Good trades I made

RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Yoshidude10 said:
@Afro: If you value Emboar at around $8 - $10, then you got the better deal, even considering their prices will go up after a while(probably), so hold onto those cards.

@Pokefreak: It really depends on how you value Shaymin. I personally value the regulars at 10, while the RH is probably around 15, and the prices for the other end are listed below:

Kingdra Prime- $18 on T&T(and out of stock, probably valued more)
KGL Bottom- $10 on T&T
Mew Prime- $15 on T&T
Samurott- Reg. is $3, while I value the RH at around $5
Typhlosion Prime- $8

So the prices add up to $59.00, which gives you a $24.00 profit. Looks pretty good to me.

I think that it was a good trade but Shaymins are $15, RH $17.
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Thanks for the input, Yoshidude10. Any other words on my trade?
Afro-G said:
I went to league today and traded a Emboar #20 (Ability) normal holo for his Kyogre EX CG and Tyranitar EX POP1. I've never traded for EXs before so I'm not sure on values. I personally don't value Emboar higher that $8-10 because of it's lower playability next format. Thanks in advance! =)
Just wondering, obviously EXs are super rares and Emboar is not so I got a good deal like that, but I was wondering if it's a good deal in terms of value. Thanks again!
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

I think it is. Emboars value is dropping. The value for exs can only good up (if are new EXs are reprints... I doubt it too).
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

glaceon said:
I think it is. Emboars value is dropping. The value for exs can only good up (if are new EXs are reprints... I doubt it too).

I don't see that happening, but even if it did the reprints would be all but unplayable in this format.
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Was this a good trade?

My: RDL Bottom
RH Pignite

His: Celebi Prerelease Sleeves
Typhlosion Prime
2x DCE
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Its ok. Your side is worth more.
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

IDK if this was good.

x1 Comic Con Aipom

x1 Uxie X Jpn. 1st

Help, please. :O
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Magnezone Prime
Yanmega Prime

2 Rare Candy
1 Cleffa
2 Donphan Prime
1 Machamp Prime.

I do know that my side values a lil bit more, but I just started playing and I got 0 cleffas and 0 rare candies at the moment. So I value those pretty high. What do you think?
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Rullis123 said:
Magnezone Prime
Yanmega Prime

2 Rare Candy
1 Cleffa
2 Donphan Prime
1 Machamp Prime.

I do know that my side values a lil bit more, but I just started playing and I got 0 cleffas and 0 rare candies at the moment. So I value those pretty high. What do you think?

You got ripped pretty badly:

Yanmega and Zone together are almost an 80 dollar value.

Rare candies you can get for a couple bucks.
Cleffa is a 2-3.00 card.
Donphan is worth 15-17
Machamp is 12-14.
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Hi guys. I'm just wondering if this trade is worth it(havent traded yet):

Yanmega Prime

Zekrom Holo or FA of my choice
1 Donphan Prime
Serperior ability
1 Emboar ability
KGL top
PDL top
Gengar prime
Raichu prime

Please help! :) (BTW, I already have an Emboar, KGL top, and Serperior, so I'd probably substitute them for something of equal value).
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Yanmega Prime $50ish

Zekrom Holo or FA of my choice $5 for holo $10 for FA
1 Donphan Prime $20ish
Serperior ability $2
1 Emboar ability $5 (going to be a tin promo soon)
KGL top $7
PDL top $7
Gengar prime $22
Raichu prime $4

It is a decent trade.
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Yeah, they have 5 Donphan, so I might just ask for 3 Donphan Prime and add something else. Thanks!
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

What do you guys thing about this trade?

1x Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend Full

3x Reshiram Full Art
1x Pokemon Collector (RH)

Let me know and thanks in advance! =)
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

^Cash wise, it isn't in your favor. However, I think RDL's price is going to go down anyway. Here's the values:

RDL Full- 45.00

x3 Reshiram FA- $10.00 each; $30.00 total
x1 RH Pokemon Collector- not on T&T, but probably around 9

I'd try to get one more small thing out of them, but that's up to you. RDL's price is wavering right now(more of down then up), so it's up to you.
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Yoshidude10 said:
^Cash wise, it isn't in your favor. However, I think RDL's price is going to go down anyway. Here's the values:

RDL Full- 45.00

x3 Reshiram FA- $10.00 each; $30.00 total
x1 RH Pokemon Collector- not on T&T, but probably around 9

I'd try to get one more small thing out of them, but that's up to you. RDL's price is wavering right now(more of down then up), so it's up to you.
Yeah, you're probably right. I value Reshirams at like $10-12 though Pokemon Collector (RH) is at LEAST $12. T&T had one going for $18 at one point, o_o but that's T&T which kind of overprices things...
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

I'd say it's a good trade for the simple fact that while FA Reshirams are cool and RH Collectors are cool, you don't need them, if you need an RDL full you can't just get a "lower" version at a much cheaper price, so I'm going to say good trade, even if the prices are a little bit out of your favor, although RDL's price could plunge if it has a bad worlds performance, collector's will only drop if it becomes LP and FA's prices have been really steady, even when the decks they represented lost hype.
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

I'd say it's a good trade for the simple fact that while FA Reshirams are cool and RH Collectors are cool, you don't need them, if you need an RDL full you can't just get a "lower" version at a much cheaper price, so I'm going to say good trade, even if the prices are a little bit out of your favor, although RDL's price could plunge if it has a bad worlds performance, collector's will only drop if it becomes LP and FA's prices have been really steady, even when the decks they represented lost hype.
I'm a little confused, which side do you think is better? The RDL side or the Reshiram side? I'm thinking RDL's price will drop a little in the future, but I think the Reshirams will be pretty steady/go up because they're quite playable and I would say Reshiphlosion has potential to be tier one (if you don't already consider it to be).
RE: The "was this a good trade" thread

Afro-G said:
What do you guys thing about this trade?

1x Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend Full

3x Reshiram Full Art
1x Pokemon Collector (RH)

Let me know and thanks in advance! =)
I would recommend this, as magneboar is going to flop after the release of catcher. Reshiphlosion is no doubt tier1, and will continue to be up there for a while. RH Collector is $15ish as well.