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Gyarados, Senior, Cities


Top 8, Worlds 2013
Advanced Member
This will be my Rockville cities deck. =)
4-3 Gyarados
4 Sableye
1-1 Luxray X
1 Combee
1 Regice
1 Uxie
1 Unown Q
2 Crobat G
1 Mesprit
1 Azelf

4 Collector
2 Volkner
2 Pokemon Rescue
2 Bebes
3 Seeker
1 Communication
1 Poketurn
2 Warp Point
3 junk arm
2 belts
1 lux ball
1 Looker


4 Rescue
3 Warp
1 Cyclone
-2 pokemon rescues
-1 registeel
-2 cyclone
+2 junk arm
+1-1 lux gl x
+1 warp
Registeel is not good in gyarados. dont need cyclones and that many rescues. luxray gl x is good if you have it dont need it but its good. Need junk arm to discard magikarp. and more warps the merrier
No Lux. Or Junk Arm. They don't help the deck much. I'll retest Junk Arm but no Lux.
-1 Rescue Energy
-1 Pokemon Reversal
-1 Pokemon Rescue
-1 Volkner's

+3 Junk Arm
+1 BTS

Trust me, you need. They help so much when under a Power lock, and taking back your SSU or Expert Belt late game can give you more prizes and allow Gyarados to survive longer. 3 BTS for consistency. At no point in the game will you need 4 Rescue Energy and 4 Pokemon Rescue.

EDIT: You might want to consider the 4th SSU.
I find Volkner and Reversal to be very helpful, along with the rescue energy. I do think 4 Pokemon Rescues is Overkill, so I make some changes.
You're going to Fairfax cities? Might see you there (still not completely sure whether I'm going or not)!
I'd get another Regice to switch out for the Registeel ASAP... works better that way :p
I personally think another BTS would help for consistency. You could probably take out 1 Volkner's for it (don't take my word for this; I've never played Gyara. Just my thoughts).
I'm trading for a Regice. Ya, I do need more BTS's, but the Volkners are very helpful.

And ya. I'm going.=)

Gliscor, Could you loan me your Regice if I don't get it in time?
dude... cyclone isn't helpful at all. since there is so much free reteat this format, you always wanna knockout their setup pokemon. i'd suggest either 1-1 DGX(for vileplume)or 1-1 luxray X to wreck set-up decks.all you need is 1 regice, there's already too much of a chance to start with it. do NOT play registeel. (just so you know, im playing gyarados for senior cities also :D) i've playtested this deckfor weeeks. you defenitly need 4 poketurns and do not need reversal. i'd also add in another warp for extra help,since you're not gonna do alot of energy attachment anyways.i'd reccomend 1 more bts,if not 2.take out 1 seeker and put in another super scoop up, you don't ALWAYS wanna waste your supporter. iand i'd suggest another pokemon rescue, you want to get as many dos's back as you can per game to make sure you don't lost for no recovery. i hopethese suggestions helped, as they help me very very much.
I've tested it with Lux and it is worse. Reversals are my Luxray. Cyclone is for getting out of Spiritomb lock. I'd have more if it weren't for Regice.

Seeker is better than SSU, as it doesn't require a coin flip and can win the game if they return their only benched and you KO their active.
I added Cyrus's intiative because I often am all setup but Sableye is stuck up at active and their is nothing to Impersonate, so I just have to end turn.
glaceon said:
I added Cyrus's intiative because I often am all setup but Sableye is stuck up at active and their is nothing to Impersonate, so I just have to end turn.

I have a hard time understanding this logic.

If you're all set up then it's time to retreat with an Energy and/or Unown Q and start killing things to take those Prizes so you can win. That is the point of this deck...

I would take out the Initiative for another Uxie. It should really help out your speed and consistency of this deck. Plus, there's a better chance it won't get prized.

dmaster out.
Ok, well that does indeed help more than Initiative so good call. :p

I still stand by that you should try out 2 Uxie however. I would take out a Volkner's for one. Between Regice, 3 Junk Arm and 2 Volkner's, that provides so much discard for Magikarps that it really is enough. Plus, you can't play Volkner's if you can't draw, so if you have a huge hand of clogging Supporters it won't do you any good past the first couple of turns.

dmaster out.
Cyclone isn't needed since you don't have Mr.Mime in this format anymore. Hmmm... Find some space to test for a Ditto?
No ditto. I always find my benched packed anyways. Luxray tech is working well. Same with Lookers.