Good Sigilyph Counter


Wishes Mega Umbreon would exist
Hey guys I made a Keldeo/Blastoise deck and I really don't know what a good Sigilyph counter to be. I don't feel like Blastoise is the answer to Sigilyph decks so I wanted to know if u guys knew of something better to handle Sigilyph. Thanks !
For a soft counter you could use Kyurem NV's Glaciate, or for a hard counter you could use the holo non-EX Keldeo.
Bouff is okay against Sigilpyh too. Oh yeah Tornadus EP is too. But yeah Keldeo 47 is probly the best bet.
Mudkip711 said:

Wow I totally forgot about that Keldeo.

Brave Vesperia said:
For a soft counter you could use Kyurem NV's Glaciate, or for a hard counter you could use the holo non-EX Keldeo.
Yeah I was thinking about Kyurem, but I want guys that can 1- shot Sigilyph.
Even when playing Non EX Keldeo, Sigilyph still poses major problems against the deck. With eviolite, you need 5 energy on Keldeo to OHKO a Sigilyph, only to be revenge killed by Mewtwo. You lose a ton of resources trying to kill Sigilyph, whether using Blastoise or little Keldeo.
DirtyDan said:
hmmmm Ill have to use more Tool Scrapper in that case.
That could work, but be careful to maintain a god level of consistency. I'd go with 1, maybe 2, as it's useless in other matchups. You still want to be able to handle other decks.
Perhaps you could run Terrakion NV? Blend with FIghting and Water on it maybe? But it looks like Keldeo 47 is the best bet.
Cooltrainer Alan said:
Perhaps you could run Terrakion NV? Blend with FIghting and Water on it maybe? But it looks like Keldeo 47 is the best bet.

Can u use Rain Dance for Blends.
Cooltrainer Alan said:
Perhaps you could run Terrakion NV? Blend with FIghting and Water on it maybe? But it looks like Keldeo 47 is the best bet.
Enhanced Hammer will destroy that.

@Dirtydan: No, you can't.
If you ever decide on another deck, a Sigilyph will OHKO itself without the other one having any energy.