Good Video Games and Books for the Holiday Season

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Epic Mickey wasn't that good when i played it. ScribbleNauts is a great game, i liked Kirby's Epic Yarn that is my favorite and i think it is best!
I'm gonna have to agree on Galaxy 2 its not a very good sequel in that the story at the beginning doesn't really make that much sense and the Mario planet is just kinda dumb in that the observatory was sweet. When game makers make sequels they actually need to improve on the game and not just add more levels like Nintendo did with Galaxy 2.
^ I agree, although sometimes the Pokemon games feel like they are adding on levels and not really improving the game. I like the Warhammer 40k Dawn of War video games for the PC, they add and improve, and get you so sucked in you start to quote some of the sayings lol. That's what happened with my girlfriend, her favorite quote form WH40K DW SS is in my sig.
They would've done better if they did something completely new. Even though Galaxy was a great concept, they shouldn't stick with it for too long. Mario 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, all different concepts and all great games. Galaxy 2 was just a cheap copy.
Games I like and recommend:
Viewtiful Joe 8.5/10
Little King's Story 9/10
Lego Star Wars 7/10
Smash Bros. Brawl 10/10
Pokemon Ranger games 7.5/10
Super Paper Mario 8/10
LoZ:Wind Waker 9.5/10
Loz: Ocarina of Time 10/10
Sonic and the Black Knight 5.5/10
Luigi's Mansion 9/10
Mario Slam Basketball 7/10
PMD series 8.5/10
I don't know about the new games, but I think DK Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey. should be great. :)

Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus series
Warriors series
Charlie Bone series
The Red Pyramid
Inheritance Cycle
Bartimaeus series
Travel Team
Brave Story
These are books that I've read tons of times and are personal favorites. :)
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