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H:FA Terrakion, Meta W: BW Sets Shinies, Lv.X cards

RE: Want Primes, Shaymin EX & FA - H: EX, FA, Meta

Rikko145 said:
Please CML for Terrakion FA. Thanks!

I'd be interested in your Shinies:

x1 Swablu
x1 Duskull
x1 Relicanth
x1 Milotic
x1 Vulpix
x1 Shinx
x1 Lotad
x1 Drifloon
x1 Yanma
RE: Want Primes, Shaymin EX & FA - H: EX, FA, Meta

I'd be willing to give you a Shiny Relicanth for your FA Terrakion.
RE: Want Primes, Shaymin EX & FA - H: EX, FA, Meta

cf11: Smeargle is pending trade, will let you know if it falls through

Rikko145: Sorry I'll have to pass, I know my values pretty well and a shiny relicanth can be had for about $2.
RE: Want Primes, Shaymin EX & FA - H: EX, FA, Meta

kroatia said:
cf11: Smeargle is pending trade, will let you know if it falls through

Rikko145: Sorry I'll have to pass, I know my values pretty well and a shiny relicanth can be had for about $2.

That is Ok i just made a trade for one.
RE: Want Primes, Shaymin EX & FA - H: EX, FA, Meta

Please check my list for:

1x Terrakion NV Holo
1x Thundurus EP Holo
1x Zoroark BW Holo
3x Weavile UD

Let me know if you find anything at all that interests you, thanks!
RE: Want Primes, Shaymin EX & FA - H: EX, FA, Meta

Please CML for

Zekrom EX FA

thanks! :D
RE: Want Primes, Shaymin EX & FA - H: EX, FA, Meta

hey would you do my shaymii EX enlgish + something else(s)
for your FA zekrom ex?
RE: Want Primes, Shaymin EX & FA - H: EX, FA, Meta

Sorry guys, Zekrom EX FA is pending trade
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

I have groudon EX and am mainly interested in dark trance Hydreigon and kind of your FA N(s).

P.S. I'm from Canada too!!
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Extremely interested in you FA Ns. I have a Raikou EX on my list and more, please check, thanks! :)
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

CML for your cards
I have 2x Groudon EX, interested in your DRX and your primes (Valued at $1.50 each to me)
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Cml for 1x Hydreigon (dark trance - the good one)
2x Blend Energy GFPD (RH)
4x FA N

I have raikou ex x2
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

CML for your Full Art Terrakion and Blend Energy.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Please CML for:

2x Klinklang BW (Shift Gear)

Thanks :)
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

cml for
1x Hydreigon (dark trance - the good one)
2x Blend Energy GFPD (RH)
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

cf11: I'd be interested in your Groudon EX, would you do an N FA for it?

TPZ: Hi there, sorry I didn't see anything on your list I really needed. There is the Raikou, but it's not a very high want. Maybe next time? Thanks

PokemonTrader: Are either of your groudon EX's full art?

Sleeping Snorlax: I am interested in your Raikou, your legend pieces and your Lv.X cards, although I don't value them very high ($1.5-$2 a piece). I would do a full art N and a couple of holos for these, though I've gotten some pretty good offers on the Hydreigon so i may hang on to that one.

Meatheart: would you do your Mismagius GL lvX for a blend energy?

Amphy: how about
2x Klinklang

Garchomp C lv.X SV
Rhyperior LA 1x
Electabuzz Reprint PT
Scyther reprint PT

let me know, thanks

INFERNAPE112892: didn't see anything for the hydreigon, but I saw that you're looking for terrakions. Would you do:

My: 1x terrakion NV


Let me know, thanks
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

You just need one raikou? If you only need one raikou I can do
Your: FA N and two RH Blend
My: Raikou EX and full ERL

If you want both raikou I can do
Your: 2x FA N 2x RH blend
My: 2x raikou, ERL, and elektravire fb lvl x. Lmk
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

cml for:

1x Hydreigon (dark trance)
2x Blend Energy GFPD (RH)