Greninja Discussion

JCGKVK6325 said:
My thought on this whole situation is that you all have some good ideas. They all seem like strong competetors. From my standpoint, I'd like to run Greninja in a cradily deck. So my thought on this is to play cradily and be able to pull up all your ideas in one deck. 3 greninja, 2 empoleon, 2 Kingdra spread in a deck with lileep and cradily. Life Explosion for your bench and then sacrifice cradily to pull up empoleon or kingdra. Then go to work with the water energies. Make sure to have plenty of draw support and tool cards to throw off your oppenent. Escapes ropes to switch out the opponents bench which allow for easy targeting and avoiding resistance. The scrappers for opponents tools and you are all set. The only issue I would have is the time it takes to set up. If someone could help me solve that then I would gladely invest in this deck.

That sounds extremely fun, and I appreciate someone bringing Cradily up; however, I do agree that Cradily could never never make up for its sheer lack of speed. But it does sound fun for a fun league tournament!
So, another thought to throw at the wall: Genesect EX w/ Plasmas in Greninja/Kingdra? It certainly has the time for the attachments to Genesect, considering one energy in play is actually all you need to start doing damage with Kingdra. Question is, is there enough space? By attempting to run consistent lines of both stage 2s, can ANYTHING be added? with 4-2-4 Greninja, and 2-1-2 Kingdra, that's a lot of cards already. There probably isn't the room, but I figured I'd try to get some feedback on it.
Regirocket said:
So, another thought to throw at the wall: Genesect EX w/ Plasmas in Greninja/Kingdra? It certainly has the time for the attachments to Genesect, considering one energy in play is actually all you need to start doing damage with Kingdra. Question is, is there enough space? By attempting to run consistent lines of both stage 2s, can ANYTHING be added? with 4-2-4 Greninja, and 2-1-2 Kingdra, that's a lot of cards already. There probably isn't the room, but I figured I'd try to get some feedback on it.

You mean using Genesect for Catcher? If so, I think it would work, but I don't think that deck would need Catchers too terribly since it can snipe with Greninja's Ability. I would test it without Catcher first.
Mora said:
Regirocket said:
So, another thought to throw at the wall: Genesect EX w/ Plasmas in Greninja/Kingdra? It certainly has the time for the attachments to Genesect, considering one energy in play is actually all you need to start doing damage with Kingdra. Question is, is there enough space? By attempting to run consistent lines of both stage 2s, can ANYTHING be added? with 4-2-4 Greninja, and 2-1-2 Kingdra, that's a lot of cards already. There probably isn't the room, but I figured I'd try to get some feedback on it.

You mean using Genesect for Catcher? If so, I think it would work, but I don't think that deck would need Catchers too terribly since it can snipe with Greninja's Ability. I would test it without Catcher first.

Yes, using Genesect for Red Signal. I probably should have said something about that. Good point though, Might not need them in the first place. Could be interesting for pulling up and stalling, but going with actual catchers and the coin flip might be worth it if that's all they're for.
Regirocket said:
Mora said:
You mean using Genesect for Catcher? If so, I think it would work, but I don't think that deck would need Catchers too terribly since it can snipe with Greninja's Ability. I would test it without Catcher first.

Yes, using Genesect for Red Signal. I probably should have said something about that. Good point though, Might not need them in the first place. Could be interesting for pulling up and stalling, but going with actual catchers and the coin flip might be worth it if that's all they're for.

I actually think sniping decks can make the best use of catcher like cards. Just drag out something with a high retreat cost and snipe around them. It's also good for dealing with those pesky Mr Mimes.

Of course, I don't know how effective the first strategy would be with Darkrai and Float Stone in the format.
What about a 3-1-3 greninja and maybe a 2-1-2 dusknoir line for all those pesky 70/100 hp bench sitters? You can place 2-3 water shrukien and then use 1 more and sinister hand to get the 10 needed damage could prove useful for stuff like mr. Mime, emolga, Garbodor, terrakian ect. Not sure what to use as a main attacker though make keldeo or mewtwo?
Regirocket said:
Yes, using Genesect for Red Signal. I probably should have said something about that. Good point though, Might not need them in the first place. Could be interesting for pulling up and stalling, but going with actual catchers and the coin flip might be worth it if that's all they're for.

I hadn't thought about Catcher stalling; it could prove useful. (By the way, I'm referring to Catcher and Red Signal interchangeably.)

Cortel II said:
What about a 3-1-3 greninja and maybe a 2-1-2 dusknoir line for all those pesky 70/100 hp bench sitters? You can place 2-3 water shrukien and then use 1 more and sinister hand to get the 10 needed damage could prove useful for stuff like mr. Mime, emolga, Garbodor, terrakian ect. Not sure what to use as a main attacker though make keldeo or mewtwo?

If we're talking about just Greninja/Dusknoir, sounds decent. The only thing I can see being a problm is I don't know if Greninja's attack plus it's Ability will be enough damage. If it's Greninja/Dusknoir plus something like Empoleon or Kingdra, I think it's too much. That's three Stage 2's, and I'd rather just bite the bullet and waste damage.
Mora said:
Regirocket said:
Yes, using Genesect for Red Signal. I probably should have said something about that. Good point though, Might not need them in the first place. Could be interesting for pulling up and stalling, but going with actual catchers and the coin flip might be worth it if that's all they're for.

I hadn't thought about Catcher stalling; it could prove useful. (By the way, I'm referring to Catcher and Red Signal interchangeably.)

Cortel II said:
What about a 3-1-3 greninja and maybe a 2-1-2 dusknoir line for all those pesky 70/100 hp bench sitters? You can place 2-3 water shrukien and then use 1 more and sinister hand to get the 10 needed damage could prove useful for stuff like mr. Mime, emolga, Garbodor, terrakian ect. Not sure what to use as a main attacker though make keldeo or mewtwo?

If we're talking about just Greninja/Dusknoir, sounds decent. The only thing I can see being a problm is I don't know if Greninja's attack plus it's Ability will be enough damage. If it's Greninja/Dusknoir plus something like Empoleon or Kingdra, I think it's too much. That's three Stage 2's, and I'd rather just bite the bullet and waste damage.
Yeah thats what I thought, by itself Greninja can dish out 80 per turn. Thats why I thought maybe Keldeo EX or Mewtwo EX for some decent damage output since they can all use water energy mainly Keldeo since it also has Rush in to deal with statuses.
But without Energy acceleration, Keldeo is dead weight. Mewtwo and DCE's? Landorus? Big Basic stuff.

How about Gyarados / Cofagrigus / Greninja (Gyarados from legendary treasures does 20 for each prize both players have taken). I already thought of Gyarados / Cofagrigus, but it needs another attacker to put on the early pressure. Greninja is perfect. The basic idea: put some damage on the board with Greninja and Cofagrigus's ability. This should make it much easier for Greninja to take prizes via it's attack (which isn't a great attack, but it's acceptable here). Late game, both players should have taken enough prizes for Gyarados to sweep.
Gyarados/Cofagrigus/Greninja? Sounds interesting. Shaymin EX seems like it would be a solid tech against Blastoise for Revenge Blast in that kind of deck If you have the deck space for it cause you're going to be running at least 20 Pokemon in that deck If not more.
Has everyone forgotten about the new "Evolutionary Cola" trainer card that works like Clefable? This card speeds up evolution decks. I would make it a 4-3-4 Greninja line with 4 Cola and 4 Rare candy. As for other cards and support, I don't know.
4te said:
Has everyone forgotten about the new "Evolutionary Cola" trainer card that works like Clefable? This card speeds up evolution decks. I would make it a 4-3-4 Greninja line with 4 Cola and 4 Rare candy. As for other cards and support, I don't know.

It actually doesn't speed up evolution; you can't break the normal rules of evolution with it. It doesn't allow for double evolving and you can't play it on your first turn, so it's basically just a search card for evolutions.
This thing could see play just on its own. With 2 eggs and 4 energy in the discard, assuming you have all your ninjas up, you can SER for 120. Combine that with a Muscle Band-boosted attack and you have 190 to active. Enough to kill an EX and snipe for 10 or seriously wound a Mega.
I was gonna say Lando as a possible back-up attacker. Running Greninja on its own is something I'm not willing to do when you rely on Trainers like no other and Trevenant is already gaining hype. You can spread 60 from the get-go while evolving Greninja on the Bench, (as well as Dusknoir), and start optimizing damage output that way.
Serperior said:
I was gonna say Lando as a possible back-up attacker. Running Greninja on its own is something I'm not willing to do when you rely on Trainers like no other and Trevenant is already gaining hype. You can spread 60 from the get-go while evolving Greninja on the Bench, (as well as Dusknoir), and start optimizing damage output that way.

Speaking of Trevenant, I could see that working with this too. You keep them item locked while slowly killing them with your Greninjas.

Snorlax could also be annoying, keep a non attacker in place while you snipe around it with Greninja.
Plasma Kyurem/Greninja by far IMO. Nice early spread damage from Kyurem, and Greninja can help you from as early as turn 2. This version seems like the best one too me.
What if just thinking, we add a frozen city to the plasma kyurem/greninja deck because even if we have to add energy to greninja it will max at one and in this way we can weaken the opponent easily. What do you guys think about this?
KyuNinja said:
What if just thinking, we add a frozen city to the plasma kyurem/greninja deck because even if we have to add energy to greninja it will max at one and in this way we can weaken the opponent easily. What do you guys think about this?

Seems like it would be a good idea. Frozen City is never a bad card in decks with Plasma attackers. Especially with this deck, where spreading little amounts of damage is already the focus of the deck.
(Note: I have not read anything, just posting my opinion on this card.)

Greninja isn't a bad attacker. It can do 50 damage in one turn with one Energy, meaning that it takes two energy to do 80 damage. Although Keldeo-EX can do more damage, the Water Energy has to be attached to Keldeo. Not to mention that for the same amount of Energy, Keldeo can't do anything. So, Keldeo takes 2 turns to setup in order to do a minimum of 50 damage, whereas Greninja takes 1 turn to do 80 damage. Yeah... I will put this card in my deck.