exactly fast either, so I'll probably need Latias to stay alive as long as possible to spread Thunderwave.




So go ahead, let me hear what you think, I hope this is in the proper section, apparently BF teams aren't considered "competitive​
RE: In-game Team Rates

Latias as an opener seems a bit weird for me. Maybe rather Porygon-Z? After you Trick Scarf on your opponent, you can Convert Porygon to be resistant to Scarf'd attack
RE: In-game Team Rates

It may sound weird in theory, but in practice, its a GODSEND. Latias does something PorygonZ doesn't. It attracts SE attacks, (Bug, Dark, Dragon, Ghost, Ice), all of which are resisted by either Scizor or Suicune. Once locked into their moves and TWaved, Suicune comes in on Special attackers stuck in resisted attacks and sets up a Sub, and has a Calm Mind sweep. Scizor comes in on Physical sweepers it resists and that have been Charmed, and Sub's and sweeps.

Trust me, on the first run through ever with this team, I got to Battle 90, but sadly lost :'(