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H:Dialga G LV X , Palkia G X, Kingdra LA x 4 W: To cyl, Leafeon X, Mismagius LV X, Shaymin PL 14

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RE: H:Cresselia X Regigigas Xpack Heatran Xpack N: Togekiss, Dusknoir X, Gengar SF

Rodiqio said:
random- no thanks
So what would it take to get the Claydols?
I thought
SF Gengar x1(RH)
Professor Oak's Visit x2
Marley's request x7
Felicity's Drawing x2
Buck's Training x2
Rare Candy x2
for the two of them was a good deal.
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

no thanks, I'll save the Claydols to involve them in a trade where I can get the LV X's I need, a bunch of commons/uncommons, specially 7 Marley's Request isn't gonna convince me to trade'em
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

Rodiqio said:
no thanks, I'll save the Claydols to involve them in a trade where I can get the LV X's I need, a bunch of commons/uncommons, specially 7 Marley's Request isn't gonna convince me to trade'em

no matter how good they are and how much they're played...anybody that trades a Lv. X (other than one of the Lv. X's you can get in a tin, or one of the tin Lv. X's) is a sucker/fool

so what does it take to get the TSD?
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

you don't have anything I want
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

Rodiqio said:
you don't have anything I want

hmm, that's odd...I thought the cards that I offered were on your "Wants" list...interesting

ok, thx anyway
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

Please cml for Magmortar Lv.x. Thanks!
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

sorry nothing seen
RE: H:Victory Medal 08-09, Garchomp LVX Heatran LV X N: Togekiss, Ho-Oh, Tyranitar SF

vrapceboy said:
Rodiqio said:
Taylor- Can you make an initial the offer?

Vrapceboy-No thanks I'll pass

Then please CML for them :D
Machamp sf
Raichu sf
Bronzong sf
Dusknoir sf 1/100

It has been a while ago and I didn`t read your topic long time.

So, could you CMl for them again :D
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

Hello CML for 2 claydol GE and gardevoir sw, I will have one gengar SF but from IFDSand I can get banetts from sw.

RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

either of you have Mothim SW or Gengar SF, on your lists I saw nothing I needed

Nirvana- sorry bro, nothing seen for those, and I didn't see the Gengar anywhere's?
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

Rodiqio said:
either of you have Mothim SW or Gengar SF, on your lists I saw nothing I needed

Nirvana- sorry bro, nothing seen for those, and I didn't see the Gengar anywhere's?

I`m just wainting to receive that Gengar. I think I will receive today or monday, until I receive I don`t post.
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

ok people Regigigas X is stalking me so far I've gotten 11 packs of SF and gotten 2, if he hadn't been reprinted in a Tin I'd be soooooooooo happy

Nirvana, well I got a Gengar today so if you receive that one let me know
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

My: x4 Banette (2 RH), x1 Gengar SF, x1 Rosanne's Research, x1 Buck's Training, x1 [RH] Chimchar (MD), x1 [RH] Monferno (DP), x4 Special Metal Energy, x1 Call Energy, and 2 Rares from my thread of your choice.


Your: Heatran Lv.X Pack, and Magmortar Lv.X

Feel free to counter offer. :) BTW Gengar is not in my thread yet as I WAS test running a deck with him.
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

Hello there,
I can give you:
1x Buck's Training
1x Warp Point
1x RH Togepi
6x Metal Energy basic

For your:
1x Machamp 20/100
1x Raichu 8/100 holo
1x Tyranitar 30/100

1x Pachirisu 5/106

LMK. :)
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

CML for your Dusknoirs and Machamps
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

Please CML for your Regigas Lv.X and xX Regigas (Slow Start - three at most)
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

Yata- nah sorry, to one sided, 5 rares for just 9 c/uc isn't fair imo

Vrapceboy- I need your RH shedinja

Raiga- sorry nothing I really needed

Charizard- no thanks
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

CML for Magmortar Lv. X

I do have Shedinja, Gengar, Banette (RH) x2, Roseane's, Buck's
RE: H:Magmortar X Regigigas X pack Heatran X pack N: Dusknoir X, Gengar SF, more

I like your dusk LV X
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