Girl problems


PB's only Searchman fan.
Kay let me tell you the story. During the summer I met a girl and we hit it off real well, we became boyfriend and girlfriend. The problem is she lives across the country from me and I only meet her about once. (I'm gonna meet her next Saturday though) Now that I'm in Middle School I met a lot of other people. There's this other girl who's really nice to me, and she's sort of my friend. Now I'm not sure if I like her or not she's pretty, but I don't want to be unfaithful to my Girlfriend. So do I ask her if she likes me or just forget about this new girl?

Please to be helping.
I dont know this is a sticky situation. See what your girlfriend is like this saturday. If its like...not great but ok then go with this other girl. But if it is like it was when you first met then thats good keep it. Do you talk to her on like aim and stuff or something?
No but we email each other. Hey darkrayquaza what does that mean? Also I think I'm gonna take Moneyking's advice, if my girlfriend isn't that great then I guess I'll go with the other girl. I still want some opinions though.
Darkrayquazza means that maybe she is having the same problem you are, there may be a guy that likes her and she doesn't know what to do.
Well I think along the same line as MK63. Only I say give each one a shot like make a quiz on the computer print it then secretly fill it out and what ever girl meets the most requirements you take and then if it does not work you have the other to fall back on.
I don't know playing the field isn't probably the best thing in the world. But it could work. Just make a pros and cons list for each girl. Then see which one has more pros and less cons.
Love always finds a way. If you really like this girl, distance is absolutely nothing. If not, then you really should break it off before you or her does something regrettable and has to feel bad about it.
~Magma king~ said:
Have them both as girlfriends. Simple.

Hah, if you're actually serious, you're a big stinky doo-doo brain
That is prime example of what you're trying to AVOID.

Hey there, let's use nice language, k? K. - PMJ
Mitchell's pretty much got this topic won. So you both like each other, that's cool. Good for you. The question is, are you both willing to wait for each other and remain faithful to each other until you can be together?

I was in the same boat as you a couple years ago... we swore we'd wait for each other. We thought our love was stronger than the hundreds of miles that separated us. But I was wrong. Over time, the quality of her life at home seriously deteriorated, and her patience finally ran out. Things changed. It's a real shame, too. I was more than willing to be with her forever.

What you gotta ask yourself is is it worth it. You're only in middle school. Do you really want to forsake all your possible relationships not only in middle school, but in high school as well, for this one girl who doesn't live anywhere near you? Does she mean that much to you? Are you willing to tough it out and wait for a chance where you can be together in real life? That may take several years to happen. It might not happen at all.

If you want my honest opinion, I would tell you to break it off. Don't say you'll date her (and be honest, you can't exactly take her to the dance if she lives across the country), but stay good friends with her. You never know what could happen down the line. You might end up meeting someone who can give you the things that this long-distance girl can't.

It can get tough to stay faithful to a girl you never see. Talk to her about it and get her opinion. She just might be thinking the same thing you are.
He called me a big stinky doo-doo brain PMJ XD.
Seriously now, PMJ has the right solution, don't jump to choices at that point, stay open minded for newer people who may turn out alot better than her.
Listen to THIS while you make your mind up.

But if you ask for my opinion...

How frigging old are you? You shouldn't be worrying about all this "cheating" and "right time" stuff. Can't you be friends with both of them? Does one have to be more important than the other? Is the glass half empty or half full? Do Penguins have knees? Ahhh! Too many questions!