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[H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

For your deal do i get to pick the RH's? if yes i will take it.
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

richkid50000 said:
For your deal do I get to pick the RH's? if yes I will take it.

Umm, it depends which RHs
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

Instead of the RHs could you do a Unown g and maybe a common or two?
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

I dont know. you dont have any listed. and is there any way i can do a bunch of your wants for Lux X?
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

The only way I'd do it is if it was severely in my favor. And just name some and I probably have it.
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

Well do you have any of these? I know they are uncommon but then we can take out the unown G for them instead.

Cyrus Cons[iracy
Power Spray
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

K, Luxray GL + Poketurn for your Blaziken FB?
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

Sorry dude i just changed my mind. i am going to keep my Blaze FB.
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

Anything else you want off my list?
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

Do you have those energies off my wants?
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

i have about 10+ of each energy
which ones do you need again
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

4 Call Energy*
7 Psychic Energy*
12 Darkness Energy*
9 Metal Energy*
7 Fighting Energy*
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

i have

15 {G}
11 {R}

what do you want from them
i would still like to keep a couple of each
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

Do you have any pokemon off my wants? 20 energy and 2 trainers is not worth a lv. x, even if it's tin.
RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W] Staples and more

I have:
Uxie LA x2*** (League holo and non-holo normal ones)
Blaziken FB x 2***** (Both RH)
Mesprit x2**
Floatzel GL Lv. X x1*

And some other stuff on my list.

I need Luxray GL Lv.X