Getting way too excited about GC...

I see a heap of potential in the set too. But most comboes are going to be rendered useless because of Amphy-Man.

Giratina lvl X? Wowee, it can do 30 damage to Manetric for 4 energy!

Blastoise? I'd like to see it try. I mean, Delcatty locks itself, and Blastoise is a Water type with a PokePower!

Mightyena? It's not that great to begin with.

Rampardos can counter it, but his attack still makes him pwn himself. Just let him run through 2 Pokemon then use Ampharos's first attack, to either knock-out or paralyze and then Knockout next turn.

(Having said that, i should really re-read the cards. I was sleepy when I read em the first time.

Also, Heatran lvl X Dugtrio FTW! =P)
Amphy man...attacks? As far as I see, it doesn't do anything really strong. We have pokemon swinning for 150 in this set and you think a lockdown deck is going to win? Not very likely. Claydol is dead after the next set, so this set is just the stake in the ground on him.
No, Amphy Man spreads. And then spreads some more. And in the end, any main attacker with a PokePower is dead.

Amphy Man isn't looking so much strong as it is looking like a perfect counter to everything. Other than a few terrible matchups, Amphy Man pwns everything, because basically everything uses Powers of some kind. But I do see what you're getting at, Amphy-Man has no real force. I guess it might flop, but for now, I'm gonna hype it. =P
Killing powers doesn't mean you win the match. I see bodies being used in more decks then powers. Also a tech dialgia line kills the deck...
Papi/Manny said:
Killing powers doesn't mean you win the match. I see bodies being used in more decks then powers. Also a tech dialgia line kills the deck...

Oh no. A Tech Dialga.
Hello there. I'm Zangoose.
Hey there, Amphy again!

I won't really hype much about Blastoise-Delcatty or Ampharos-Manetric. Both are great but they are easily counter-able
(Rampardos > ampharos-manetric > blastoise-delcatty) so there's still unknown which GC deck dominating this format yet.

I'm realized that I'm still not said yet what's my favorite in GC, you may never guess or hype it but my favorite is beautifly line which is really fast,good T2 donk potential(60 potential damage with 1 energy),just 1 energy cost attack, and have 0 retreat cost.

I'm willing to bet that Handsome's Investigation supporter and Time Tear stadium(in stage 2 deck mainly) will be often used after this set out.

I'm still not convinced enough about SP-Pokemon potential, sure they have some nifty trainers but pokemon itself not that good and feel slow.
I like everything so far. It's not a perfect set, but it's a nice set.

Lv.X's are good. Shinies need more distinction. Reprints are cool.
Rest of cards are about average.
DawnOfXatu said:
Unless you can T1 that Machamp, which I am not saying isn't a possibility, and I start with a Skuntank. Machamp looses to Toxicroak+Skuntank. Toxicroaks body wins over Machamp every time. That and with a setup (which is only a charged Toxicroak, a Skuntank, and a Stadium of my choice) the Machamp would be KO'd before it is my turn again.
You are Poisoned
80 damage
30 weakness
10 poison from my turn to yours
10 posion from your turn to mine
Thats 130 which is enough for the KO. Then I rinse and repeat. Want to evolve to the Lv.X? Its a 1HKO. The worst part in my mind about this deck. It is set up by a single Roseanne's Research. All we need are a couple of good trainers for this deck and we have ourselves a metagamer.

You've got your calculations wrong. 20 base damage, you lay tank, I'm poisoned, you hit for 20+40, 60, then +30 weakness, so 90, +10 between turns, I'm on 100.
Anyway, how do you propose attaching 2 energy in 1 turn? Oh, Energy Gain? Oh. Yeah, that'd do it..

4 Honchkrow G
4 Crobat G
4 Energy Gain
4 Roseanne's
4 TGI G-105 Poketurn
50 snipe from T1 if you're lucky, but from T2 onwards 50 to anything.
Those were just the needed cards, there's loads of other stuff you can add.
For crying out loud Pokemaniac, Dialga G Lv X stops Ampharos' Poke-Body! It's not invincible!

Hehe, imagine if they didn't make Dialga Lv X- THEN we'd all be screwed!