Getting way too excited about GC...


Has A Delivery
I'm hyping this set like there's no tomorrow.
I'm so freaking eager to choose a few cards from it and make deck, with the hopes that one of the decks I "come up with" will become a great deck.
Kinda like Lou did with Kingdra.
Either way, this set's gonna make me die if it turns out to be a crappy one. I've waited too long for it to disappoint.

Anyone else having similar thoughts?

I don't know what it is about this set, but it isn't seeming too great. I think it's because the G Pokemon are the theme of the set, but they're boring and generic. Though Shaymin Sky Forme is seeming like the highlight of the set.
Amen. Only the LV X's look to be uber. The rest of the set is average for me. SF will be very good though and will be the first excellent DP set. Otherwise all sets have been overhyped when it should not have been.
The one's you've SEEN are boring and generic.
But there's still a few more than haven't been revealed yet. and let's not forget that they're basics. So you set up really fast.

We also dunno about the supporters of the set.
For all we know, G pokemon could have waaay more going for them than we can see plainly right now.

Shaymin IS getting a butt-ton of love.
And I highly doubt people will have their hopes crushed. Nintendo abuses that thing so much.
Especially recently, after (and some before) the latest movie premiered.

But what about Giratina...? Who's talking about him?
No one. Right. I'm gonna go ahead and vow now that I will make a Giratina deck. and it will WORK.

EDIT:: Um. I don't get you guys at all.
"Only the LV X's look to be uber."
How do you figure? You have absolutely no idea what the rest of the set even DOES. I don't understand what you're forming this opinion from.
I'd be willing to bet you looked at the set list for LA and SF and thought "Oh boy! new Lv.X's!!" and totally skipped the other cards.
And yet, now that they've been revealed, people have begun to praise them as some sort of gift from the heavens.

LOL. Hes simply stating that the level X is the only playable card that has been showed (which is correct). The other cards are simply cute, overpriced-underpowered basic pokemon with alright attacks. Nothing that has been shown has been amazing, espically since the next set looks insane.
Martainia said:
Shaymin IS getting a butt-ton of love.

My god why am I imagining this so vividly.

GC doesn't have my attention yet- most of the cards currently revealed don't strike me well. But I'm sure it'll be a great set once we know more about it- after all, it'll herald the RETURN OF HAYMAKER AS A TOP TIER DECK WOOOO.

I've noticed a lot of the pokemon that are going to be in Galactic's Conquest are pokemon that were in MT...

(also, I hate it how people say how uber this set is when they haven't seen the cards >.< )
I don't care for the set. All that we have that is almost OK right now is Skuntank/Toxicroak which isn't a stellar combo anyway. Purugly is the new bulky Absol, which is only helpful for Turncruel. I have been eyeing that Lickilicky though. One thing that is just terrible about this set is the number of multiple reprinted cards. Another Dialga/Palkia and the G version of the cards as well. That gives us a total of 5 Dialga/Palkia and there is also a 4th Darkrai, and Bronzong. Weavile makes his third apperance and so does Houndoom. Rotom and Manaphy also make their third appearance and I doubt that they will be any better than any of the others. Those are what I think make the set bad but they also have some cards that finally have a chance to be decent in the format too.
Blissey Revival
All look as if they could be ok. With the translations arriving shortly if I had to choose one of those that looks ready to change the metagame it would be Lickilicky.
You don't care for the set, DOX? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE CARDS ARE!

All looking as if they're OK? HOW DO YOU KNOW?!?!

Pardon me, I get a bit fired up when people do this... :p
Really, I can't decide either way. To be honest, I'm more on the dissapointed side with what's revealed so far. There seems to be no ground breaking card or combo from this set so far. It's waaaaaaaaaayy too early to tell. Most of the cards haven't really been shown.
I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread's missing the point.

The reason I put this up there was to see if anyone else was really excited about getting to see the new set.
I never even asked if you guys liked the cards that were revealed so far.
Which is how many...?

I was just trying to say that there are a lot of cards in here that have a "second chance" at becoming a great card...

Even with the misunderstanding, I still feel that I'm going to be dissappointed.
Ariadosguy said:
You don't care for the set, DOX? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE CARDS ARE!

All looking as if they're OK? HOW DO YOU KNOW?!?!

Pardon me, I get a bit fired up when people do this... :p

Yeah I don't care for the set based upon the terrible cards released so far. As far as the rest of my post goes. I get tired of seeing the same couple of pokemon 4 times (Bronzong) and yet they still have yet to make a decent Kingler/Crawdaunt. Most of the pokemon that I listed are there because they need a decent card already and they have a chance to be good.

As for Lickilicky, if it's good. I called it
I have dibs on Zangoose and Altaria if we're doing that. ^

And yes, I see what you mean.
Making another Dialga/Palkia seems to be a really stupid idea.
That brings the count for each one up to... 4 Palkia and 5 different Dialga cards.
FIVE. Not counting the Lv.X

And yes. We need to see more "casual" pokemon, so to speak.
Instead of remaking cards everyone uses already, why not take a currently crappy card and make one that's actually halfway decent?

Ariadosguy said:
Darkrai Weavile Altaria. Ohhhhh yeeeaaahhhhh.

I'm gonna laugh pretty hard when Altaria requires absolutely no [C] energy to attack.
Then what? huh? HUH?
That's right. You'll give it back to me, where it belongs. ;P

Also, lol @ Blissey that has 10 less HP than the MT one. XD

(usually pokemon get more HP each time they're released... Look at Infernape... Went from 100 (DP) to 110 (MD) and will soon become 120 (SF))
Ariadosguy said:
Darkrai Weavile Altaria. Ohhhhh yeeeaaahhhhh.

As long as the slaking isn't terrible it would be another option for Altaria.

Ascention Shuppet anyone? That would be nice.