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H:Dialga G LV X , Palkia G X, Kingdra LA x 4 W: To cyl, Leafeon X, Mismagius LV X, Shaymin PL 14

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RE: H:Gardevoir LV X, Electivire LV X, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Magmortar LV X + others

foo- thanks, I still checked your list, nothing for the Heatran, but I do need the Salamance

eastbay trainer- I just got those, sorry, do you have any stormfro ncards, I need to get some Salamnces and/or Tyranitar to get Magmortar LV X

Dudemna- no thanks, I'm already getting one from a local, just need to get Salamance and/or tyranitar from SF
RE: H:Victiry Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Magmortar LV X + others

Would you do
Magmortar Secret Wonders
Heatran LA #6
Roseanne's Research
Felicity's Drawing
Rare Candy
Moltres MD
Garchomp x?
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Magmortar LV X + others

anyone else???
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Magmortar LV X + others

Hey, please CML for:
Machamp 20/100
Raichu 8/100 holo
Dusknoir 17/100
Scizor 25/100

LMK if we can work something out.
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Magmortar LV X + others

Rettahz saw your H Dragonite, 3 Rare Candy and 3 Bucks Training
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

interested in your heatran lv. X

i can offer:
RH Combusken
RH Monferno
RH Chimchar
RH Torchic
Roseanne's Research x3
RH Rare Candy
Felicity's Drawing x2

i can add to it if needed

for it. LMK thx
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

2 Dragonite (Holo, LA)
Buck's Training

Dusknoir (poke body) ^^

LMK. :)
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

I will have to pass on those offers
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

3x [H] Togekiss - GE
1x Weavile - SW
1x Tangrowth - SF
2x [RH] Magmar - SW
1x [RH] Combusken - GE
1x [RH] Chimchar - MD [#57]

Machamp - SF
[H] Raichu - SF
Bronzong - SF
Forretress - LA
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

Hi. Do you want

Machamp sf
Raichu sf
Bronzong sf
Dusknoir sf 1/100

Premier Ball x2
Poke Radar
Professor Oak`s Visit
Dragonite x2

Please, LMK
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

Taylor- Can you make an initial the offer?

Vrapceboy-No thanks I'll pass
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

Could you please check my list and see if you have any of my wants? Lmk.
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

Rodiqio said:
Taylor- Can you make an initial the offer?

Vrapceboy-No thanks I'll pass

Then please CML for them :D
Machamp sf
Raichu sf
Bronzong sf
Dusknoir sf 1/100
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

Hey, I have these:

RH Magmar
GE Sceptile
RH Combusken
RH Monferno
RH Chimchar
RH Torchic
Metal Energy xX special
Darkness energy xX special
Premier Ball x1

Interested in these:


Raichu 8/100 holo
Tyranitar x2 30/100 1RH

Diamond and Pearl

Dusknoir H 2/130

LMK if you want to work something out.

RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF


Please cml for Machmp SF! thanks!
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

are there any of those cards that you prefer over others?
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

Vrapceboy- I need Blaziken, Togekiss

Anthony- go ahead and make an offer

Taylor- Prolly the supporters,sceptile and the togekiss

Shocker-II need RH Sceptile and Togekiss
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF



?? lmk
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