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H:FA Terrakion, Meta W: BW Sets Shinies, Lv.X cards

RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Sleeping Snorlax: I actually managed to get the Raikous I needed, just looking for bulk Lv.X cards at this point (valued $1-3 each)

Spardan19: Any chance you have any old Lv.Xs tucked away? I'm looking for as many as I can get (valued $1-3 each)

Underdawg: I'm located in Canada, do you ship to Canada?
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

CML for the good Hydreigon from Dragons Exalted! I have 2 Groudon EXs.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Hey. I have Entei-EX FA and Groudon-EX and I'm interested in your 4x Full Art N. I also have Raikou-EX and Raikou-EX FA but I'd prefer to hold onto those. Could we do something like:

Entei-EX FA

3x N Full Art

I also have quite a few LV. X's if you're interested in those; I would like to get a 4th FA N so yeah. I value them fairly highly, though because most of them still sell for $8+. Feel free to counter-offer as well.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Please cml for the rh switches from dragon frontiers
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

kroatia said:
Rayquaza ex (holon phantoms)
Kingdra ex (holon phantoms)

These two are from Dragon Frontiers, not Holon Phantoms.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Underdawg: I checked your list, mainly looking for bulk Lv.X cards right now, do you have any unlisted ones? I value them at $1-3 each

Fluttershy: I managed to get the groudon EXs I needed, thanks, do you happen to have any unlisted Lv.X?

Celebi23: I've just got the 2 FA N's left. I'd be interested in:
Entei EX FA

N FA + something else from my list

Let me know if you see something there to balance out the trade

Cogbern: Just saw your Entei EX FA and Raikou EX FA

Politoed666: thanks, Edited
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Do you not like my offer? I really would like to get those Blends off your. I am still interested in FA N's and the Hydreigon. Let's work something out. My Infernape 4 lvl x and Electevire FB lvl X are up for trade. Just lmk if there's anything else off my list you like.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Sleeping Snorlax: Whoops sorry I skipped you. Its a good offer, I just traded away the blends in a deal involving a gold star.

For meta carts I trade on full value because they're in demand. I value Lv.Xs, Primes and Legend Pieces at around $1-$3 each mainly because they are not in high demand (I realize that places sell for higher)

Would you do:

ERL Full x1
RDL Full x1
Infernape 4 108/111 x1
Electivire FB 144/147 x1

Let me know, thanks
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

kroatia said:
Sleeping Snorlax: Whoops sorry I skipped you. Its a good offer, I just traded away the blends in a deal involving a gold star.

For meta carts I trade on full value because they're in demand. I value Lv.Xs, Primes and Legend Pieces at around $1-$3 each mainly because they are not in high demand (I realize that places sell for higher)

Would you do:

ERL Full x1
RDL Full x1
Infernape 4 108/111 x1
Electivire FB 144/147 x1

Let me know, thanks

I'll have to think about it.. That's six ultra rares for one. I'll let you know later today.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Sleeping Snorlax said:
I'll have to think about it.. That's six ultra rares for one. I'll let you know later today.

No worries, take your time. I hope you can understand my valuation on the cards.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Did we ever trade before? and How many LV Z's for

2x Bouffalant (RH)
1x Golurk
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

kroatia said:
Underdawg: I checked your list, mainly looking for bulk Lv.X cards right now, do you have any unlisted ones? I value them at $1-3 each

Fluttershy: I managed to get the groudon EXs I needed, thanks, do you happen to have any unlisted Lv.X?

Celebi23: I've just got the 2 FA N's left. I'd be interested in:
Entei EX FA

N FA + something else from my list

Let me know if you see something there to balance out the trade

Cogbern: Just saw your Entei EX FA and Raikou EX FA

Politoed666: thanks, Edited
I can do my Entei-EX FA for your N FA and Kyurem (NV).

I can also throw in a LV. X if you can throw in the two Giant Cape (1 RH) and a RH Bouffalant. PM to confirm or feel free to counter.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

numberonewill: We have traded before. I traded a ton of stuff for your Groudon *. I'd do 2 lv.Xs for those 3 cards, let me know which ones you have.


How about:


Entei EX FA
Garchomp C Lv.X (pack)


Kyurem NV
2 Giant Cape (1RH)
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Sorry, I don't have a pack Garchomp C LV. X (pack). :(

I only have a Garchomp C LV. X (Promo) and a Garchomp LV. X though. You can check my trade thread (in sig) to look at all the ones I have. Let me know if there's a different one you want. :)
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Whoops my eyes fail me

I'd be interested in the Garchomp Lv.X or any of the following:

~1 Mesprit LV. X (LA)
~1 Snorlax LV. X (RR)
~1 Gardevoir LV. X (SW)

would any of these be alright?

Let me know, thanks
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

I can do it for Snorlax LV. X if you can throw in a RH Bouffalant. Snorlax still sells for 12+ so I think that's still a little in your favor but it kind of evens out since Bouffalant is in higher demand.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

Alright deal, send me a PM with details, i gotta run out. Will respond tonight.
RE: H: Dragons Exalted, EX's, FA, Meta W: Lv.X cards

yea I understand you're trying to make profit but I know people that would want them and value way higher. Sorry.