RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more
7 psychic, 7 fighting, 7 darkness, pachirisu, great ball, pokedex for my dialga lv. x
IF there anything else you can add off my wants?
Can you make an offer? I didn't see anything in particular.
karimsoliman94 said:how about
20 energy
pachirisu holo
and 2 trainers
7 psychic, 7 fighting, 7 darkness, pachirisu, great ball, pokedex for my dialga lv. x
mr.619 said:I have:
Uxie LA x2*** (League holo and non-holo normal ones)
Blaziken FB x 2***** (Both RH)
Mesprit x2**
Floatzel GL Lv. X x1*
And some other stuff on my list.
I need Luxray GL Lv.X
IF there anything else you can add off my wants?
The_Clownsta said:CML for (SF) Gengar
Can you make an offer? I didn't see anything in particular.