RE: The "was this a good trade" thread
I think that it was a good trade but Shaymins are $15, RH $17.
Yoshidude10 said:@Afro: If you value Emboar at around $8 - $10, then you got the better deal, even considering their prices will go up after a while(probably), so hold onto those cards.
@Pokefreak: It really depends on how you value Shaymin. I personally value the regulars at 10, while the RH is probably around 15, and the prices for the other end are listed below:
Kingdra Prime- $18 on T&T(and out of stock, probably valued more)
KGL Bottom- $10 on T&T
Mew Prime- $15 on T&T
Samurott- Reg. is $3, while I value the RH at around $5
Typhlosion Prime- $8
So the prices add up to $59.00, which gives you a $24.00 profit. Looks pretty good to me.
I think that it was a good trade but Shaymins are $15, RH $17.