Getting way too excited about GC...

DawnOfXatu said:
Unless you can T1 that Machamp, which I am not saying isn't a possibility, and I start with a Skuntank. Machamp looses to Toxicroak+Skuntank. Toxicroaks body wins over Machamp every time. That and with a setup (which is only a charged Toxicroak, a Skuntank, and a Stadium of my choice) the Machamp would be KO'd before it is my turn again.
You are Poisoned
80 damage
30 weakness
10 poison from my turn to yours
10 posion from your turn to mine
Thats 130 which is enough for the KO. Then I rinse and repeat. Want to evolve to the Lv.X? Its a 1HKO. The worst part in my mind about this deck. It is set up by a single Roseanne's Research. All we need are a couple of good trainers for this deck and we have ourselves a metagamer.

I'm almost willing to put money on the set including some similar aspects as Delta Species.
In that some cards will help G cards, and others will absolutely ruin them.
Skuntank+Toxicroak G will more than likely be much harder to play than we think, because we really haven't put a ton of effort into looking at their biggest weaknesses.
I'm guilty as well, but the farthest I'm seeing it going is the new Kingdra Swarm.
Probably top tier, but not nearly as broken as previous top tier decks.

DawnOfXatu said:
Saanaito said:
I'm talking about everything. I've never before heard of GC, and the only thing I know about it is that it's a new set...

We don't know a lot about this set in general. However we do know all of the cards names and a few translations. The rest is, as stated above, guesswork.

One thought that just occured to me:
What if the Galactics stadium acts as Rocket's Stadiums have acted before them, by adding +20 hp to all pokemon of a certain owner type. That would lead to beastly 110 HP basics flooding the metagame. It would be a change for the worse in my opinion.
What would be the point of that? That sounds just like Snowpoint Temple! The game wasn't wrecked by Snowpoint Temple, was it?
Now do I feel stupid or what? I completely missed that myself. Either way now, no matter what the Galactic's stadium does Toxicroak Skuntank can fall back on Snowpoint temple for backup. The only problem is other all basic decks get the boost too. Snowpoint didn't wreck the format because there really were no decks that could fully use its effect for anything but just a tech.

Please note that I am just hyping based on the set so far. Toxicroak Skuntank seems to be a great deck for the next format, so until we get the rest of the translations this deck will continue to be the best deck from the set.
But if you start off with Skuntank,(Which will happen a lot if you play the traditional 4 and 4 that T2s are known for) your combo fails. Heck, even if you play 4 Toxicroak and 1 Skuntank you're going to get too many Skuntank starts.
In the test deck that I am playing right now I have already fixed that. I play
4 Toxicroak
3 Skuntank
4 Chatot

That is still fairly efficiant and now I have 8 Pokemon that I can start with. Not to mention that if I go second with a Chatot start all I need is a Roseanne's Research and an energy in hand for the T2 Toxicroak.
Well, now that we have seen some of the new cards, its definately time to hype this stuff up.
Allow me to show a new card from GC then,that will replace Kingdra popularity in term of fast donk deck.


Rampardos LV.54 – Fighting – HP130
Stage 2 – Evolves from Cranidos

Poke-Body: Iron Skull
Any damage done to your opponent’s Pokemon by this Pokemon’s attacks bypasses Resistance and any effects.

[F] Head Smash: 80 damage. If the Defending Pokemon’s HP is reduced to 0 by this attack, Rampardos does 40 damage to itself.
[F][C] Mold Breaker: 40 damage. Until the end of your next turn, any damage done to Rampardos is reduced by 20.

Weakness: Grass (+30)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

If you can get over the fact that he's fossil, he eat all electric and slow setup deck alive.
Rampardos is a beast...too bad he's weak to grass. :/ Grass keeps getting amazing cards, which worries me, although there are some decent fire pokes out there.
Yes, grass is biggest obstacle to rampardos to become popular just like what they did to Kingdra now(Kingdra usually lost to leafeon-torterra variant) and grass can easily stall Rampardos with torterra's big hp and shaymin lv.x pokebody.
Well, blaziken GC is beast too with heatran lv.x as tech.
Idk if sceppy will even be played (or shaymin), with dialgia being right around the courner. This should be fun.
No doubt shaymin and leafeon lv.x will see play, but I don't think sceptile will see much play as for now. Even people prefer leafeon lv.x than sceptile for energy engine.
EmeraldHanyou said:
"Haymaker" was never a top tier deck. It was simply a random assortment of easy to get, hard-hitting basics. Blastoise was where it was at, and Wigglytuff later on thanks to Mr. Mime.

Oh why, oh why didn't that kid build Wigglytuff....

Even today, I am not particularly impressed the way I was with LA and MD.
Shaymin Lv.X (Sky Form) Doesn't really seem to have any redeaming qualities yeah 110 for two if I ko'd one of your pokemon last turn, whoot? It doesn't even seem to have the ability to even be teched into a deck...

Giratina Lv.X is a beast. If we find some way to accelerate the energy onto it then we will have a meta gamer IMO.

Palkia Lv X seems to me, to be a new era Dusknoir. I think that this card will be teched quite often and will be great in decks that don't need huge benches.

Of the three shinies Lotad definately got the short end of the stick. Vulpix and Swablu have interesting first attacks and will of course hinge completely on their forms.

Blastoise+Delcatty is the first combo that comes to mind here. You grab all of the energy and then bring out the Blastoise for big damage. After 1 is Ko'd use Delcatty to put 2 energies on top of the deck and then use Blastoise's power all over again.

Blaziken+Gliscor also comes to mind. Auto burn and 80 for 2 energies and a Blaziken on the bench. Not too bad.

Ampharos GC +Ampharos SW this is a great lock deck. No supporters if you want pokepowers. Ampharos GC works with a number of different pokemon also. Manetric GC. Gives you snipe and bench protection as well as power lock. Tentacruel LA. Put and energy on a Claydol and lock it. Ampharos will be a fun deck for DP-GC.

Gardevoir is meh. Too little too late for GG. The power is cool for some decks (Magmortar+Typhlosion+Gardevoir) but nothing to compare with the other Gardevoir. Of course I know that I will be corrected and people will find a never ending amount of decks for Gardevoir.

Rampardos looks to be fun. However a deck with a starter will be the end of Rampardos. I do look forward to this deck as it will be a tough matchup.

Drapion does have some decks already made for it so as for now No Comment.
Everything that I didn't mention is probably heading for the binder. *Correct Me If I'm Wrong*
The catch about palkia lv.x is your opponent choose which pokemon discarded from bench, they can just discard unneeded azelf or spiritomb easily,so not that gamebreaking compared to dusknoir and may not worth bench space.
The Trainers/Supporters in this set are truly amazing... Sorry if that's random but, seriously guys.
From what I see from this set...

Straight Ampharos > Ampharos-Manetric > Blastoise-Delcatty > Blaziken > Shaymin ...and so on.

It's funny how easy ampharos-manetric shut down blastoise-delcatty deck with their heavy dependant on pokepower and weakness, forced them to tech in manetric itself.


Why in the world would they make such fast cards?! Their speed is like Haymaker x2 compared to the old days. I see T2 donks more often in the future now.
zyflair said:


Why in the world would they make such fast cards?! Their speed is like Haymaker x2 compared to the old days. I see T2 donks more often in the future now.

GC is not a good set. SF and LA did a lot of good for the game by providing us all these different deck ideas, but now GC has come and wrecked it by making the ultimate lock! Amphy-Amphy and Amphy-Manetric(Lol, I have a Great idea for the deck name. Amphy Man!) will pwn all.
^I hope your being sarcastic. This set has a rediculous amount of potential. Its definately going to be overlooked, like its magma/aqua and rocket (not so much) counterparts, but it has an unlimited amount of good cards. The trainers are insane.