Wow, so many got fooled by the joke, but it wasn't even funny at all. This year's April Fool's Day sucks.
/me falls over and dies

Well played.
Well played, well played. I had no doubt in my mind you were published (I'm pretty gullible though, so I wouldn't consider that an achievement), and overall you made a very convincing thread.

You've all taught us a very valuable lesson, actually. In the future, unless there are pics to prove it, we shouldn't buy into it so easily. Thanks for the nice prank. ;D

P.S: In the future though, I would try and add more forum hacking when it comes to April Fools. At least post a line in Turkish. :3
That was awesome. xD
Very believable too, cause I could see this happening. Good luck for when you do send them the letter and whatnot. :]

Also.. the lactose intolerance must suck. :<